Egan & Richgels, S.C.

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Law and Courts in La Crosse, WI
Law and Courts
Lawyers and Law Firms


201 Main St.
La Crosse, WI


When you or a loved one falls victim to injury at the hands of someone’s oversight, it’s vital to get an attorney on your side that is well-experienced in handling cases involving negligence and malpractice. At Egan & Richgels, S.C. in La Crosse, WI, their attorneys have helped clients throughout western Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota win their personal injury cases for more than 39 years.

Whether you’ve lost a loved one as a result of medical malpractice, had a family member suffer an injury in a construction accident or have been injured yourself in a work-related or auto accident, their attorneys understand that navigating the legal system in search of compensation can be difficult. When you partner with Egan & Richgels, they will work tirelessly to recover the settlement you deserve in order to cover medical costs. They also know that missing work due to the carelessness of another person is unacceptable, and they will utilize their knowledge of personal injury law to quickly recover any loss of wages and help you get back on track.

While they understand that negotiation plays a significant role in personal injury and malpractice cases, they aren’t afraid to take a case further to get the result you need. As trial attorneys, they are ready to take a case in front of a jury if necessary to recover full compensation on your behalf. Their team has successfully recovered millions of dollars in damages for their clients, including individual settlements of up to 10 million dollars.

Don’t try tackling your personal injury case alone. Get the knowledgeable legal service you deserve from an experienced lawyer. Call the office of Egan & Richgels today at (608) 784-0087 to schedule a free consultation. For more information, visit them online.


Egan & Richgels, S.C. Photo Egan & Richgels, S.C. Photo Egan & Richgels, S.C. Photo


Located in LaCrosse, WI At the office of Egan & Richgels, S.C., we work to get justice for people injured due to the negligence of others. To do so, we are prepared to take on powerful businesses, particularly the major insurance companies that often refuse to. YOUTUBE.COM Egan & Richgels, S.C.
Drones have crashed onto the Golden Gate Bridge and knocked out power to over 1,600 people. The U.S. military is even investigating reports that an unidentified drone flew close enough to Air Force One that it was seen through the windows of the plane.
[NIH infographic] 1 in 4 12th graders – 1 in 5 10th graders – 1 in 10 8th graders VAPED in the past month, according to estimates in a massive survey by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. More from the U.S. Surgeon General, including tips on talking to teens:
The federal government is covering lost wages, permanent disability and survivor benefits for thousands of federal workers sickened by COVID-19, assuming they contracted the disease because of their high-risk job environment. Many states are trying to do the same for all workers through positive changes to state workers' compensation laws. Many are not. Start here: Then here:
Drones are everywhere! Snapping event photos, aiding in search and rescue missions, even delivering packages. As commercial and recreational drone use takes off, so too have concerns about privacy and safety. "You Should Know" what a drone-filled future might mean for America:
Talking to teens about anything is tough sometimes, but even harder when the topic is drugs. Yet, the earlier parents have this discussion, the better. Use this guide to protect the teens in your life from opioid abuse now and as they transition into adulthood.
The 7th Amendment guarantee to a trial by jury was enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights by the founders in response to British tyranny. They saw the right to a trial by jury as the best way to protect individuals from the negligence or misconduct of powerful special interests, especially the government.
With tens of thousands of COVID deaths already recorded and infections climbing once again in our nation's nursing homes, patient advocates were anxious to see the recommendations of an independent commission set up earlier this summer by the Trump Administration. While the commission recommended more money for testing, personal protective equipment, staff salaries and infection control training, it did not call for more accountability on the part of nursing homes and the nursing home industry. Critics cite the fact that the nursing home industry was heavily represented on the commission and that all their meetings were held behind closed doors: WASHINGTONPOST.COM Task force says nursing homes need more aid. Critics say industry should step up.
Each monthly issue of our "You Should Know" e-newsletter is laser focused on information all Americans can use to protect their health, safety and legal rights. It's FREE, and it could make a difference in your life too. Easy sign up here:
Shorter days and crisp fall temperatures signal the start of hunting season for many Americans. Share these safety tips with the gun owners and hunters you know, and help us prevent accidental gun injuries and deaths.
Halloween will look a little different this year, like a lot of activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Traditional trick-or-treating from door to door (for the kids) or big costume parties (for the adults) are among activities considered high-risk by the CDC. Here are tips on other ways you can enjoy All Hallows Eve safely with the ghosts and goblins in your life.
When major corporations knowingly endanger people to sell a product, Americans turn to the civil justice system to hold them accountable. Think big tobacco and cancer, pharmaceutical giants and opioids, major carmakers and defective vehicles, just to name a few. So if fossil fuel companies knew the risks of climate change decades ago but covered it up to keep selling its product, should they be held accountable for the increasing number of climate disasters afflicting millions of Americans? A growing number of states, counties, cities and citizen groups say yes:
4 FAQ About Proving Fault in a Personal Injury Case
Just 100 companies emit more than 70% of the world's greenhouse gases, most of them fossil fuel producers. Now we know that fossil fuel industry giants knew about the risks of climate change for decades but covered it up with multi-million dollar PR campaigns and fat contributions to members of Congress. Cities, states and even children are taking action: INSIDECLIMATENEWS.ORG Fossil Fuels on Trial: Where the Major Climate Change Lawsuits Stand Today
How many ads have you seen while scrolling through social media that promise a natural solution to a common health issue, including COVID-19? Diet teas, herbal tinctures, CBD-infused everything – there are thousands of pitches out there promising relief from every ailment under the sun. But do they really work? And could some of them actually be dangerous? Subscribe to our free newsletter and find out in the next issue!
14 weather disasters tore through American in 2019, each topping $1 billion in damages. This year we've witnessed another unprecedented year of devastating wildfires, droughts, floods and even a derecho! Now experts are predicting that unless something changes, millions of Americans will eventually be forced from their homes:
Bill Nye the Science Guy can make just about any complex science easier to understand, even the causes and effects of climate change. Here's a great video we ran across in researching our latest newsletter on the unprecedented number of weather and climate disasters we've witnessed here in America this year. YOUTUBE.COM Climate Change 101 with Bill Nye | National Geographic
Preparing your car now for winter driving can save you big headaches and possible injury later. Here's the AAA car care checklist, considered essential for safe driving as the weather changes. And of course you know where to turn if you or someone close to you is injured in a winter driving accident: NEWSROOM.AAA.COM AAA Recommends Car Care Checklist to Prepare for Upcoming Winter Driving | AAA NewsRoom
Add this important winter season checklist to the top of your latest "Honey Do" list: "Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning," from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Working carbon monoxide detectors and regular furnace checks are first steps: CDC.GOV Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
Should the Truck Driver or the Company Be Held Responsible for an Auto Accident?
Many accidents can happen during the holidays and we want to encourage everyone to stay safe while traveling. Here are 4 leading causes of auto accidents to keep you prepared for what is out on the road this holiday season. Remember to drive safe and if you get into an accident call us at 608-784-0087 to see how we can help!
* Beware of Fraudulent Coronavirus Tests, Treatments or Cures * Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic hit, shady cures or preventative "medicines" began popping up everywhere. Lesson 1: Only use prescribed medications or vaccines approved by the FDA and the CDC. More from the FDA: FDA.GOV There are no FDA-approved drugs or vaccines to treat COVID-19
A landmark 2015 study estimated that there are an average of 23,000 emergency room visits per year caused by an adverse reaction to a dietary supplement.
With over 50,000 dietary supplements on the market, odds are that you already are using them or will at some point in the future. But have you thought about how dietary supplements are regulated or what they REALLY do for your health? Our guide here to help you make sure the products claiming to make you healthier are doing just that.
Dietary supplement sales have increased 81 percent in the last decade, creating a $40 billion industry. Unfortunately where there is a "gold rush" like this, there are some who prioritize profit over customer health and wellbeing. CONSUMERREPORTS.ORG Supplements Can Make You Sick
Cue up that holiday music! It's time to shop for gifts that are safe or don't threaten the privacy of the kids in your life. And we're here to help with our next FREE e-newsletter on toy safety. Keep an eye on your inbox, or subscribe here if you haven't already:
Hard to believe ... The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate any dietary supplement on the market. Manufacturers aren't required to prove that a supplement is safe for its intended use before selling it, or that it works as advertised, or even that it is labeled correctly.
This wonderful sentiment from the 18th century American essayist Hamilton Wright Mabie is a perfect fit for our 2020 Holiday greeting. With it, our wish for you, your family and all those special in your life is a safe and wonderful holiday season.
False advertising can lead to some disappointing and even dangerous purchases. The consumer organization Truth in Advertising provides resources to help all consumers spot and avoid products that are sold with deceptive advertising. TRUTHINADVERTISING.ORG Truth in Advertising: Our Mission
What does "all natural" mean when you see it splashed on the label for a dietary supplement? Basically whatever the maker wants it to mean! There are no requirements governing the use of "natural" on these products. Tips here on how to decipher what the label really means on any dietary supplement. CONSUMERREPORTS.ORG What Supplement Labels Mean, and Don't
4 FAQ About Wrongful Death Cases
Happy New Year 2021 to our clients, colleagues and friends! Here's to a rapid recovery for the many Americans who have suffered so much this past year, to those closest to us that helped get us through the tough times, and to hope for much brighter days ahead.
Here's a New Year's resolution you can easily keep: Subscribe to our FREE e-newsletter "You Should Know" (if you haven't already). Topics on this year's calendar include our 10 Minutes/10 Hours car accident guide, tips for parents of teen drivers, the playground safety review, common child car seat mistakes and even a summer issue on grilling fun and safety, plus much more. It probably won't help you lose weight, but it is a great way to start the year off safe. One-click sign up here:
The good news: Traffic fatalities across the country have declined each of the past three years – 2017 to 2019. The bad news: The average of 36,900 fatalities for each of those years reversed a downward trend in road deaths that started in the 1970s.
If you haven't already had the misfortune of experiencing a car accident, odds are you will at some point in your life. In fact, the average driver files a collision claim every 18 years – or three to four times in a lifetime – according to insurance company data. Chances are these crashes won't be deadly, but given these odds you should be prepared in advance. And we're here to help you with our "First 10 Minutes, First 10 Hours Car Accident Guide."
Is there a new driver in your life? Maybe your teen is studying for her or his driving test right now? Because young people love to watch cool videos, here's a great one from "How to Adult" that explains car insurance, how to find and buy it, and what to do after an accident. Watch it together! YOUTUBE.COM Car Insurance Explained, & What to Do After a Car Accident!
There were 16% fewer cars on the road during the pandemic in 2020, according to Zendrive, a smartphone driving app. But phone use was up 38%, speeding up 27% and hard braking up 25%, Zendrive reported in May. People are even taking Zoom meetings while on the road! Whether or not you caused a collision, you should be prepared to act in your best interest despite the shock and stress that immediately follows a crash.
It can be hard to stay cool after an auto accident and remember everything you should be doing, especially in the first few minutes and hours after the crash. Well, we've got you covered with a checklist you can download, print and put in your glove box. Make copies for all the drivers in your family:
Should you talk to the other driver after a car crash and what should and shouldn't you say if you do? This article from Forbes magazine does a nice job of answering these questions and many more on what you should do at the accident scene as well as in the days immediately following a car crash. FORBES.COM What To Do After A Car Accident
Personal Injury Law 101: What Is Pain & Suffering?
Adding a teen driver to your auto policy can dramatically increase premiums, but there are ways to save WITHOUT compromising coverage. Video here with more information! YOUTUBE.COM The Best Car Insurance For Teen Drivers: How To Save On Your Teen
A Guide to Medical Misdiagnosis
The average American is involved in an auto accident about every 18 years. Before the odds catch up to you, use our review checklist to make sure your auto insurance will provide the coverage you need when you need it most!
You'd think that loyalty to a certain auto insurance company would save you money, but did you know that sticking with your current carrier might actually cost you? "Price optimization" is used by some companies to determine which customers might pay more as the years go by.
You've probably heard this advice before: Read the fine print in any car insurance policy before you sign on the dotted line. All too often we've handled cases where our clients found out too late that the "full coverage" they thought they had really wasn't enough. Here's a glossary of head-scratching terms to help you get started: NERDWALLET.COM Key Terms for Understanding Car Insurance - NerdWallet
Insurance minimums for commercial motor vehicles, like semi-trucks, have been frozen at $750,000 since the 1980s. But as you can well imagine, damages from an accident involving these vehicles – especially to those in smaller vehicles – can run into the millions. Some lawmakers are trying to raise these minimums to better support truck accident victims: CDLLIFE.COM House votes to up trucker insurance requirements to $2 MILLION
STOP in the name of love your car insurance. Before you purchase a new policy, or to make sure your current policy is workin' hard for your money, put your policy to the test with these 10 tips:
What to Know About Medical Malpractice in Birthing Cases
There are many types of discounts out there for auto insurance policies, including price breaks for low-mileage drivers, for example, or for students who maintain good grades. Knowing what discounts are available and which insurance companies provide them can save you big bucks:
Auto insurance companies should work for you, not the other way around! Before you purchase a plan, do a deep dive into your available choices by looking into the company on websites like Consumer Reports or the Better Business Bureau. As many of our clients have learned the hard way, insurance companies are often much more concerned about profits than customer service. BBB.ORG BBB: Start with Trust® | Better Business Bureau®


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Egan & Richgels, S.C.
Law and Courts


  • What is the phone number for Egan & Richgels, S.C. in La Crosse WI?
    You can reach them at: 608-784-0087. It’s best to call Egan & Richgels, S.C. during business hours.
  • What is the address for Egan & Richgels, S.C. on main in La Crosse?
    Egan & Richgels, S.C. is located at this address: 201 Main St. La Crosse, WI 54601.