Elite Lawn Care


Here at Elite Lawn Care we understand that everyone is not as passionate about lawn care as we are. But we know that our customers appreciate the incredibly hard work and care our team puts in to the services we provide. No matter what your lawn needs, you can count on our team to provide the right services with a passion that only comes from people that love what they do.

Weed Control Experts.
With over 15 years of experience treating lawns for weeds and pests in the Oklahoma City area, we know how to deal with every weed or pest infestation problem your lawn could have.

Locally Owned & Operated.
Because we are a locally owned and operated family ran business, we take pride in our community and the service we provide.

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Elite Lawn Care

US Postal Code:73149

Address: 8505 Gateway Terrace, Oklahoma City
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 4:30PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Elite Lawn Care

US Postal Code:53563

Address: 936 Parkview Dr, Milton
Store Hours:

Elite Lawn Care

US Postal Code:73012

Address: 19616 Sonatina Dr, Edmond, edmond
Store Hours:

Latest Elite Lawn Care news

What is Core Sampling? Is your lawn suffering? Maybe it’s not in tip top shape. Something is wrong and often time people will search for the answer above the surface, when it could just as easily lie below. Core sampling is a fantastic way to check out your soil profile. Having samples pulled from your lawn can give you vital information such as, moisture levels, compaction, soil structure, soil nutrients, and more, all of which directly affect lawn health. Core sampling for lawns can be done with a fairy inexpensive tool called a plug sampler, a T shaped tool used to make pulling soil samples a lot easier. Once the core is pulled the slotted side of the sampling tool makes for easy analyzation and removal.
Spreader Coverage Fertilizing can be a challenging task with out the right equipment. This is why we choose to use large broadcast spreaders to get maximum coverage on residential lawns. The coverage on these spreaders is about 4ft in each direction, allowing for a highly efficient application.
What is Surfactant? Surfactant is a product design to work in hand with lawn care chemicals to increase effectiveness. When applying chemicals your upmost concern is most likely to be effective. You don’t want to waste chemicals and you surely don’t want to accidentally apply chemicals in a way that will make them runoff into unwanted areas, possibly damaging wildlife or harming pets and people. Using surfactant helps control these problems. Surfactant works by making it harder for large water droplets to form on the surface of plants and easily runoff. It “lowers the surface tension”, making it a lot harder for chemicals to be washed off of plants before they’re absorbed. Surfactant is so important because most chemicals are mixed with water for applications. It also helps when plants receive water before or directly after chemicals are applied. Without it a lot of the chemicals would go to waste. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.
Cool season lawns can become thin for a variety of reasons and sometimes die out completely if the issue isn’t dealt with. To combat this most people choose to plant more seed their existing turf. This process is called “overseeding”. Overseeding will greatly improve how healthy your lawn looks, filling out thinness and giving your lawn an overall fuller look. Tall Fescue is best seeded in the fall, roughly the end of September or early October. This allows the best window for seed germination.
Overseeding Fescue Grass in the Fall Fall is a great time to overseed. The temperatures are ideal for seed germination, making it a great time to work for a nicer looking lawn through the winter or help your cool season grass thicken up. For thinner turf you may wanna prep your lawn. Give your lawn a fresh cut around the 2 inch mark and bag all the clippings. Raking the soil can also help by disturbing the top layer, allowing seed to penetrate deeper. With healthy soil and good follow up care, such as watering in seed and good watering habits down the line, you’ll be on the road to seeing great overseeding results! For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.
When to fertilize bermuda? Bermudagrass is one of the grasses with the highest fertilizing requirements of all turfgrasses. So it’s crucial not to neglect its proper fertilizing needs. When it comes to fertilizing, one way to make sure bermuda is getting the best care possible is by knowing when to fertilize. Since bermuda is a warm season grass you’ll want to target it for fertilization between the months of late April and early October. It’s not recommended to fertilize with nitrogen past mid September to allow the grass to prepare itself for dormancy. Forcing growth into fall can increase the possibility of Spring Dead Spot or winter kill. You may apply a winterizer fertilizer to strengthen root systems into October. This will help it come out of winter stronger. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.
Cutting, watering, feeding, and weed control are a few of the things you’ll have to maintain throughout the year with cool season grasses no matter the season. Cutting your fescue should be a priority, giving back no more than 1/3 the grasses height for nutrients. Watering will be key as well. Any discoloration, curled or damaged leaves may be a sign your fescue is thirsty. If you haven’t already, grab a soil sample from your lawn to see what your soil is composed of. Certain soil makeups, such as very sandy soils, will require more water. Overseeding will be ideal now. Scan your lawn for bare or patchy areas that need some attention and overseed as nessesary. Follow this watering tip with new seed to be sure not to let the seed dry out.. ** When overseeding be sure to water in VERY SHORT INCREMENTS but VERY OFTEN until the seed takes! (~5 min 4-6 times daily) **
Nutsedge is a perineal weed that will grow in heavily satireated areas. Its very noticeable due to its light green color and quick grow nature. Its usually one of the first things you see after you mow. A sedge weed killer will work great to control this weed. Make sure to take the right actions when watering and planning drains and such to prevent it in the future. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com
Scalping is so controversial amongst lawn care professionals. It’s hard to get a straight answer on wether to scalp your lawn or not. We’re here to tell you to skip the scalping. Simply put, scalping will cause too many hardships for you and your lawn. This is because scalping is essentially ripping the top layer of your turf off which protects it from heat, cold, physical stress, etc... Thru the winter your lawn could suffer winter death, and head damage in the summer. More pest and debris will reach the vulnerable parts of your turf and, perhaps most importantly, MORE WEEDS. Yes scalping will open your turf up to weeds. You will see a larger amount of weeds after scalping unless you take extreme actions to prevent them.
Falls approaching and most turfs here in Oklahoma are almost ready to go dormant. This is the perfect time to start thinking about pre emergent. Pre emerging your lawn is a great option to get ahead of the game. You’ll eliminate a lot of work come spring by suppressing the weeds now. For more info visit WeedControlOKC.com.
Henbit - winter weed that you’ll see pop up in late winter early spring. It’s a broadleaf from the mint family. Fall pre emergent will save you money and time especially when I comes to henbit. Mowing and overall lawn maintenance will be a lot easier.
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month our entire staff will be wearing their pink shirts.
Did you know that there are a lot of Pre Emergent chemicals to choose from and they are not all made the same? Did you know that there are some that last only 20 days to where there are others that last up to 9 months? When choosing the right Pre Emergent for you, make sure you understand what you are getting. Same thing as choosing a company to treat your lawn. Make sure you understand what you are paying for. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.
Pre-emerging your lawn can be tricky if you have different types of grasses. Here’s some what we do at Elite to keep all the bases covered for you.
Fall Pre Emergent prevents weeds that germinate in the winter. One of these weeds is HENBIT. You know, that ugly, purple, viney flower that comes up in February and is uncontrolable. Make sure to get your pre emergent down this fall and don't be that guy out mowing weeds while everyone else has a beautiful lawn. Click here to get an estimate: https://www.weedcontrolokc.com/free-estimate/
Pre-Emergent is HERE! Remember, what we do now determines how your lawn looks in the coming season. If your going to make a difference the time is now! Get your estimate today at https://www.weedcontrolokc.com/free-estimate/
Today was our first day to start putting down fall pre emergent. Our technicians didn’t miss a beat this summer and made the lawns look amazing. #weedcontrol #elitelawncare #preemergent
It’s time! Fall Pre emergent should be next on your list. Winter weeds will be ready to germinate soon and reek havoc on your spring lawn! Our goal is to prevent that by getting a blanket of pre emergent down soon!
All of our crews are out working hard to get the fall pre emergent down. 💪💪
Kevin is cruising around today with a smile because this is his favorite time of year... PRE EMERGENT!!!! If you see Kevin give him a wave.. 👋 👋
Did you know that leaves on your lawn is harmful? Not only can they suffocate your grass but they will prevent your pre emergent from being put down correctly. Pre emergent is basically a huge blanket that you put on your lawn to prevent weed seeds from germinating. If you have alot of leaves on your lawn then there will be a better chance of the weeds rooting down in those areas. So make sure that you get your leaves cleaned up prior to putting down your pre emergent. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com
Now is the time to start putting down your fall pre emergent. We are making sure our lawns have the proper protection from weeds this winter. For a free estimate to treat your lawn click on the link below: https://www.weedcontrolokc.com/free-estimate/
Getting down your fall pre emergent is very important. It is one of the most important application rounds for your lawn. Here is our lawn specialist Phil giving out a PSA about the branches in your lawn. If you don’t get the area under your branches treated then weeds will grow there. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.
Make sure to clean up the leaves on your lawn. Not only can they suffocate the grass causing it to die in certain areas, but you won’t be able to get a good coat of pre emergent in that spot either. For more info visit weedcontrolokc.com.