no 2020 festival. But re-live the 2019 festival with this video.
Unfortunately, Facebook has muted much of the Frankie Yankovic background music on the video. You can see/hear the complete version here: or here:
On the occasion of her 97th birthday, may God grant his servant Elizabeth peace, health, and happiness for may blessed years!🎂🥳🎁🎉🎈
Mnohaja Blahaja L’ita!☦️
Epiphany of Our Lord ☦️
will live stream the 10:30 AM Divine Liturgy tomorrow on You Tube.
It will not go live until 10:30 AM tomorrow. Please go to this url:
Divine Liturgy - 3/29/2020 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE GREAT FAST
A letter from the Bishop of the Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Passaic.
Lenten Dinners will still be held tonight but will be carryout only. Tonight’s soups are vegetable chili and potato green bean. Candy, meats, crafts and the full dessert table are still available!
May God Grant His Servant +Elizabeth peaceful repose. Vičnaja jej pamjat’☦️💜
Lenten Dinners begin Friday, March 12th!
Carryout only from 4-7 PM
Pirohi (frozen) - $6/dozen
Pirohi (cooked) - $9/dozen
Haluski - $4/pint
Soup of the day - $4/pint
Fried fish - $3
Nut rolls - $14 each
Kielbasa - $7 each
A variety of chocolates and desserts will be available. Individually priced.
Carryout Lenten Dinners are now OPEN!
Tonight’s soups are borscht and vegetarian chili.