For over 20 years, Eric Derleth has helped the people of the Kenai Peninsula and Anchorage as both a criminal defense attorney and as an personal injury lawyer. Born and raised in Soldotna, Eric truly understands Alaska’s laws and the legal system.
In his nearly 25 years as an attorney, Eric has successfully litigated lawsuits through jury trials involving the most serious criminal charges in Alaska (including winning all his murder trials), felony assaults, felony drug cases, felony tax evasion cases, and countless cases involving driving offenses, fish and game violations, and domestic violence. Eric is likely the only attorney you will hear about who had a trial jury return three “Innocent” verdicts in a serious felony criminal case, rather than adjudging a father of three merely “not guilty.” In fact, many of Eric’s felony criminal trials result in dismissals by the judge before the jury ever gets to deliberate due to his extensive preparation before, and skillful execution during, the trial. In many of Eric’s most serious criminal cases, including three successful murder trials, he built three-dimensional models of the scene and videotaped the relevant area, often with a high-definition drone, to help the jury understand the most salient points of his client’s defense.