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Getting tired of that old thermostat on the wall? Forget to turn your heat down when you leave the house? With Carrier's new Cor wifi thermostat, you can have a sleeker look and the ability to control your thermostat from your smartphone, laptop or tablet.
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Cor Home Page
Professional installation from a trained Carrier® expert ensures that your Côr™ thermostat is set up correctly from the get-go. The thermostat can take it from there, automatically downloading the latest software so that you’re up-to-date with the most current home comfort technology.
Air Conditioners, Heating, and Refrigeration Solutions from Carrier
Need a furnace? We sell Carrier and Trane. We can get you 0% financing for 3 years. No reason to put replacement off until next Winter!
A new air conditioner can use 45% less electricity than your 15 + year old air conditioner.
Small business Saturday is coming up! Remember to use your hardworking small business friends when you can!