With same day appointments, our team of Doctors and therapists are here to help. Offering Medical services, comprehensive physical therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy and spinal disc decompression we have what it takes to get you feeling better. We are here to help and we accept all auto insurances. Our staff is well trained in compliance and billing for Auto (Personal Injury Protection: PIP) Insurance. It is critically important to initiate treatment as soon as possible for ANY PAINFUL CONDITION following trauma.
Many patients who have never been in an auto accident quickly realize that the options for treatment are limited. Most primary care providers do not accept auto insurance leaving it up to them to find the care they need outside of emergency room and urgent care visits. There are no referrals required to be seen at Florida Injury and Wellness, however we do accept referrals from Primary care providers and urgent care clinics. Have you been to the Emergency Room or Urgent Care and are unsure where to go for the pains you are still having? Will your primary care not accept auto insurance? Studies clearly show that failure to seek and receive treatment for pain within 3-6 months following the inciting injury dramatically increases the probability of suffering with pain permanently. This is why it is vitally important to get treatment right away.
Medical Services for Auto Injuries
Our medical team has tremendous experience in dealing with auto injuries and is here. A comprehensive medical exam will be performed. The doctor will review any diagnostic imaging and determine if additional advanced imaging studies are warranted at that time. The doctor will oversee your care plan and perform periodic evaluations to determine if conservative care, including chiropractic and physical therapy, are aiding in your recovery. Should conservative care fail to improve symptoms, a referral for pain management, orthopedic, or nuerosurgical consult can be ordered. Minor procedures such as trigger point injections are offered in office. We work with many specialist physicians in the area who are familiar with auto injuries and the complexities they bring. At Florida Injury and Wellness, our goal is to utilize a conservative approach to treat your car accident injuries, however, when conservative therapies don’t deliver the results, we must consider additional options for relief.
Chiropractic Services
Chiropractic Adjustment
For Headaches
Pulstar Adjusting
Addresses and Contact info
Lake Magdalene Office:
326 West Bearss Avenue
Tampa, FL 33613
Phone (813) 963-3348
Working Hours
Hours of Operation:
Mon.- Fri.- 8:30am to 5:30pm
Wesley Chapel Location
27454 Cashford Circle Suite B
Wesley Chapel, FL 33544
Phone: (813) 440-6376
Working Hours
Hours of Operation:
Monday: 9am – 6pm
Tuesday: 9-12 and 2-7
Wednesday: 9am – 6pm
Thursday: 9-12 and 2-7
Friday: 9am – 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
We serve these zip codes in North Tampa 33548, 33549, 33559, 33613, 33618. Wesley Chapel Zip Codes 33544, 33543, 33545, 33576