Please help me!!! I Need your help, I have tryed to reach you at your office and I had to find you on line just to reach you. I live at lincoln village apts in satx and I really need to speak to you about my issues. I called your office and I was sent to my apt complex, I thought I was talking to Buff management in L.A. And what happened, I was on a 3rd party call with "Carla" the apt manager . I have written to her my concerns and yet I am not important just like everyone else is. I am disabled and I get my SSD on the 2nd weds each month, I can pay my rent in full, however not until I get my ck on or about the 10th thur 15th of each month. In the past I have recv evection noticed and BIG fees to keep my apt, thats how I got late on my other bills. I have been disabled since 2002 and I suffer "chronic depression and chronic pain". I asked the office In writing to please woke with me and not charge me any fees since I can't get my Cks until the 2nd Wednesday of each month due to SSD. Please offer me a hardship case and accept my rent as soon as I get it without any fees or evection notice.. Call me please 210-505-5481 Benita al-Twaisi apt 5813.. The apt is under my son in laws name ROGELIO BARRERA. My depression is at at major high from this situation, I heve cried all weekend and I cannot tell my family how bad I am, yet they can tell something is wrong with me. Mr freeman HELP ME,,,,,,,Today I got paid and all I can pay is the reg monthly rent/waterbill. I cannot pay the fees the office is asking from me, In the past I have paid many late fees and that's how I got behind on my other bills, I don't want to me homeless, not knowing where I am going to be any day from now, please help me....I beg you!!!! If you call me. Can she a lot more about my concerns....Thank You for taking the time to read my email, I may write you a letter If I don't hear from you soon... Benita al-Twaisi Apt 5813 village, tx 79213