My agency is proud to be there for our customers. That’s why we’re excited to share Allstate’s latest video, showing you’ve never been in better hands for safe driving.
Smooth :30 | Allstate
Critical Illness Insurance from Allstate Benefits can include a Wellness benefit that pays annually for preventive examinations. And, group plans offer competitive rates only available through employers. Call or text my agency to learn more at 716-759-1600.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Help pass down a bright financial future to your loved ones. Call me to find out how Allstate life insurance can help.
Part of protecting people is bringing communities together and encouraging conversations. Using 5 simple principles, people are learning how to turn arguments into constructive discussions. And you can too, at Better Arguments – a partner of Allstate:
Have you ever read your insurance policy and wondered what terms like HO-3 or HO-4 mean? Learn about home insurance forms here.
Types of Home Insurance Policy Forms | Allstate
If you’ve been thinking about getting life insurance, but not sure which type is right for you and your family, this tool can help.
LifeTrek | Allstate Insurance
There has never been a better time to help customers plan for the security of their financial futures. We are looking for Personal Financial Representatives and Life Specialists to partner with Allstate Agents. If you or someone you know is interested, message me for details.
A disability from an illness or injury can affect an employee’s finances. I can help individuals and families protect their finances with Disability Insurance through Allstate Benefits. Contact my agency to see how at 716-759-1600.
Disability Insurance from Allstate Benefits
Your world can change in an instant. Make sure your family is protected from life’s uncertainties with Allstate life insurance. Give me a call today.
Deer become very active in the fall. Here are some safe driving tips to help keep you safe on the road.
Deer Season: 5 Safe Driving Tips | The Allstate Blog
Boost your employee benefits package to help recruit and retain talent with supplemental coverage from Allstate Benefits like Accident, Critical Illness and Life Insurance. Call my agency to learn more!
Accident claims with Allstate Benefits
As you look toward 2021 and beyond, now is a great time to review your finances to make sure you're on track to reach your goals. For a complimentary financial review, call me today.
Did you know that life insurance can cover things beyond final expenses? I like to think of it as a financial safety net that can provide income, inheritance and more.
5 Uses for Life Insurance Benefits | Allstate
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to all of our friends born in November! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
There are 22 amazing student-athletes up for the 2020 Allstate AFCA #GoodWorksTeam Captain. Vote for your captain here:
Ever had to fix a cracked phone screen? A phone protection plan may help pay for expensive repairs.
What Is A Phone Protection Plan? | Allstate
Check out these tips to help get your home ready for winter.
Home Maintenance Tasks to Do Before Winter | Allstate
6 in 10 people are terrified of how health care costs may derail their retirement plans. Contact me today to learn how we can help you create a plan that will help take the worry out of retirement.
Happy birthday to all our friends born in the month of February! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a great year ahead.
Team member, Frank, loves to vacation in Jamaica and cannot wait to get back soon. Where is your favorite vacation spot?
We've lowered rates on Renters Insurance! Now you can save even more when you add Renters to your auto policy. Contact me today to start saving.
Check out how The Allstate Foundation’s partnership with DonorsChoose was featured on NBC’s "Today" show. The school highlighted in this clip is just one of 1,585 that The Allstate Foundation supported to help students this year.
Elementary students practice gratitude with Thankful Thursdays
Expecting a tax refund this year? With TurboTax, you’ll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. Allstate has special savings on TurboTax just for you:
This holiday season, pass down the gift of a secure financial future with Allstate life
insurance. Let's talk today and find the right plan for you and your family.