Ernest Marconi Painting and Paper Hanging
When choosing between paint types, there are many different finish options. A flat sheen will result in a slightly uneven finish that shows every mark, whereas high-gloss finishes can repel stains and stand up to light abrasions.
Some of the toughest paint jobs involve painting over wallpaper. This is possible, but if the proper preparation isn't used, including the correct primer, you'll end up with bleeding - the wallpaper design remaining visible through the coat of paint.
Remember, the more specific and clear you are about the painting project you are hiring us for, the more precise our estimate will be. Plan things out ahead of time, so you know exactly what you want.
Primers are often tailored to accommodate particular finishes, such as flat, eggshell, or high gloss. This is because primers are meant to anchor the finish coat and thus need to correspond to the texture of the paint finish.
Did you know that latex paint actually does not contain any latex? Instead, manufacturers use synthetic acrylic, vinyl, and other types of polymers.