I am all about going green and cutting down on waste, and a pain free way to do that is by enrolling in paperless billing. Farmers.com and the Farmers Mobile App give you instant access to your bills, policy info, and claims without a single sheet of paper. Sign in now: farme.rs/GoPaperless
Have another life in your life? Stop by my office for a Farmers Friendly Review.
SMART: Using lemons to flavor your tea. SMARTER: Using lemons to naturally clean your microwave. NOW THAT IS LEMONADE
Extinguishing your smoking habit is just one way you may be able to impact your Life Insurance premiums. Learn more: http://www.farmers.com/inner-circle/life-events/how-to-lower-life-insurance-rates/?utm_source=Agents&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=InnerCircle
When you have Business Auto Insurance, you can focus on #TheLittleThings that remind you why you started it all. http://farme.rs/6185tGXP
Brush up on your grilling safety before that first burger is flipped.