It’s important to remember that a few mature trees on your property could easily drop more leaves on your property than you can reasonably bag up each week. When you’d like more time to relax and enjoy the cooler weather, we’re always ready to help remove your leaves.
Spring is a great time to prune some trees and shrubs. Pruning keeps the plants in shape, gets rid of dead and diseased wood, and encourages new growth. It is important to hire a professional tree care specialist to ensure proper pruning and to avoid pruning trees that flower early in the spring.
As you've probably seen, if leaf blowers are handled incorrectly, the leaves can go everywhere. Fortunately, leaf removal experts know exactly how to handle the air coming out of a leaf blower to make sure leaves go where they want them.
Buttress roots are roots that flare from the lower part of the tree’s trunk. These roots help to brace the tree and provide stability. They are common in the rainforests where roots are close to the surface and soil is poor.
It happens every autumn. Leaves change into a glorious array of colors, yet all those lovely shades are created by only four leaf pigments. Chlorophyll produces green colors, carotenoids produce yellow and orange, anthocyanins produce pink, red and purple, and tannins produce brown tones.
It’s important to remember that grass is a living organism that requires a number of elements in order to sustain life. If the fallen leaves from your trees are choking off access to fresh air and sunlight, your lawn may not survive the winter.