Eye Site Optical

(on cobb parkway south)
Electronics in Marietta, GA
Eye doctors & Optometrists


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 2:00PM


596 Cobb Parkway South
Marietta, GA


We offer custom designed eyeglasses and sunglasses for all occasions and occupations. We also provide designer eyewear, eyeglasses, contacts, bifocal contacts and the largest selection in rimless frames.


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How often should you have your eyes examined? Most healthy adolescents and adults should have their eyes checked once a year. If there any existing medical problems, like diabetes, for instance, exam frequency needs to be increased.
Because diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness in the U.S. and worldwide, it is important that those with the disease, or are pre-diabetic, or otherwise at risk should have regular eye examinations to detect problems before they become serious.
The longer you own a pair of glasses the easier it is for them to become misaligned and not fit comfortably. If you're constantly shifting your eyeglasses, or they keep sliding down your nose, have them adjusted.
The weight of the human eyeball is only about 28 grams, but we make sure to take full care of all 28 grams. Our office works hard to make sure your eyes get the best care at a reasonable cost because we know the importance of your vision and want to help you see the future.
Astigmatism results from a change in the standard shape of the eye. While a normal eye is round, astigmatism is the product of an oval eye surface which changes the focal point. Proper prescription eyewear corrects the problem.
Lenses these days are made from different kinds of plastic materials that offer distinctive features. These are: high-index plastic (thin, light, and blocks 100% of ultraviolet rays), tribrid (impact resistant), polycarbonate (highly impact resistant), trivex (lightest material), and CR-39 (good but thick optics).
“Legally blind” is defined as having vision that can only be corrected with eyeglasses or contacts to a degree of 20/200, which means that you can only see 10 percent as well as a person with normal vision.
"A celebrity is a person who works hard all of their life to become well known, and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized." - Fred Allen
Presbyopia is a type of farsightedness that usually begins to appear in middle-age. It is most often caused by the lens slowly losing its elasticity.
How often should you visit the eye doctor? Adults should go at least once every two years; after age 60, optometrists recommend you visit once a year. Children should be checked at six months, three years, and six years of age, even if they seem to have no vision problems.
If you're always misplacing or forgetting your prescription sunglasses, consider getting photochromic lenses for the frames. These lenses have a special coating that darkens or lightens depending on UV levels.
What is astigmatism? Most of us have corneas shaped like a basketball. People with astigmatism, however, have eyes curved differently and shaped more like a football. We see through a process in which light rays are refracted through the cornea and then focused on the retina. The football shape disrupts the normal refraction or bending of light rays and leads to distorted vision that can be corrected with a prescription.
Did you know that as much as 80 percent of what kids learn both in and out of school requires good eyesight? Children with poor eyesight need to wear the right eyewear for them to thrive and succeed in school.
No, your eyesight hasn't deteriorated in the week since you bought your new glasses – the lenses need to be cleaned! Keep soft cloths designed specifically for cleaning lenses in several places like your desk, glove compartment, purse, and briefcase to name a few.
Do you blink more or less when you're reading? If you guessed that you blink less, you're right. That's one reason why reading and other close work can cause dry, tired eyes.
If you have never had bi, tri, or progressive lenses in your glasses, they may take a little getting used to, especially when walking around the first time you wear them. However, once you figure out how they work, you will wonder how you ever got along without them.
Today, glasses are rarely made from glass, most are made from a high-strength plastic because these materials are lighter than glass and are easier to maintain. However, if you would prefer glass in your glasses, they can be provided.
What is an eye muscle test? This is a basic test that you should expect when you visit your optometrist. You’ll be asked to follow a light or other moving object, as the doctor looks for any signs of muscle weakness or poor coordination.
Having 20/20 vision doesn’t mean you no longer need to wear eyeglasses. Eyewear and corrective lenses aren’t just for people with conditions like astigmatism. It’s for everyone who wants to see clearer and better to perform their daily tasks efficiently.
One of the tools we rely on to assess your ocular health is a pupil diameter rule. This measures the distance between pupils and helps us to write an accurate prescription for glasses.
Contacts can be daily or monthly use and should be replaced as directed. Over time, proteins build up on the surface of the contact and can irritate your eyes.
If you work with computers for long amounts of time, spend 20 seconds every 20 minutes looking at an object 20 feet away to help refocus your eyes and prevent eyestrain.
Does the world looks like it's full of scratches and deformities? The problem may be with the lenses in your glasses. If the lenses are scratched, they need to be replaced. If the protective coating is scratched, it needs to be removed and reapplied.
A visual field test is a method used to measure a person’s entire scope of vision, including central and peripheral vision. The test is designed to map the field of vision for each eye individually and is useful in detection of retinal disease.
Polarized lenses offer a different type of protection than lenses that have a UV coating. Polarization protects your eyes by reducing the amount of sunlight that passes through the lens; however, it does not stop UV radiation, so a UV coating is also needed.
You probably have heard of the concept of 20/20 vision. This is a comparative measure. It means you can see something as clearly at 20 feet as what a normal eye can see at the same distance.
Bugs Bunny was right: Eating carrots is good for your vision. Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which is also found naturally in milk, cheese, egg yolks, liver, dark leafy greens, dried apricots, and cantaloupe. Most adults need 700-900 micrograms of the vitamin each day.
Is it time for new eye or sunglasses? When selecting the frames, take the shape of your face into consideration when picking a style, then pair it with colors that complement your skin tone.
Putting in contact lenses with a handling tint is simple: place the lens on your fingertip then look down at it. If your lens is deep blue or green, you're doing it right. If your contacts have a laser marking or brand name on them, and you can read it, your lens is inside out!
When you come in to select eyeglass frames, bring a friend along to help. He or she can help you find the style that complements the shape of your face in colors that look best on you.
In extreme cases, eyeglass surgery may be necessary. In the event of dismemberment, keep the broken or severed temple leg in a safe place and quickly bring it in for emergency care. This is best handled by our skilled eyeglass surgeons specializing in reattachment.
Did you know that some medications can cause problems with contact lenses? Check your prescription, and if this is indicated have a pair of glasses made for the duration of your dosing.
Tell your optometrist if you have trouble seeing at night. Night-blindness is a condition in which you are unable to see well in low-light situations. It’s caused by a problem with your retina and can be worsened by improper corrective lenses, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetes.
While eyeglasses don't have a complicated configuration, there are many things that can go wrong with them. If you're constantly shifting your eyeglasses, or they keep sliding down your nose, have them adjusted.
An optometrist is the primary care doctor for the eyes. An optometrist is a Doctor of Optometry (OD), and is a state licensed professional. In the United States there are sixteen schools and Colleges of Optometry and the coursework is generally a formal four year program.
Why did the different features of eyeglasses appear? Simple, people wanted them to remain in place and feel comfortable while being worn. Whether it was riveted bridges, longer arms or padded earpieces, manufacturers work to keep everything properly framed.
Did you know that prescription glasses should not be shared? This rule applies even though the prescription value seems to be the same. Every eyewear or corrective lens needs to be tailored to meet the specific needs of an individual.
Were you aware that there is usually no harm in waiting for cataract surgery if you need it? While cataracts do make it hard to see, much like looking out of a dirty window, cataracts rarely hurt you. Of course, always ask your doctor if you are unsure.
Despite the unpredictable circumstances around you, you can still protect your eyes. Wearing the right eyewear keeps your eyes safe from extreme weather, dust, debris, and other foreign particles that can cause irritation.
Did you know that more than 100,000 eye injuries occur each year as a result of using common household products? Regular eyeglasses do not always provide adequate protection like some people might think. When working with chemicals (detergents, bleach, cleaning solutions), consider wearing safety glasses which offer better protection than eyeglasses. Most safety glasses are large enough that they can slip over your eyeglasses.
Use cleaning spray and a polishing cloth to clean your glasses. This prevents impairments to your vision and keeps the lenses from scratching. Paper towels or tissues will leave marks.
You should expect your optometrist to get up close and personal with your eyes during a normal examination. With a slit lamp, a machine that’s also known as a "biomicroscope," you put your chin on one side while the doctor looks through high-power magnifiers on the other. This test allows the optometrist to see all parts of your eye and determine if it appears you may have cataracts, macular degeneration, or a host of other conditions.
Does your child need eyeglasses? Since most children are physically active, consider these features when buying sunglasses: lenses that are shatterproof and scratch resistant and frames that are spring loaded so they are less likely to get deformed.
While spending eight hours a day in front of a computer for work is hardly comparable to hard physical labor, it can still take its toll on your eye health. If you spend the bulk of your time in front of a computer screen, be sure to let us know during your next eye exam.
Myopia is a refractive disorder within the eye, and is the most common eye problem with school children. Regular check-ups can identify the problem prescription eyewear will correct it.
Is your child having a few minor discipline or academic problems at school? They may be vision related. As a precautionary measure, have his or her eyes examined.
Eyes are really an amazing part of the human body. While it takes some time for most parts of your body to “warm up” to their full potential, your eyes are on their “A-game” 24/7. Eyes also heal very quickly.
Are you taking medications? If you wear contact lenses, check the warnings on the prescription as some can cause problems with contact lenses. If so, let us fit you with traditional glasses.
Caring for your contact lenses properly is essential for maintaining healthy eyes. Be sure your contact solution is not expired. Also, before handling a contact lens, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then, dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
If this is your first pair of bi, tri, or progressive lenses, they may take a little getting used to, especially when walking the first time you wear them. However, once you figure out how they work, you'll wonder how you ever got along without them.
To perform a home check on your child’s vision, here's a tip: If he or she is reading, turn on the closed-captioning for a TV show and have him or her read it. You'll be told if the words are fuzzy or blurry.
There is no need to think you are alone if you or a family member need glasses. Almost half of the population of the United States wears some form of corrective eyewear and about another ten percent will need it at some point in their lives.
If you work at a computer screen for extended periods, consider eyewear that is designed for that. Designed with a wide viewing field, these lenses help prevent eye fatigue.
Does it ever feel like a waste of time to faithfully see the eye doctor every year when there’s never anything wrong with your vision? Rest assured that you can never be too careful when it comes to the state of your visual health. An eye exam where you receive no change to your prescription is never a wasted visit.
Sunglasses aren't just for summer, they need to be worn all year long. Constant exposure to sunlight contributes to the development of cataracts and causes night vision to slowly deteriorate.
It’s a myth that 20/20 vision is perfect vision. If you have 20/20 vision, it only means that you can see from 20 feet what a normal person should be able to see from that distance. Your eyesight from 20 feet could be normal, but you could have farsightedness and not see things up close nearly as well.
As you age, your eyesight may suffer, and it could be from several conditions. It is not uncommon for people to have both presbyopia and myopia. Bi-focal or progressive lenses are designed to help with multiple malfunctions.
Historians know that, at some point between the 11th and 13th centuries, the first eyeglass was developed – a reading glass of sorts, by using the natural magnification power of convex-shaped glass. One of the first mentions of this type of eyeglass was in the writings of Roger Bacon, a Franciscan friar who experimented with eyeglasses during the 13th century.
Here's an interesting look at the history of glasses. While Benjamin Franklin may have been the inventor of bi-focal glasses, did you know that Thomas Jefferson was the first person to commission a pair of personal eyeglasses.
To perform a home check on your child’s vision, here's a tip: If he or she is reading, turn on the closed-captioning for a TV show and have him or her read it. You'll be told if the words are fuzzy or blurry.
There is no need to think you are alone if you or a family member need glasses. Almost half of the population of the United States wears some form of corrective eyewear and about another ten percent will need it at some point in their lives.
Do your eyeglasses feel or look unbalanced when wearing them? There could be a number of reasons: facial configuration, the glasses themselves, etc. No matter the cause, we can help straighten things out.
Do you know how optical illusions work? They are characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source.
If the temple arms of your eyeglasses are irritating the areas behind your ears, have temple tips added to them. They are a number of different materials available to provide more padding and comfort.
Do your eyeglasses keep slipping off? This is perhaps because you have oily skin and live in a humid area. If this is the case, you can choose eyeglasses with silicone nose pads and with temple tips that wrap around the ear. You can use straps that hold glasses in place, too.
It’s a myth that 20/20 vision is perfect vision. If you have 20/20 vision, it only means that you can see from 20 feet what a normal person should be able to see from that distance. Your eyesight from 20 feet could be normal, but you could have farsightedness and not see things up close nearly as well.
As you age, your eyesight may suffer, and it could be from several conditions. It is not uncommon for people to have both presbyopia and myopia. Bi-focal or progressive lenses are designed to help with multiple malfunctions.
A variety of new treatments are being developed to correct farsightedness or presbyopia. However, the National Institutes of Health point out that prescription eyeglasses are still the most immediate, effective, and affordable solution for the majority of people.
Eyeglasses first appeared in the late 13th century, and were held up to the eyes when needed. Temple pieces (the arms) to hold them on the face didn’t show up until the 1700s.
Your frames are as important as your lenses. Check them regularly for cracks or loose joints. If they no longer sit properly on your face, have them adjusted so you can wear them comfortably.
Over time, using low-quality cosmetics can cause the skin around your eyes to dry, wrinkle, and can result in excess pigmentation around your eyes.
Do your eyeglasses feel or look unbalanced when wearing them? There could be a number of reasons: facial configuration, the glasses themselves, etc. No matter the cause, we can help straighten things out.
Do you know how optical illusions work? They are characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source.
Ever wonder when eyeglasses were invented? Historical records are murky, but it's said that glasses were invented sometime in the late 1200's to early 1300's in Italy. The earliest visual evidence of eyeglasses can be found in a 1352 Italian painting.
Children's eye screenings are a good thing, but eye exams are better. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of what children are taught in school is visual. Indeed, it is a fact that visual problems can have a profound effect on learning.
If you want to wear contact lenses, let us know what medications you are taking before ordering. Some drugs, believe it or not, aren't compatible with contacts lenses and can exacerbate vision problems.
A variety of new treatments are being developed to correct farsightedness or presbyopia. However, the National Institutes of Health point out that prescription eyeglasses are still the most immediate, effective, and affordable solution for the majority of people.
Eyeglasses first appeared in the late 13th century, and were held up to the eyes when needed. Temple pieces (the arms) to hold them on the face didn’t show up until the 1700s.
Your frames are as important as your lenses. Check them regularly for cracks or loose joints. If they no longer sit properly on your face, have them adjusted so you can wear them comfortably.
Here's a fun fact: Records show that the Roman emperor Nero had a type of sunglasses. On sunny days, he would watch gladiator fights while holding polished gemstones over his eyes.
What happens if I can’t see the first letter on the eye chart? A person unable to make out the first letter on the Snellen Chart is legally blind. To get a license in most states, you must have at least 20/40 vision in both eyes.
Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, impairs the ability to see things at a distance. The most common cause is the eyeball growing too large during childhood causing the focal point to be in front of the retina.
Corrective vision contact lenses address vision problems by refocusing light so it enters the eye properly. Spherical lenses bend light in every direction to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness. Toric lenses are weighted to redirect light in a specific direction for people with astigmatism.
Farsightedness is the condition in which you see items more clearly the further away they are from you. The technical term for this condition is hypermetropia.
Ever wonder when eyeglasses were invented? Historical records are murky, but it's said that glasses were invented sometime in the late 1200's to early 1300's in Italy. The earliest visual evidence of eyeglasses can be found in a 1352 Italian painting.
Visual acuity is measured in terms of “uncorrected visual acuity” or UCVA, which refers to how well you see without the help of glasses or contacts.
Did you know you should always have an eyewear specialist match the width of your eyeglass frames with your temples? The literal dimensions of the glasses must perfectly fit your face. This is critical and is the first step in finding the perfect pair of glasses!
Some eyes have astigmatism, which means that eyes have different prescriptions or require special lenses. Generic reading glasses only have the same lens in each eye.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the number-one cause of vision loss in American seniors 60 and older. This affects an overall 10 million people in the United States, according to the National Eye Institute.
If it's time for new glasses, have the old frames inspected and repaired, and then outfitted with your new prescription. This way you have a new pair as well as a serviceable backup.
Here's a fun fact: Records show that the Roman emperor Nero had a type of sunglasses. On sunny days, he would watch gladiator fights while holding polished gemstones over his eyes.
Optometry has quickly become more in demand during the last several decades. Our aging population is requiring more frequent visits to the eye doctor, and our children are in need of improved vision care. New technology is aiding in more advanced eye care.
Contact lenses are not a one-size-suits-all product. Prescriptions vary depending on the nature of your vision problems, and sometimes different materials are needed, depending on the prescription demands.
If your child is suddenly having minor discipline problems in school, it could be his or her vision. When eyesight deteriorates, children think that because they cannot see the teacher, the teacher cannot see them. Bring your child in for a check-up.
If there is a family history of vision problems, your children should have their eyes checked at least once a year for early detection and correction.
Visual acuity is measured in terms of “uncorrected visual acuity” or UCVA, which refers to how well you see without the help of glasses or contacts.
Did you know you should always have an eyewear specialist match the width of your eyeglass frames with your temples? The literal dimensions of the glasses must perfectly fit your face. This is critical and is the first step in finding the perfect pair of glasses!
Contacts need to soak for a minimum of six hours to be fully sanitized. Remember to rinse them thoroughly before soaking, and always use a new contact case when you change your lenses.
While everyone has occasional floaters in their visual field, an increase in floaters or what looks like a shower of sparks in front of your eyes is a different story. If you experience these visual issues, you may want to schedule an eye appointment right away.
Your eyeglasses will be stronger than your contacts because glasses lenses sit farther away from your eye. Contacts are worn directly on the cornea, which means they aren't as strong.
Lenses that are anti-reflective reduce glare from various light sources and makes all of your activities that much more enjoyable. If you work at a computer or drive a car or truck at night and you wear glasses, anti-reflective protection can help you see the light without the glare.
Optometry has quickly become more in demand during the last several decades. Our aging population is requiring more frequent visits to the eye doctor, and our children are in need of improved vision care. New technology is aiding in more advanced eye care.
Contact lenses are not a one-size-suits-all product. Prescriptions vary depending on the nature of your vision problems, and sometimes different materials are needed, depending on the prescription demands.
Even if you believe your vision is fine, it’s important to still schedule an annual eye exam. While your vision might be 20/20 now, we can screen for any lurking diseases that can damage your sight later.
The most common eye disorder among school-age children is myopia, which is a refractive disorder. Regular check-ups and proper prescription lenses will bring things back into focus.
Did you know both high cholesterol and hypertension (high blood pressure) can also harm your eyes? They can damage the blood vessels in the retina. If you've been diagnosed with either, regular eye exams are needed.
To perform a home check on your child’s vision, try this. If he or she is reading, turn on the close captioning for a TV show and have him or her read it. You will be told if the words are fuzzy or blurry.
Contacts need to soak for a minimum of six hours to be fully sanitized. Remember to rinse them thoroughly before soaking, and always use a new contact case when you change your lenses.
While everyone has occasional floaters in their visual field, an increase in floaters or what looks like a shower of sparks in front of your eyes is a different story. If you experience these visual issues, you may want to schedule an eye appointment right away.
How do corrective lenses remedy eye problems? Whether in the form of glasses or contacts, lenses either add or subtract to the eyes’ ability to focus. They specifically aid the cornea and lens because these are the parts of the eye that focus and bend light rays, respectively.
As with all health-related matters, you should have your eyes checked at least once a year. Doing this identifies problems in their earlies stages and allows preventive and corrective measures to be taken immediately.
Antibiotic drops and ointments can in two or three days relieve the symptoms and discomfort of bacterial conjunctivitis. To eradicate the infection and prevent its return, it’s important to complete the entire course of treatment prescribed by the optometrist.
Look for contacts that have adequate airflow and fit your eye comfortably. Don't be afraid to ask for samples or try different lenses until you find what you like.
Even if you believe your vision is fine, it’s important to still schedule an annual eye exam. While your vision might be 20/20 now, we can screen for any lurking diseases that can damage your sight later.
The most common eye disorder among school-age children is myopia, which is a refractive disorder. Regular check-ups and proper prescription lenses will bring things back into focus.
Just because you have difficulty seeing doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the best of what life has to offer. The correct eyewear will enable you to see better.
It’s important to remember that not all eyeglass frames will be appropriate for all prescriptions and visual conditions. If you could use a little help ensuring you’re getting the best frames for your visual needs, we’re here for you.
Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses can make everything peachy, yet you can still be firmly grounded in reality. Tinted lenses add a certain elegance to your appearance and help you see things in a different light.
Some minerals, like Lutein, Carotenoid and Bioflavonoids, have Omega-3 in them and can be really good for the eyes in addition to balancing out the nutrition in the entire body, which is also good for your eyes.
How do corrective lenses remedy eye problems? Whether in the form of glasses or contacts, lenses either add or subtract to the eyes’ ability to focus. They specifically aid the cornea and lens because these are the parts of the eye that focus and bend light rays, respectively.
As with all health-related matters, you should have your eyes checked at least once a year. Doing this identifies problems in their earlies stages and allows preventive and corrective measures to be taken immediately.
Have you ever tried to make minor repairs to your eyeglasses and realized you need to wear the glasses you're repairing in order to see what you're doing? Instead of driving yourself crazy, bring them in and we'll fix them for you.
If you’re one of those people who’s had excellent vision your entire life, you may wonder whether you really need to see the optometrist every year. Let’s talk about all the different eye conditions that your annual examination can help you catch early.
If you're tired of wearing thick and heavy glasses, and the unattractive frames that accompany them, cheer up – advances in lens technology means having eyeglasses that are not bulky or cumbersome.
Did you know that your nose gets runny when you cry because the tears from your eyes drain into your nose?
If you decide to go with contact lenses, don't throw away your regular glasses. It takes a little time to get used to contacts, and it may be necessary to use your regular glasses now and again during the “breaking in” period.
Just because you have difficulty seeing doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the best of what life has to offer. The correct eyewear will enable you to see better.
Did you know that just slightly less than the total population of all Americans wears contacts or eye glasses? That is around 150 million people who need some form of corrective glasses or contact lenses. It’s recommended that you get your eyes checked every 2 years.
If you cannot afford to buy glasses specifically designed for sports, then talk with us about having the more fragile areas of your glasses reinforced to improve their strength and stability.
Ever wonder what the major parts of the eyeglasses are called? They are the: eye wires (implements that hold the lenses), temples (the frame’s arms that are placed over the ears), hinges (joints that allow the temples to be folded), and nose pads (pieces that secure the frame onto the nose bridge).
Did you know that the most common eye disorders in the United States relate to refractive errors? This means that the eye does not focus images properly. The four most frequent refractive errors are nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and presbyopia.
While the materials used to make lenses for glasses are pretty sturdy and hard to scratch, they are still vulnerable. Have an anti-scratch coating applied to the lenses for an extra level of protection.
Do you work at a computer or spend extended periods of time looking at a screen? An anti-reflective coating on eyeglass lenses helps to improve vision because light reflection is reduced.
Did you know that just slightly less than the total population of all Americans wears contacts or eye glasses? That is around 150 million people who need some form of corrective glasses or contact lenses. It’s recommended that you get your eyes checked every 2 years.
If you cannot afford to buy glasses specifically designed for sports, then talk with us about having the more fragile areas of your glasses reinforced to improve their strength and stability.
Is your child having minor discipline problems in school? It could be vision-related. When eyesight deteriorates, children think that because they can't see the teacher, the teacher can't see them. An eye exam and glasses often corrects their behavior.
If you do not protect your eyes when outside, the constant exposure to sunlight can cause cataracts as well as night vision deterioration. Sunglasses with a UV coating applied can help save your eyes.
Cataract development, the clouding (opacification) of the lens in the eye, isn't uncommon starting at about the age of 40. Care to guess how many Americans 40 and older are believed to have cataracts? That would be 22 million or so.
Ever wonder what the major parts of the eyeglasses are called? They are the: eye wires (implements that hold the lenses), temples (the frame’s arms that are placed over the ears), hinges (joints that allow the temples to be folded), and nose pads (pieces that secure the frame onto the nose bridge).
Did you know that the most common eye disorders in the United States relate to refractive errors? This means that the eye does not focus images properly. The four most frequent refractive errors are nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism, and presbyopia.
While the materials used to make lenses for glasses are pretty sturdy and hard to scratch, they are still vulnerable. Have an anti-scratch coating applied to the lenses for an extra level of protection.
Here's an eye-opening fun fact: While the human eye has over two million working parts, the largest eye belongs to the giant squid. It functions much the same as the human eye but has a diameter of over eighteen inches. Would love to see that monocle.
If you have to squint when trying to view something at a distance, you may suffer from myopia, or nearsightedness. Physically, this means that your eyeballs are either slightly longer than normal eyes or the corneas are steeper than average.
Each day, your eyes are exposed to harmful radiation and elements. From the moment you wake up until you fall asleep, your eyes need to be protected from UV radiation, dust and debris.
Is there a cure for glaucoma? Your optometrist can offer more detailed information, but in general, any damage to your vision from glaucoma cannot be recovered. That means regular eye tests are a necessity so that the condition – if it develops – can be detected in the earliest stages.
Is your child having minor discipline problems in school? It could be vision-related. When eyesight deteriorates, children think that because they can't see the teacher, the teacher can't see them. An eye exam and glasses often corrects their behavior.
If you do not protect your eyes when outside, the constant exposure to sunlight can cause cataracts as well as night vision deterioration. Sunglasses with a UV coating applied can help save your eyes.
Many people prefer wearing contact lenses because of their convenience and the look they deliver. Technological advancements have made contact lenses lighter and available for almost anyone, regardless of the prescription.
Whether you’re mowing the lawn, wood working, or changing your oil, you should wear polycarbonate safety glasses, which can be bought for a few dollars in many home improvement stores. Polycarbonate safety glasses are about ten times stronger than most other plastics and offer protection against flying rocks, sawdust, and chemical splashes.
Eyeglass lenses come in a variety of materials, weights, and thicknesses. Which combinations to choose depend on your prescription, your lifestyle, and your budget.
If you are considering having refractive surgery, it is important to understand the postoperative expectations. For instance, make sure your doctor explains the entire procedure to you, arrange for transportation, and be prepared to take drops and medications after the procedure.
Know someone who wears glasses? A lot of steps took place before that person found the right pair. The eyewear and corrective lens for you will be determined by eye exams, tests, and other assessments carried out by an expert.
Here's an eye-opening fun fact: While the human eye has over two million working parts, the largest eye belongs to the giant squid. It functions much the same as the human eye but has a diameter of over eighteen inches. Would love to see that monocle.
How long have eyeglasses been around? The first ones (as we know them) appeared in the late 13th century and, at first, were either attached to a holder or rested on the nose. The arms (aka temple pieces) didn’t appear until 18th.
Glaucoma is a complicated eye disease during which the optic nerve that carries visual information from the eye to the brain is damaged due to increased pressure in the eye (called intraocular pressure, or IOP). Glaucoma can leaded to permanent and irreversible vision loss, which is why early diagnosis and treatment is so important.
UV sunglasses help protect your eye and should be worn. Those with lighter-colored eyes are even more sensitive to light, so protecting the eyes keeps them healthy.
LASIK surgery is designed to remove corneal tissue in the eye in order to reshape it and correct the three primary types of refractive errors: myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism (retina distortion caused by irregularities in the cornea or lens).
If you are prone to allergies, rinse your contacts thoroughly and consider taking an antihistamine to reduce your reaction. Pollen can get caught on your contacts and cause blisters on your eyelid.
Many people prefer wearing contact lenses because of their convenience and the look they deliver. Technological advancements have made contact lenses lighter and available for almost anyone, regardless of the prescription.


Company name
Eye Site Optical


  • What is the phone number for Eye Site Optical in Marietta GA?
    You can reach them at: 770-429-1847. It’s best to call Eye Site Optical during business hours.
  • What is the address for Eye Site Optical on cobb parkway south in Marietta?
    Eye Site Optical is located at this address: 596 Cobb Parkway South Marietta, GA 30060.
  • What are Eye Site Optical(Marietta, GA) store hours?
    Eye Site Optical store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 2:00PM, Sun: Closed.