Before you begin a bathroom remodel, spend a significant amount of time mapping out how much space you have and how you'd like to use it. Since bathrooms are usually smaller rooms, it makes sense to plan out everything in advance to maximize the effectiveness of your renovation.
A slowed or stopped flow of water isn't always the result of a simple blockage. It could be a broken or cracked pipe in your system, or even erosion of older pipes. Call a professional to make sure you get the right diagnosis and the right cure.
Floors, toilets, wall tiles, bathtubs and sinks are the most commonly replaced bathroom fixtures in a remodel. The remodeling process will cost anywhere from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Choosing the right materials for your kitchen remodeling is crucial, and you want to consider your individual use before selecting them. For example, a soapstone counter can be gorgeous, but also requires a lot of care, so it might not be great for families with kids.
What part in an average toilet controls water flow? We'll give you a little hint: Its simple nickname is the "float." If you guessed this essential part is called the ballcock, you're right.
One diagnostic tool used by professional drain cleaning services is a micro-video camera. These cameras can be thread into your drain to the source of the blockage. This permits the technician to observe the exact location of the clog and the cause of it.