Family Auto & Transmission Service

(on honea egypt road)
Auto Repair in Montgomery, TX
Auto Repair


Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours


3804 Honea Egypt Road
Montgomery, TX


We serve the Montgomery County, Harris County, Woodlands and surrounding areas with reliable, confident, and courteous transmission and automotive repair. We answer our phones 24/7. Do not hesitate to call us at any time with your transmission or automotive repair issues.

We offer free towing with major repairs. We have financing available for most credit situations. Additionally, we have an annually renewable warranty that will protect your transmission for the lifetime of your vehicle. Call and ask for Jim any time you need help!


Before there were hybrid cars General Motors tried a much different alternative energy. YOUTUBE.COM Retro Review: Coal-Powered Turbine Engine Oldsmobile
If you’ve had a Nissan CVT done with us, watch this video for yourself. Jim Hafemeister 936-718-2882 https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/consumer-products/auto-news/931402-nissan-transmission-class-action-settlement/ TOPCLASSACTIONS.COM Nissan Transmission Class Action Settlement | Top Class Actions
https://www.facebook.com/groups/370327683112363?view=permalink&id=2031194843692297 David Yackley‎Beg, Barter, Buy In Magnolia TX November 5, 2019 at 8:48 AM · Project truck, engine will run
Project truck, engine will run
There is no charge for diagnostics or pricing. You need to know what is really wrong and what needs to be done BEFORE starting repair. Call us for help! 24/7 Jim Hafemeister - 832-875-6009 Family Auto and Transmission Service 3804 Honea Egypt Rd Montgomery, Tx 77316
Hey, what happened to the stick? Dapper Diesels October 4, 2019 at 12:40 PM · Transmission is a little ruff. Growls in 3rd. Whines in 4th Make sure to follow us on Instagram for other shenanigans 🤪
If You Need Transmisson Repair Work; Some Things That You Should Know Transmisson Diagnostics Should Not Be Costly Transmisson diagnosing is usually very simple. So don’t put it off. At Family Auto & Transmisson Service, we don’t charge to diagnose and price our work. Often the transmission symptom is either from another onboard system or fixable with the transmission while it is still in the vehicle. If you drop your vehicle off with us in the morning we will usually have a diagnosis and price by noon. If a major repair is required, we find that the time to honestly discuss pricing is WHILE YOU STILL DON’T OWE US ANY MONEY. This is very important. I talk to customers just about every day who have been baited in over the phone with sketchy prices only to find themselves trapped in a shop, with their transmission out and in pieces before they even knew what happened. Now, if they can’t afford the new “ real price “ they are stuck. Their transmission is out, in pieces and if they want their vehicle back they have to pay an “ inspection service fee. Those “ inspection fees “ can run between $400 - $700 At our shop BEFORE we do the work we will truthfully discuss worse case scenarios and give you pricing that we will always work out way down from. That’s the time to have that discussion. Before you go to a shop, check around. Look at reviews and trust your “gut”. Whether you come to our shop or not, I’ll be glad to talk to you and get you in the right direction. I answer my calls and text messages most nights and weekends. Family Auto and Transmission Service 3804 Honea Egypt Rd Montgomery, Tx 77316 Jim Hafemeister 832-875-6009 cell PS: If you have ever had that kind of experience before, for the benefit of others, please tell me your story in the comments below.


Company name
Family Auto & Transmission Service
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Family Auto & Transmission Service in Montgomery TX?
    You can reach them at: 936-718-2882. It’s best to call Family Auto & Transmission Service during business hours.
  • What is the address for Family Auto & Transmission Service on honea egypt road in Montgomery?
    Family Auto & Transmission Service is located at this address: 3804 Honea Egypt Road Montgomery, TX 77316.
  • What are Family Auto & Transmission Service(Montgomery, TX) store hours?
    Family Auto & Transmission Service store hours are as follows: Mon-Sun: 24 hours.