Don’t think you need life insurance now that your kids are grown up? A new policy could be a thoughtful gift for when your kids have kids of their own. During this Life Insurance Awareness Month, let's chat.
Gather round now for a tale of rogue rodents with ridiculously good aim. Farmers® has seen it, and they covered it on 8/5/16. Wondering if your ride has coverage for such an attack? Send me a message.
An angry squirrel attacking an automobile? Farmers® has seen it, and covered it on 8/5/16. Don't leave your policy open to dings, dents, or scratches from these cute but mischievous creatures. Give me a call today.
It's good to look back and reflect on the last year. If your family experienced any changes, your policy needs may have changed as well. Schedule a Farmers Friendly Review® and let's go over it together.
Surprising fact: 80 percent of Americans say that family is the most important thing, yet, only 55 percent have life insurance. Is supporting your family's financial future important to you? Let's chat.
You have an emergency kit with food and water for you and your family. Great. But does it have all medications you need? You may want to make sure your kit is up to date with at least a week's worth of the items below.