We are Financial Advisors, Strategists and I am an Author. With a Proven track record since 1980 (Testimonials and Proof at:www.FAOAI.com). ....................Thru our complimentary/free nationwide webinar/teleseminars we share those Proven Strategies and our Exclusive Proprietary products that provide YOU Financial Security and Peace of Mind ....................thru these webinar/teleseminars, We show you: * HOW TO: Get Stock-Market Returns WITH-OUT the Risk. ** HOW TO: Loss-Proof Your hard earned Money. *** HOW TO: Lock-In Your Money in TAX-FREE Environment – which means over 50% more PAY-OUT for Same Dollars. **** HOW TO: GUARANTEE Never To OUT-LIVE your Retirement Income..................... and much more .................... Plus, ***** HOW: YOU can have Financial Security and Peace of Mind - NO matter WHAT happens to the Stock-Market, Taxes, Economy or your HEALTH.......................... This is our way to give back to YOU, by sharing these proven strategies and products which have benefited others. Please feel free to FWD to friends, family and post on social media etc........... Register for next free educational Webinar, Testimonials and Proof at:www.FAOAI.com.