Food to us evokes the family. Family to us means love and responsibility. We believe our guests to be an extension of our family. As such, we have a responsibility to the environment, community and to you - to encourage a healthy lifestyle because we see Evergreens having a direct impact on all three. It's because of this deep-rooted belief, that we use only sustainable materials in our packaging; we are involved in the community and we believe in 100% pure food (all-natural; no preservatives, colors, or added flavors). No exceptions.
We aim to provide healthy, convenient and fully-satisfying meal options in a fun environment for those who find themselves always on-the-go, because well, we are those people. To achieve that goal, we use nothing but the best and freshest of ingredients. Often times, this means that our ingredients are less cost-effective for us to purchase - but, we know they are entirely fresh and responsibly-sourced and that sure helps us sleep at night. Thank you so much for your support, we appreciate your business!