Call and talk to your pest technician directly, We offer free phone estimates, Flexible Pest Prevention Programs, Monthly - Bimonthly - Quarterly service plans, & pest inspections
Firewall Pest Solutions is a family owned company.
Michael Hopfner got into the pest management industry because it appealed to his interest in insects and the role they play in health and the environment. At Firewall we are proud to protect the NW from the nuisances, damages, and health threats that pests can cause...but more importantly, Firewall is a proud supporter of the local communities on pest education. A safe protected environment free of the health risk that pests can cause is the Firewall motto. We are always looking for ways to use our resources and contribute to local causes and communities. Over the years Michael has improved his education in the Pest Management Industry by continuing to attend Urban IPM, WDO pest inspection, Bed Bug and online classes. We use the motto "PC1" Put the customer first and that means family, pets and environmental safety comes first.
Studies show there is a fine balance between home owners wanting greener, more environmentally friendly solutions and fast, effective pest annihilation. We understand and provide pest control options to help you choose the best approach for your family.