Take a look at this article offering some specifics to the legal definition of negligence. Do you believe that your own injury was caused by negligence?
What are the most important qualities of justice, as far as you're concerned?
Personal injury law may make you think of courtrooms, but the fact is that the majority of cases settle before reaching that stage.
TBI causes serious issues that can require the victim to change their whole lifestyle. Have you ever known someone who suffered a head injury?
For an experienced hand in all areas of personal injury legal representation, our capable team works tirelessly to ensure a satisfactory outcome every time. Visit our site today for details: https://bit.ly/2GRwYOA
Distracted driving has been a serious issue in America as cell phones and smart tech have become daily necessities. What do you think could convince people to keep their eyes on the road ahead?
For high-quality, friendly, and professional legal assistance, look no further than The Law Offices of Joel M. Finkelstein in Washington, DC. Call us today: 202-659-3322. https://bit.ly/2GRwYOA
Autonomous vehicles are gaining traction on the roads, but are they making the roads safer? Give us your own predictions in the comments.
Eye injuries are scary things. Seek treatment immediately, and don't forget to take pictures of the wound for evidence. We'll be there to take your call when you're ready to move forward with your claim.
Here are the most common reasons people find themselves filing personal injury claims. Did one of these reasons cause your injury?
“The leading rule for the lawyer, as for the man of every calling, is diligence.” - Abraham Lincoln
Here are the most common - and avoidable - injuries in the US, according to the National Safety Council. Are you surprised by any of them?
Tip: The longer your wait to at least get the ball rolling on your personal injury case, the harder the fight will be. Statutes of limitations may come into effect, thus negating your legal case. #protip
ADVICE: Never speak with your boss about your injury recovery without consulting with your personal attorney. They could be fishing for signs that you’ve recovered or that your case is exaggerated. Stick to the facts (“I’m hurt and need x amount of time off,” etc.)
Question of the Day: How many personal injury lawyers have you had... or are we the first firm to represent you? #survey #lawfirm
Fill in the Blank: I first heard about this personal injury firm through ______________________. #survey #QOT
Our team of professionals has the knowledge and tools necessary to provide top-quality legal assistance at an affordable rate. Call us today: 202-659-3322. https://bit.ly/2GRwYOA
Fill in the Blank: In my industry, people are most often getting hurt on the job because of ________________________. #lawfirm #personalinjury #lawyer #survey
We utilize many years of experience in the personal injury law business, providing trustworthy legal representation to the Washington, DC community. Call 202-659-3322 today.
Make sure you always get a police report if you are involved in an accident. https://bit.ly/39Wg8hz
Whiplash is a common complication of rear-end accidents. Get more information, including the signs that you have whiplash, in this article. https://mayocl.in/2v5UstZ
Statistics show the number of serious accidents involving pedestrians has increased in the past decade. Get more information in this article. https://bit.ly/3888ZJD
In addition to giving us a call if you've been injured, take at look at what you should do if you are involved in a car accident. https://on.today.com/350UKFm
Don't be quick to declare you are uninjured after a car accident. Symptoms, such as whiplash, can take hours or days to become obvious.