Float Coppell

(on north denton tap road)
Beauty Salons and Services in Coppell, TX
Beauty Salons and Services
Beauty & Spas
Hospitals and Medical Centers


9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
9:00AM - 8:00PM
10:00AM - 7:00PM
11:00AM - 7:00PM


230 North Denton Tap Road
Coppell, TX


  • Sensory Deprivation Float Therapy
  • Spa Services
  • IV Nutrition
  • Facial & Spa Services


Learn more about how Float Therapy impacts the brain in our latest blog post. https://floatcoppell.com/how-sensory-deprivation-and-floating-impacts-the-brain/
Is the sometimes overwhelming world keeping you from taking time to check in with yourself? Selfcare can help you de-stress, improve your mood and reduce anxious thoughts. Try slowing down today and each day this coming week. Take as little as 10-15 minutes to focus on on you and how you are feeling both physically and mentally. Try a short mediation or some journaling time and let us know how you feel as a result.
Are you curious about the benefits of float therapy? Here are 3 ways that float therapy helps you feel and perform at your best! 💧 Magnesium - Absorbed through the skin, magnesium soothes the mind and muscles by getting rid of toxins and triggering the release of endorphins. This may result in lower blood pressure, better sleep and improved mood. 💧 Zero Distractions - Have you tried finding a moment of quiet or medication in your house and found it to be a struggle? (WE FEEL YOU!) Float therapy provides an environment with no distractions so you can focus your mind with ease. 💧 Zero Gravity - Unlike laying in your bed, floating relieves all contact pressure allowing your blood vessels to dilate. This stimulates circulation of oxygen and red blood cells, the bodies natural healers. Click vagaro.com/cbdcoppell to schedule your float today. The more you float, the better you feel.
Learn how to retrain your focus and recapture your attention with the bombardment of technology and information. The average person scrolls through 300 feet of mobile content a day. That's the equivalent of a football field! Check out this video to learn how float therapy can help! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCjmRCywkZg&t=4s YOUTUBE.COM How sensory deprivation and floating impacts the brain
Would you like to increase your level of calm in your day to day life? Stress and anxiety can plague your life. It can be helpful to focus on being present with what is in front of you. Indulging in high anxiety information, by constantly checking your email, phone notifications, or news, increases your stress levels. Constantly performing these actions interrupts your focus and can create worry and concern in your mind. TIP: Take breaks and spend a few minutes each hour being PRESENT. This can be as simple as short, silly moments with a loved one, a short motivational reading, or simple breathing techniques to bring you back to your present.
Do you find yourself having a tough time separating "work" and "personal" time? Setting clear boundaries while working from home can prevent you from easily feeling burnt out or overly stressed. Without a normal commute to the office, it can be difficult to have that transition time from work to home life. Create a transition plan and add it into your work schedule. Add in a15 minute workout, 5 minute meditation, breathing techniques, or reading time to settle your mind from the stress of the work day and transition to family time. Try it for a week and see if you notice a difference!
We constantly hear about morning routines to set you up for a day of success, but a nightly routine can play just much of a role in the next days success. Sticking to a night routine will help you with more restful and optimal seep. It allows you to tackle the morning in a smoother and more productive day. Yes, friend. Say goodbye to that snooze button! Nightly Routine Tips: 💧Step away from ALL screens 30 minutes prior to bed. No more one eye open while scrolling through insta! 💧Take CBD 30 minutes prior to sleep to prepare your mind and body for optimal sleep. 💧Try switching from screens to reading or journaling. 💧Set priorities and goals for your next day by making a list. 💧Give gratitude by writing down three things you are grateful for that moment. Which one are you going to try this week?
Have you ever wished you could get the benefits of meditation, but when you sit down to try you seem to get easily distracted? Did you know that the benefits of meditation mirror those of float therapy? This article highlights those powerful similarities of inner peace and utter euphoria that keeps our weekly float therapy clients coming back week after week. Read about it or contact us today to find out how adding float therapy to your weekly routine can boost your overall wellbeing. FloatCoppell.com HAPPIFUL.COM What is sensory deprivation?
How consistent is your sleep schedule? Do you have one? This is one small change you can choose to implement that can make a big difference in your overall wellbeing. While you have to find a routine that works for you, here are a few tips for a good nights rest. Eat dinner early (sleep is for healing and not digesting), at least three hours prior to bedtime. Then, start to slow things down and choose a time that you can commit to each night between 9:30 and 10:30pm. Enjoy a glass of herbal tea, turn off the screens, read a book, or consider some meditation. The best sleep happens with consistent, healthy routines which allow us to meet our sleep needs each night, and prepare our minds and bodies to feel and be our best each day. Adding float therapy to your weekly wellness routine is an easy way to help get your sleep schedule back on track! FloatCoppell.com
Is the stress of day to day life holding you back from accomplishing your goals? After loads of research, trial and error, and help from leading experts, we have put together a 6 Week Stress Release Program. This program is designed to change how you react to stress with a solution that can help you easily and naturally manage stress for the rest of your life. Contact us today to learn more! FloatCoppell.com
Because our minds and bodies are linked, bodily pain can sometimes cause emotional pain. Things like stress, fatigue, and chronic pain can all lead to mood changes. This can include feelings of anger, stress, sadness. Pain can also lead to a dependence on medication. Float therapy in the Float Coppell float suite can help you find emotional balance because it reduces mental and physical stress at the same time. Best of all? It’s completely natural. Float therapy can help you limit the use of pain medicine while also improving your mood. Try it for yourself by booking at FloatCoppell.com!
Arthritis by definition, affects the specific joints associated with and influenced by chronic inflammation both locally and systemically. Each joint is specialized in its shape and structure to control the range of motion between the parts it connects, such as the knee, shoulder or spinal vertebrae. Due to age, hereditary factors, injury, chronic poor posture, repetitive stress, poor diet, lack of movement, joints can easily degenerate. Whether you have degenerative, inflammatory, or autoimmune arthritis, they are all affected by how you manage your immune system, your sleep, your stress response, and your level of activity. Float therapy, especially due to the Epsom Salt in the water, help to address all of these areas. Read more on the blog: https://floatcoppell.com/float-tanks-help-with-arthritis/ FLOATCOPPELL.COM Float Tanks Help With Arthritis | Float Coppell
Stress is often a link to causing unhealthy eating habits. A balanced nutrition is usually the first thing to go in our hectic, on the go, busy schedules. Additionally, stress makes the body crave foods that are high in fats and sugars. Indulging in unhealthy fats and sugar, in time will inflict a greater stress on the body and pose a threat to our physical and mental health. Mindful Eating is allowing yourself to become aware of the positive and nurturing opportunities that are available through food selection and preparation by respecting your own inner wisdom. This week, try to be eat mindfully by listening to all your senses to fully satisfy and nurture your body. What are some ways you practice mindful eating? FloatCoppell.com
Even Eddie the Skeleton enjoys a good Float Session. Take a break from the cool weather and enjoy a relaxing Float Therapy Session. Float Therapy allows you to cut off all the distractions around you so that your mind and body can rest at ease. Do yourself a favor and book your session today at https://floatcoppell.floathelm.com/booking.
Get TWO FREE Float Sessions when you sign up for our 7 Day Stress Release Challenge. Enjoy Float Therapy, Wellness Coaching, Accountability and more! Sign up today at https://www.floatcoppell.com/7daychallenge/
Decisions, decisions... Did you know the first decision you make in the morning can effect the tone of your entire day? Pressing that snooze button, opting out on that morning workout you were determined to do the night before, or reaching for the sugary donut instead of that green juice... The morning struggle is real! While we shouldn't beat ourselves up when we don't reach perfection, we should aim to start the day off with positive choices. Think of how you can start each day with a healthy routine and try to stick with it this week. I'm dying to hear what you are making a commitment to stick with this week. Share in the comments below! FloatCoppell.com #morningroutine #morningmotivation #wellness
Hey friends, Joann here. Recently I decided to break up with stress. I decided I was going to take responsibility for my health and start putting self-care first. While learning to live life stress free is a journey, I have found that having accountability has helped me stay motivated even through those times I want to give up. We recently launched a 6 Week Stress Release Program to share with you all the ways that we are tackling stress in our lives. I’m sure this is something everyone could use right now. One of the reasons our program has been able to assist so many people is due to holding our clients accountable. We believe in accountability coaching to help you set specific, measurable, and realistic goals. We follow up with you regularly and help you track your progress. My personal favorite part is when we get to celebrate your success. If you are ready to break up with stress in your life, post an emoji below!
When was the last time you took a few minutes to be mindful? This could be as simple as the classic saying ‘stopping to smell the roses.’ This is a great reminder that it's important to take time to pause and appreciate the good things in life, no matter how big or small they are in that moment. Whether you smell the flowers or put on your favorite perfume or apply essential oils to your wrists, it is important to take time to slow down. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference. Mindfulness describes practices that encourage you to be and stay in the present moment. Take some time today to be present and give gratitude for the little things around you. FloatCoppell.com
What is causing you stress today? Would you like to have more energy and less stress? Being constantly connected to your digital devices, watching the news, drinking alcohol, and consuming too much caffeine are just a few things that may be adding unnecessary stress to your life. Start with one small change by reducing or eliminating one of these things each week and notice the difference in the way you feel. Consistently making small changes allows you to make big changes over time. 😀 What would you like to work on this week? FloatCoppell.com
Who is ready for a Black Friday Doorbuster Deal? We are! Starting NOW we are giving you TWO floats for the price of ONE! That's right! Buy one 60 Minute or 90 Minute Float Therapy session and get one FREE! Floats may be shared with family and friends and make the perfect gift for 2020. Who couldn't use a relaxing float session right now!? Jump on this deal as we will only be selling a limited number. Purchase here: https://floatcoppell.floathelm.com/store
Take time today to perform a self body scan. Lie on your back, or sit with your feet on the floor. Start by focusing on your breath. Take a nice deep breath and slowly exhale. Start to mentally scan your body to get a sense of how stress is affecting you today. Start at your toes and work your way slowly all the way up to your scalp, noticing how your body feels. Simply be aware of places you feel are tight or loose without trying to change anything. For 1 to 2 minutes, imagine each deep breath you take is flowing to a specific body part that feels like it needs attention and release the physical tension that you are feeling. Repeat this process as you move your focus up your body, paying close attention to the sensations that you are feeling in each body part. A body scan can help boost awareness of the mind body connection. Find the place and time that works well in your daily or weekly routine and notice the difference. FloatCoppell.com
Did you know our 6 Week Stress Release Program includes a workbook? This workbook includes journaling prompts, goal setting worksheets, and habit tracking sheets so you can record and review your progress. This is a great way to hold yourself accountable and guide you through the program to ensure you are getting the most out of each week. Schedule your FREE consultation today to find out if the 6 Week Stress Release Program is right for you. https://bit.ly/2UIegQB
Life can sometimes be hectic, chaotic, and stressful. We encourage our clients to set aside a specific day and time for a float therapy session at least once a week. Weekly floating provides the greatest benefits for reducing stress, supporting optimal sleep, and soothing discomfort. Come in to visit us this week to kick off your weekly float therapy routine and start to experience the benefits. FloatCoppell.com
Has this year been overloaded with video calls? Zoom fatigue is real. One explanation is the auditory processing necessary to actively participate in video calls. Give yourself breaks throughout the day by taking time off from sound and getting up and moving your body. Try to carve out a few minutes of silence every few hours to allow your brain to relax and reset. Float Therapy is a great way to ensure you are taking time away from the sensory overload we often receive on a day to day basis. Book your session today at FloatCoppell.com https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/psychological-exploration-zoom-fatigue
We are wishing everyone a wonderful New Years Eve! As we reflect on our 2020, we are so grateful for the support, perseverance, and laughter we have shared with each of you. We look forward to entering 2021 with you and we can't wait to see what each of you accomplish in your lives and wellness goals. We hope to see you at our New Year's Day event tomorrow for a guided meditation, breathwork, and cold water immersion. Register at https://bit.ly/2KQrfhr
Tomorrow is the LAST DAY of our Semiannual BOGO Free Float Session Sale! Stock up for the New Year to enter 2021 with the perfect health tool. Float Therapy has a plethora of benefits including promoting optimal sleep, stress relief, muscle recovery, and better skin. Purchase a 60 minute or 90 minutes session today and get a 2nd session FREE. Hurry! Sale ends TOMORROW! FloatCoppell.com
Have you considered adding smoothies into your wellness routine? Smoothies are miraculous in so many ways. They are: 😍Chock-full of vitamins, enzymes, and minerals 😍Easy to digest, which means optimal assimilation of nutrients (those little buggers get to where they need to go quickly and get soaked up by your cells) 😍Great for stabilizing blood sugar (you will see each smoothie here has a healthy fat, and fat is key for blood sugar stabilization) 😍A fabulous way to consume a variety of different fruits or vegetables at one time 😍Terrific for cleansing the body of toxicity 😍An easy way to add more fiber to your diet for optimal bowel function 😍A great source of natural energy If you are looking for smoothie recipes to add into your wellness routine, you might be in luck! Stay tuned for our FREE 14 Day Smoothie Challenge launching soon.
We are only days away from our New Years Day Polar Bear Plunge. Here is why you don't want to miss this event! ✅ You will practice mindfulness and set your 2021 intentions with a guided meditation ✅ You will learn breathing techniques for stress relief with a brief breathwork workshop ✅ You will have the opportunity to plunge into cold water therapy which is used to enhance immunity, boost metabolism, and improve your mood. ✅ You will receive a FREE bottle of CBD to jumpstart your wellness. We can't think of a better way to start 2021! We look forward to seeing you there. Tag your friends and register today at https://bit.ly/2KQrfhr
Even Santa needs a Float after 2020. Take advantage of our BOGO Free Float Sessions and relax and unwind into the new year. Adding Float Therapy as a tool in your wellness routine can ensure you don't bring the stress of 2020 into the new year. Book today at FloatCoppell.com


Company name
Float Coppell
Beauty Salons and Services


  • What is the phone number for Float Coppell in Coppell TX?
    You can reach them at: 972-393-0913. It’s best to call Float Coppell during business hours.
  • What is the address for Float Coppell on north denton tap road in Coppell?
    Float Coppell is located at this address: 230 North Denton Tap Road Coppell, TX 75019.
  • What are Float Coppell(Coppell, TX) store hours?
    Float Coppell store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 8:00PM, Sat: 10:00AM - 7:00PM, Sun: 11:00AM - 7:00PM.