Due to construction and demolition in our main building, our office will be closed to walk-in business from Monday January 20th, 2020 through Saturday January 25th, 2020. During this week our phone lines will be open during normal business hours. We will be happy to assist you over the phone and if we need to meet face-to-face we will make arrangements to meet you. I apologize for any inconvenience. The office building will reopen on Monday January 27th, 2020. Thank you! Felix
Before buying my agency, I was involved in insurance for about nine years. A couple of experiences with friends and family made me realize how important insurance is yet many do not have a full understanding of it. This means many people are either underinsured or do not have the coverage they believe they do. I want to do everything I can to inform and informed not only friends and family, but anyone that will listen; and make recommendations that are appropriate to every person I talk to. And do so, ethically and honestly. These two things are very important to me and demonstrate respect for others. I believe this is what will drive my success and provide those I work with security and peace of mind knowing they have the right level of protection when/if its needed. And in build our reputation as trusted Allstate agents.