Friedlander Law Firm

With more than 50 years of experience between them, our attorneys here at Friedlander Law Firm maintain a practice committed to serving the legal needs of people throughout the Mobile, Alabama, community. We are known in the area as a longstanding firm that assists clients with their most difficult legal problems in a personalized way. Our lawyers' firsthand attention to your legal needs enables our firm to provide you with legal solutions that take into account the unique factors you face. We know there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all legal problem because there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all client.

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Friedlander Law Firm

US Postal Code:36602

Address: 118 N Royal St, Mobile
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Friedlander Law Firm

US Postal Code:14892

Address: 425 Park Ave, Waverly
Store Hours:

Friedlander Law Firm

US Postal Code:14850

Address: 103 W Seneca St, Ithaca
Store Hours:

Latest Friedlander Law Firm news

Suspicion of drunk driving when experiencing hypoglycemia or ketosis can lead to a wrongful DUI conviction. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM Are Breath Tests Unfair To Diabetics And Keto Dieters?
Public defenders often juggle many cases. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM Should I Use A Public Defender For My Case?
Alabama residents should know how to protect themselves from a potential conviction. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM 4 Steps To Take If Pulled Over For A DUI
3 benefits of having an attorney to defend drunk driving charges FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM A DUI Can Be Tough To Face Alone
Too much hangs in the balance to take any chances. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM 5 Reasons To Hire A Defense Attorney
We would like to update our clients and everyone else on how we are proceeding during the coronavirus/COVID 19 outbreak. We are open for business until further notice, as we know that people still have legal needs. Although court proceedings are currently limited (see below), we can still take care of many things through paperwork, and can attend emergency hearings if necessary. However, we ask clients and anyone else who needs to visit the office to use their good judgment. Please DO NOT come for an in-person visit if you feel sick in ANY way. We can discuss your case over the phone. If you do come in, please wash your hands and cover your face if you cough. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to call us. STATUS OF COURT PROCEEDINGS: Effective March 16, 2020, the Alabama Supreme Court suspended trials not already in progress and most other in-person hearings in all Alabama state and municipal courts through April 16, 2020, at which time it will re-evaluate. There are certain proceedings which will still be held, however, including the following: —Proceedings necessary to protect the constitutional rights of criminal defendants, included bond-related matters and plea agreements for incarcerated individuals. —Proceedings related to protection from abuse. —Proceedings related to emergency child custody and protection orders. —DHR emergency matters related to child protection. —Proceedings related to petitions for temporary injunctive relief. —Proceedings related to emergency mental health orders. —Proceedings related to the emergency protection of elderly or vulnerable persons. —Proceedings directly related to the COVID 19 public health emergency. —Any emergent proceeding as needed by law enforcement. —Other exceptions as approved by the Chief Justice. ALACOURT.GOV
In divorce, couples will often not split separate property, but they will divide marital assets. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM What Defines A Marital Asset & How Are They Split?
There are certain types of medications that can cause a driver to lose control behind the wheel. FRIEDLANDERLAWFIRMMOBILE.COM Prescriptions And Driving