We offer rehabilitation services for a wide variety of diagnoses throughout the entire spectrum of age ranges. When developing your treatment program, we will evaluate your needs "as a whole", realizing that several factors can affect the healing process. This can often include environmental, emotional or spiritual considerations. We promise to listen to you and provide a unique program that is specific to your particular needs.
Here are some (but not all) of the conditions that we treat:
Neck/Back/Spinal Conditions:
Cervicalgia (Neck Pain)
Lumbago (Back Pain)
Spondylosis/ Spondylolisthesis
Osteoporosis/ Osteopenia
Post- Surgical Conditions
Postural Syndromes
Infant Torticollis
Upper Extremity Conditions
Shoulder/ Elbow/ Wrist/ Hand Pain
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis/ Tear
Impingement Syndrome
AC Joint Separation
Medial/ Lateral Epicondylitis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
Lower Extremity Conditions
Hip/ Knee/ Ankle/ Foot Pain
Hip/ Knee Arthritis
Post-Surgical Total Hip/ Total Knee Replacement
Knee Ligament Injuries (A.C.L/P.C.L/M.C.L/L.C.L)
Meniscus Tears
Patellar Tendinitis
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Ankle Sprain
Plantar Fasciitis
Other Conditions
Myalgia/ Fibromyalgia
Temporomandibular Disorder (T.M.D or Jaw Pain)
Sports/ Running Injuries
Balance/ Fall Prevention