Repair & restoration of leather, vinyl and plastic, to include rips, tears, cuts, abrasions, scratches,broken stitching, cracks, burns, fading, discoloration, deodorization, and framing issues. We even provide the actual service work for many warranty providers - if you want the best, ask for Fibrenew!
-Residential and commercial furniture, to include mechanized pieces (recliners, lift chairs, adjustable beds, etc.).
-Vinyl siding and PVC storm window casings - we repair holes and cracks from hail, BB guns, golf balls, etc.
-Medical exam tables, exercise equipment, gym mats, dental chairs, barbers chairs.
-Automotive and marine; seating, panels, carpeting, dashboards, steering wheels, shifter handles, consoles, arm rests, headliners, and headlight clearing.
-Aircraft* seating, panels, carpeting, consoles, arm rests, headliners.
-Military** furniture, aircraft, ships/boats, vehicles, covers, enclosures, canopies, etc.
Mobile Service - most work done on-site.
21 year military veteran, with access to government and military facilities.
*FAA vertical burn testing documentation available for all FIBRENEW products.
**Repairs to military equipment made with materials meeting MILSPEC requirements.