Future Chroming Inc

(on south atlantic boulevard)
Auto Repair in East Los Angeles, CA
Auto Repair


407 South Atlantic Boulevard
East Los Angeles, CA


uture Chroming Inc. offers superior, personalized service in the Los Angeles area. If you are looking for high quality and professional services, you've come to the right place! Take a look around and see what we can do for you.Future Chroming is the most advanced chrome material process ever designed. We have duplicated the chroming process by developing a formulation that consist of 100 % pure silver.Future Chroming will leave a high quality long lasting instant chrome finish that is extremely durable and weather proof, and it's even bendable so it works very well on all metals, plastic and fiberglass. Our chrome system can be used to chrome steel,wood,tin,porcelain tile,concrete,aluminum,leather,cast iron, and so much more!


Company name
Future Chroming Inc
Auto Repair


  • What is the phone number for Future Chroming Inc in East Los Angeles CA?
    You can reach them at: 323-264-9400. It’s best to call Future Chroming Inc during business hours.
  • What is the address for Future Chroming Inc on south atlantic boulevard in East Los Angeles?
    Future Chroming Inc is located at this address: 407 South Atlantic Boulevard East Los Angeles, CA 90022.