Important message from our CEO
Great news for my clients, no need to apply for this discount it will be automatically applied! More details will be sent to you soon. Farmers Corporate is monitoring the COVID-19 situation very seriously and day by day implementing new ways to help our clients. This is just one small step in what will likely be ongoing discussions each day. Let's hope this ends soon!
Please stay safe and keep healthy! If you need anything don't hesitate to call my office at 619-298-9000.
Choosing the right homeowners insurance is no easy task. Please make sure you talk to a professional when choosing the company that will insure your most important asset. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to all that have been affected by the recent wildfires.
Insurance company goes under after California's Camp Fire
This is no secret and I help my clients every day invest and diversify their portfolio to earn tax-free income!! This is direct from Forbes, a non-biased company that has no incentive to write about retirement or life insurance.
The Rich Person Roth: For The Most Tax-Free Retirement Income
Wishing everyone a happy 4th of July holiday!! 🇺🇸