Garcia Roofing

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Garcia Roofing locations in US

Garcia Roofing

US Postal Code:28572

Address: 1301 NC Hwy 241, Pink Hill
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 7:00AM - 8:00PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

Garcia Roofing

US Postal Code:70817

Address: 17333 Opportunity Ave, Baton Rouge
Store Hours:

Garcia Roofing

US Postal Code:31907

Address: 4474 Pyburn Street, Columbus
Store Hours:

Latest Garcia Roofing news

We have had a tragic loss in our family, three deaths. Mariano, my husband, who owns the business and handles all operations lost his mother and two brothers in an automobile accident that happened July 23, 2014. Please bear with us as we are now returning to work, trying to return calls, get caught up on estimates and billings. I apologize if we have not gotten back with you but I hope everyone understands and know this is not how we do business. Due to my husband and I handling everything and us liking to work one on one with our customers this had put our company at a stand still during this time. We again apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone and we hope you will continue to use and refer our company for your roofing needs. THANK YOU, Mariano and Amy Garcia
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of our customers and employees! Feliz Navidad y Ano Nuevo!