Ending a marriage can be difficult, but don't let that deter you from working with your ex to help ensure your children are taken care of financially. https://bit.ly/34emc0H
The Finances of Joint Custody Agreements: 10 Things You Must Know | Kiplinger
The number of people filing for bankruptcy could set records next year. And, while bankruptcy reform artificially spurred the 2005 record of nearly 2.1 million cases filed, this peak will be all about the reality of a Covid-19-blasted economy. https://bit.ly/3hYggxi
After The Covid-19 Deluge, A Bankruptcy Tidal Wave?
Two-thirds of those who file for bankruptcy cite medical issues as a factor, according to a study last year in the American Journal of Public Health. https://bit.ly/35Q9JCM
'This is going to bankrupt me': Americans rack up $45B worth of medical debt in collections
Just because you're divorcing doesn't mean that your former spouse can't still hurt your credit. Fortunately, it is possible to rebuild your credit score after a divorce causes a blow. #Divorce http://bit.ly/2Miv0KW
What You Need to Know About Divorce and Credit
Bankruptcy is a legal process that lets people or entities who can't pay their debts obtain some type of relief by having those debts either reorganized or eliminated. https://bit.ly/32KgG64
How Bankruptcies Work | The Ascent
Even the most amicable relationship under constant duress, such as a national health crisis, can create friction. This is especially true for co-parents navigating complicated relationships with their exes. https://wapo.st/2ZNvvmK
Divorced and separated couples learn to navigate the ups and downs of custody during covid-19
Many people could benefit from bankruptcy relief but don't file because of fear, myths or misplaced optimism. https://bit.ly/2SdEklE
Fear of Bankruptcy Holds Too Many People Back - NerdWallet
If you’re dealing with old debt, make sure you’re taking the right steps to avoid starting over. https://bit.ly/33SFjNr
Resetting The Clock On Old Debt | Bankrate
Dividing your assets in a divorce settlement is tough, and there's no way to split a co-owned house in two. Depending on your situation, having one party remain in the home or selling it outright may be best. http://bit.ly/32XGBEh
Real Estate Mistakes You Don't Want to Make in a Divorce
Divorce can be a long and difficult process. You'll need to make decisions about a number of things, including debt that you took on jointly with your spouse. Don't just assume that your divorce will split loans up the way you expected, and take steps to protect yourself from future financial troubles (and stress) down the road. http://bit.ly/32XHpsN
Joint Debt Lenders Might Hold You Responsible in a Divorce
A cohabitation agreement can spell out how you will share responsibilities during the time you are living together and help you in the event that you eventually decide to separate. #FamilyLaw
Do You Need a Cohabitation Agreement Before Moving in With Your Partner?
Recovery from bankruptcy is a step-by-step and often gradual process, and is best achieved by personally committing to good, healthy, financial practices. https://yhoo.it/32sGEZi
How to Bounce Back From Bankruptcy in 5 Easy Steps
Going to court to fight for child custody is an emotional time, and many parents make mistakes simply because they're uncertain about what to do. Here are some common child custody mistakes parents make, along with tips on how to avoid them. #FamilyLaw https://bit.ly/37mr9HS
5 Child Custody Mistakes Single Parents Make
Maintaining financial stability is crucial to living the life you want after the divorce. Arming yourself with a well-informed plan for each stage of the divorce may ease your transition to single life and help protect your financial future. https://bit.ly/3lP9Gfg
Gray Divorce: Amicable Terms for Your Finances | Kiplinger
If your financial situation has you feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, you may be considering filing for bankruptcy. http://bit.ly/32J7nkt
What Really Happens When You File for Bankruptcy?
The #bankruptcy means test determines who can file for debt forgiveness through Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
The Bankruptcy Means Test: What It Is, Why It Matters - NerdWallet
Here’s what you should consider if you’re planning to untangle joint credit card debt during a divorce. https://bit.ly/3o9rXG3
How To Untangle Joint Credit Card Debt In Divorce
Although a bankruptcy filing remains on your credit report for up to a decade, the situation is not quite as bad as it seems. The effect on your credit will diminish over time until it drops off your report completely. https://yhoo.it/35Ee2zp
Bankruptcies are expected to surge — but a filing isn't fatal to your credit
There isn't always an easy solution to dividing your 401(k) assets in a divorce, but you can make the process a little less painful by understanding what your 401(k) plan allows and what your state requires. https://bit.ly/3kcjM9m
Protecting Your 401(k) in a Divorce | The Motley Fool
There comes a moment in many relationships where the partnership is no longer viable, and where separation or divorce is the unavoidable next step. And while divorcing or going separate ways is rarely easy, couples dissolving their households during Covid-19 are facing new woes. https://cnn.it/2TnyD5b
Breaking up in Covid-19 times has new woes
Finance experts say the opportunity to rethink priorities and start fresh after a divorce can be a positive. https://bit.ly/2HzKLNL
7 Little-Known Financial Benefits of Divorce
Your home loan could continue to be your legal responsibility, even after a divorce. Because of the huge risks of remaining on a mortgage loan, you'll likely want to take action to protect yourself. https://bit.ly/35gvFGb
Getting Divorced? Here's What Happens to Your Mortgage
Bankruptcy gives over 700,000 debtors a fresh start every year. Bills for credit cards and medical expenses can be wiped away by a few strokes of a judge’s pen, and debts that don’t vanish are reduced. But student loan debts don’t go away as easily. https://nyti.ms/35pwblg
For Millions Deep in Student Loan Debt, Bankruptcy Is No Easy Fix
Bankruptcy is often a topic that makes people feel ashamed, insecure, anxious or guilty. The truth is, like any other financial transaction, it’s just business. https://bloom.bg/3pjqJIH
The Ultimate Guide to Personal Bankruptcy in America
Developing a plan for paying for college as part of your divorce is imperative to ensuring that your children have the educational opportunities that they deserve. https://bit.ly/2JIkU7g
Divorce: Who Pays for Education and How to Afford It | Kiplinger
When couples get divorced, their assets are usually divided, but that split doesn't automatically extend to retirement plans, which is where a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) can come into play. http://bit.ly/36nTRo4
What Is a QDRO?
For the more than 68 million U.S. adults with debt in collections, knowing their legal rights is crucial. https://bit.ly/2IWICMV
What new debt collector rules mean for you
The coronavirus pandemic has presented some challenges you don’t typically see with other states of emergency--challenges even the most prescient parenting plan may not have accounted for. https://nyti.ms/3lDeogk
When Co-Parents Clash in a Pandemic
Child Support typically begins on the date the court order is filed. It is not retroactive beyond the date of the filing which is why it’s so important to begin the process as soon as possible. #FamilyLaw
What Single Parents Should Know About Child Support
Workers in certain industries are seeing higher divorce rates by age 30, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Data. #Divorce https://bit.ly/3pFZpVk
21 Careers That Are More Likely To Lead To Divorce
Filing for bankruptcy is one way to stop wage garnishment. An attorney can advise on whether bankruptcy is the right choice based on your specific circumstances. http://bit.ly/36qLOac
What Is Wage Garnishment?
Different types of bankruptcy can lead to different outcomes, and the unique types of bankruptcy are also geared toward different types of consumers. https://bit.ly/2VoJX1P
Complete Guide: Bankruptcy 101 | Bankrate
Generally, people choose Chapter 13 when their monthly debt payments are too much to handle but they have a job and want to keep certain assets. If you’ve maxed out your credit cards, you can’t afford to pay for basics like groceries and you’re constantly avoiding phone calls from debt collectors, you might consider this route. https://bit.ly/3qL6F2D
Complete Guide: Chapter 13 Bankruptcy | Bankrate
Divorce adds additional challenges to the already difficult job of being parents. The key for divorced parents can be to stay focused on areas of common ground.
Peacefully Parenting Together After You've Parted
It’s still possible to get a credit card after bankruptcy, but you’ll only be eligible for secured cards or cards designed for those with poor or no credit. Your best bet is to apply for a card as soon as you can after your bankruptcy is discharged, or completed, so you can start rebuilding your credit right away. https://bit.ly/3msy7ji
When Can I Apply For A Credit Card After Bankruptcy?
Retirement assets often represents a divorcing couple s largest pot of money. And if the process for the division of those assets is not done properly, there can be a steep price to pay in taxes, penalties or an unintended amount of money going to an ex-spouse. https://cnb.cx/35Ao1Ub
How to avoid mistakes dividing up 401(k) assets in divorce
After a bankruptcy filing, it’s important for seniors to focus on the fundamentals of financial stability. http://bit.ly/2PLJ4OQ
How Seniors Can Recover From a Bankruptcy Filing
Making the effort to formally establish paternity is about much more than the potential to receive child support. #FamilyLaw
Why Formally Establishing Paternity Matters and How to Do It
Understand what your options are for separating yourself financially from your former spouse so that you can start rebuilding your life post-marriage. #Divorce http://bit.ly/31RqJ5E
How Credit Card Debt Is Handled in Divorce
Though adoption is a wonderful thing, the process can be stressful as well as expensive. Thankfully, many families are eligible for relief in the form of the adoption tax credit. https://bit.ly/3aMEISr
How the Federal Adoption Tax Credit Works | The Motley Fool
Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a way for Americans down on their financial luck to sell off assets and have specific debts discharged by a bankruptcy court. http://bit.ly/37TAt2G
What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Developing a plan for paying for college as part of your divorce is imperative to ensuring that your children have the educational opportunities that they deserve. https://bit.ly/2JIkU7g
Divorce: Who Pays for Education and How to Afford It | Kiplinger
If you took on your spouse’s last name or added it to your own, you may also have to make the call on what you’re going to do with your name post-divorce. https://bit.ly/2WG9KDw
The Smart Path To Crafting Your New Identity After Divorce
Some assets appear to have equal values. Yet once you factor in taxes, they may not look so identical. #Divorce https://cnb.cx/2KiL1Ck
Avoid these mistakes when divvying up assets in a divorce
Whatever the reasons for your bankruptcy, it’s important to emphasize that the past is behind you, and demonstrate the steps you’re taking to rebuild your credit and build a stronger future. And that sort of fresh start is precisely what bankruptcy promises. https://cnb.cx/3hpjoUj
There is life after declaring personal bankruptcy, but it comes with some big costs
Attitude and mindset, not just budgeting skills, play a role in how well people adjust to their new reality after divorce. https://bit.ly/3of9Q0W
Rebuilding Your Finances After Divorce
More and more couples are calling it quits on their long-term marriages, and this so-called “gray divorce” can throw retirement plans into disarray. But careful planning can mitigate the financial fallout, advisors say. http://bit.ly/2v7ukCg
5 Ways to Stop Divorce from Wrecking Your Retirement
Prenuptial agreements are pretty standard when the rich and famous get married. But are they a good idea for people without millions of dollars to protect? Depending on your finances and relationship, they may be. #FamilyLaw
6 Reasons Average People Should Consider a Prenup
Are you facing a mountain of debt and not making any progress surmounting it? Bankruptcy may be the tool you need to get over the hump.
What Is Bankruptcy? - NerdWallet
Whatever student debt you brought into your marriage will still be yours if you divorce. But if you took on student loans while you were married, divorce isn’t so simple. http://bit.ly/31Ik13v
What Happens to Student Loans in Divorce? - NerdWallet
Before taking the big leap into bankruptcy, consult a bankruptcy attorney and learn the facts about how credit scores treat bankruptcy. You just may be able to minimize the damage and get a jump on re-establishing your credit after filing.
7 common myths about how bankruptcy affects credit
Tax year 2020 hasn’t brought any major changes to tax law for divorced parents, but things changed significantly with the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2018. Some of the most important changes were in regards to how divorced and separated parents can claim dependents. https://yhoo.it/3clwQbg
Now That You’re Divorced, Who Claims Your Child on Taxes?
Bankruptcy will stay on your record for up to seven years to 10 years, depending on what chapter you file. The good news, however, is that you can establish good credit even with a bankruptcy filing on your record. https://bit.ly/2FBtLQC
How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy | The Motley Fool
If you're divorced, there's a chance you may be entitled to more Social Security benefits than you think. #Divorce http://bit.ly/2OGJJQX
Divorced? You Could Be Owed Extra Social Security Benefits | The Motley Fool
Parenting a child with type 1 diabetes is beyond a full-time job, often taken on by whichever parent plays the primary role in daily child care. But what happens when a family is split into two households by a separation or divorce? https://bit.ly/3p5zFRr
All About Co-Parenting a Child with Type 1 Diabetes
Gray divorce issues include weaving through the complications of splitting pensions, 401(k)s and more before the process is complete. https://bit.ly/2NGdaVt
Considering Divorce? Beware of Retirement Account Breakups | Kiplinger
Tax year 2020 hasn’t brought any major changes to tax law for divorced parents, but things changed significantly with the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2018. Some of the most important changes were in regards to how divorced and separated parents can claim dependents. https://yhoo.it/3clwQbg
Now That You’re Divorced, Who Claims Your Child on Taxes?
Bankruptcy will stay on your record for up to seven years to 10 years, depending on what chapter you file. The good news, however, is that you can establish good credit even with a bankruptcy filing on your record. https://bit.ly/2FBtLQC
How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy | The Motley Fool
If you're divorced, there's a chance you may be entitled to more Social Security benefits than you think. #Divorce http://bit.ly/2OGJJQX
Divorced? You Could Be Owed Extra Social Security Benefits | The Motley Fool
Parenting a child with type 1 diabetes is beyond a full-time job, often taken on by whichever parent plays the primary role in daily child care. But what happens when a family is split into two households by a separation or divorce? https://bit.ly/3p5zFRr
All About Co-Parenting a Child with Type 1 Diabetes
Every divorce comes laden with its own issues, but there are some pandemic-era factors facing those wondering whether to stay or go. https://nyti.ms/3oKhRdQ
Manage Your Divorce Expectations
Between dividing up property, legal proceedings and handling child custody, many people going through divorce can forget the tax implications as well. You can avoid missteps with the IRS by keeping in mind a few tax tips. https://bit.ly/2YTZtVr
Key Tax Tips When Filing for Divorce or Separation
Before you sign a reaffirmation agreement, it’s a good idea to consult a bankruptcy attorney. An experienced attorney can help you determine if it’s the right fit for you and, if it is, make sure that you do everything correctly and in your best interests. https://bit.ly/3trpr0e
What Is A Reaffirmation Agreement? | Bankrate
Gray divorce issues include weaving through the complications of splitting pensions, 401(k)s and more before the process is complete. https://bit.ly/2NGdaVt
Considering Divorce? Beware of Retirement Account Breakups | Kiplinger
Tax year 2020 hasn’t brought any major changes to tax law for divorced parents, but things changed significantly with the implementation of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2018. Some of the most important changes were in regards to how divorced and separated parents can claim dependents. https://yhoo.it/3clwQbg
Now That You’re Divorced, Who Claims Your Child on Taxes?
Bankruptcy will stay on your record for up to seven years to 10 years, depending on what chapter you file. The good news, however, is that you can establish good credit even with a bankruptcy filing on your record. https://bit.ly/2FBtLQC
How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy | The Motley Fool
How to maintain focus, stay productive, and get through the workday when you're going through a #divorce http://bit.ly/2VNQV21
8 tips for surviving the workday when you're going through a divorce
If you're going through a divorce, deciding how to divide the home you share with your spouse can be one of the more complicated conversations you'll have. http://bit.ly/2Tk8CVb
Dividing Your Home In A Divorce
Like any issue in divorce, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for determining who will bear the brunt of financially supporting the children. #FamilyLaw https://bit.ly/3aB64JK
3 Child Support Considerations In A Divorce
Having the right plan can help you recover from bankruptcy quickly. https://bit.ly/3tpKlwN
3 Steps To Ensure A Remarkably Fast Recovery From Bankruptcy
Every divorce comes laden with its own issues, but there are some pandemic-era factors facing those wondering whether to stay or go. https://nyti.ms/3oKhRdQ
Manage Your Divorce Expectations
Between dividing up property, legal proceedings and handling child custody, many people going through divorce can forget the tax implications as well. You can avoid missteps with the IRS by keeping in mind a few tax tips. https://bit.ly/2YTZtVr
Key Tax Tips When Filing for Divorce or Separation
You have the right to visit your child on the dates and times specified in your court-ordered visitation schedule. If the other parent interferes with your visitation rights, you can ask the court to intervene. An experienced attorney can help ensure your visitation rights are enforced.
There are a lot of misconceptions about Social Security and divorce. https://bit.ly/3pwETVR
7 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Social Security and Divorce | The Motley Fool
What if you hear from a debt collector who is trying to collect on debt discharged in bankruptcy? Although attempting to collect on such debt is not legal, that doesn’t deter some debt collectors. You have several options for fending off unscrupulous debt collectors. https://bit.ly/3k1i7nR
Can a Debt Collector Try to Collect On Discharged Debt? | Bankrate.com
How to maintain focus, stay productive, and get through the workday when you're going through a #divorce http://bit.ly/2VNQV21
8 tips for surviving the workday when you're going through a divorce
If you're going through a divorce, deciding how to divide the home you share with your spouse can be one of the more complicated conversations you'll have. http://bit.ly/2Tk8CVb
Dividing Your Home In A Divorce
Like any issue in divorce, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for determining who will bear the brunt of financially supporting the children. #FamilyLaw https://bit.ly/3aB64JK
3 Child Support Considerations In A Divorce
It’s crucial that you understand the implications of all money-related decisions in a divorce. https://cnb.cx/376k0uq
A divorce can derail your finances. Here are some money mistakes to avoid
You have the right to visit your child on the dates and times specified in your court-ordered visitation schedule. If the other parent interferes with your visitation rights, you can ask the court to intervene. An experienced attorney can help ensure your visitation rights are enforced.
A parenting plan spells out the way parents will share time with the children. The right schedule is the one that fits your family best. https://bit.ly/2O2nYgM
An Essential Tool to Protect Kids From Conflict in a Divorce
It’s crucial that you understand the implications of all money-related decisions in a divorce. https://cnb.cx/376k0uq
A divorce can derail your finances. Here are some money mistakes to avoid
You have the right to visit your child on the dates and times specified in your court-ordered visitation schedule. If the other parent interferes with your visitation rights, you can ask the court to intervene. An experienced attorney can help ensure your visitation rights are enforced.
There are a lot of misconceptions about Social Security and divorce. https://bit.ly/3pwETVR
7 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Social Security and Divorce | The Motley Fool
What if you hear from a debt collector who is trying to collect on debt discharged in bankruptcy? Although attempting to collect on such debt is not legal, that doesn’t deter some debt collectors. You have several options for fending off unscrupulous debt collectors. https://bit.ly/3k1i7nR
Can a Debt Collector Try to Collect On Discharged Debt? | Bankrate.com
How to maintain focus, stay productive, and get through the workday when you're going through a #divorce http://bit.ly/2VNQV21
8 tips for surviving the workday when you're going through a divorce
For many U.S. couples yearning to be married, the pandemic has wreaked havoc on their wedding plans while bolstering their teamwork and resilience. For couples already married, it has posed a host of new tests, bringing some closer, pulling others apart. https://bit.ly/3r7eiAq
Marriage & divorce amid pandemic: Couples' challenges abound
Workers in certain industries are seeing higher divorce rates by age 30, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Data. https://yhoo.it/3reBj4u
21 Careers That Are More Likely To Lead To Divorce
There are two types of bankruptcy available to most people: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. In both cases, the majority of your unpaid debts will be discharged, though some types of debt are difficult or impossible to eliminate through bankruptcy. https://bit.ly/305NMLL
Will Filing For Bankruptcy Clear All My Debt? | Bankrate
What happens to your retirement funds in bankruptcy before you retire? Here are five common questions about retirement in bankruptcy. https://bit.ly/2VsuQGp
How Bankruptcy Can—and Cannot—Affect Your Retirement Savings
When your divorce is over, you might be inclined to discard the related paperwork. But there are key documents you should retain, like the final judgement of divorce (also known as a divorce decree), any appraisals of your assets, and any divorce-related financial paperwork. If you're not sure what to keep, be sure to consult with your attorney.
A parenting plan spells out the way parents will share time with the children. The right schedule is the one that fits your family best. https://bit.ly/2O2nYgM
An Essential Tool to Protect Kids From Conflict in a Divorce
Divorced parents have to navigate a lot of challenges, but there’s a new issue looming on the horizon thanks to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan: the child tax credit. https://cnb.cx/30B6J9t
New $3,000 child tax credit could raise issues for divorced parents
Planning ahead of time in case of divorce can make things easier on everyone involved. https://bit.ly/3qnsaFv
Divorce Happens: Planning Steps You Need to Know | Kiplinger
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are the most commonly filed types of bankruptcy, likely because they’re available to individuals. https://bit.ly/2PMflYu
The 5 Most Common Types of Bankruptcy | Bankrate
Understand what your options are for separating yourself financially from your former spouse so that you can start rebuilding your life post-marriage. #Divorce https://yhoo.it/3cnR9Dt
How Credit Card Debt Is Handled in Divorce
For many U.S. couples yearning to be married, the pandemic has wreaked havoc on their wedding plans while bolstering their teamwork and resilience. For couples already married, it has posed a host of new tests, bringing some closer, pulling others apart. https://bit.ly/3r7eiAq
Marriage & divorce amid pandemic: Couples' challenges abound
Workers in certain industries are seeing higher divorce rates by age 30, according to an analysis of U.S. Census Data. https://yhoo.it/3reBj4u
21 Careers That Are More Likely To Lead To Divorce
The hallmark of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the repayment plan. In this case, rather than liquidating your assets, the court allows you the opportunity to repay some of your debts through a repayment plan.
Here's What You Need To Know About Filing For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Getting your student debt discharged through bankruptcy can be a long shot. But there are some experts who stress that while it’s a challenge with the current law, borrowers should know it is still possible. https://bit.ly/3es8Vbv
Surprise! Filing for Bankruptcy Can Actually Wipe out Your Student Debt
Divorced parents have to navigate a lot of challenges, but there’s a new issue looming on the horizon thanks to the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan: the child tax credit. https://cnb.cx/30B6J9t
New $3,000 child tax credit could raise issues for divorced parents
Planning ahead of time in case of divorce can make things easier on everyone involved. https://bit.ly/3qnsaFv
Divorce Happens: Planning Steps You Need to Know | Kiplinger
Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy are the most commonly filed types of bankruptcy, likely because they’re available to individuals. https://bit.ly/2PMflYu
The 5 Most Common Types of Bankruptcy | Bankrate
Understand what your options are for separating yourself financially from your former spouse so that you can start rebuilding your life post-marriage. #Divorce https://yhoo.it/3cnR9Dt
How Credit Card Debt Is Handled in Divorce