In accordance with the Stay at Home order issued in Ohio by Governor Mike Dewine, we closed our public access Monday, March 23rd at 11:59 PM until further notice. If you are an essential business ie: Fired Dept., Police Dept., hospital, grocery, essential service please contact us directly by cell# 330-806-5075, email: , website:, and we will assist you. Our staff have gloves and sanitizing spray and are/will take precautions to not further the spread of Covid-19, or any other virus.
We will be in personal contact again when business is back up and running, and we sincerely appreciate all of our customers and look forward to serving you again after this pandemic is over.
We ask that you say an extra prayer for, and thank our medical workers, first responders, truckers, civil service employees, grocery workers, drive-thru workers, mail carriers, pharmacy workers, utility workers, farmers, and our elected officials during this pandemic.
God Bless,
Paul Brestelli, Owner
and Staff
Because of these guys still working hard amid the chaos, I will be able to deliver new uniforms to our local hospital! Thank You! Joey Hall
We love all our truck drivers! ❤️ Thank you!
Our embroiderer is working hard today to crank all the jobs out! Today will be the last day to pick up any items you have at the store. Give us a call if you need your item’s delivered in the Alliance & surrounding area, and I’ll get them to you - Krista cell#330-806-5075, or call the store: 330-823-8255. Stay safe!
What does your “Home Office” look 👀 like? I’m sharing my area with my son doing his school work - this week is Spirit Week for him, and it’s Pajama Day!