Gildersleeve Painting is a painting contractor / painter serving the Marysville, CA area since 2004.
Services include Painting, House Painting, Commercial Painting, Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, Deck Staining, Pressure Washing, Ceiling Painting and Garage Floor Painting.
Serving towns of Yuba City, Oroville, Grass Valley, Marysville, Rocklin, Nevada City, Lincoln, Gridley, Penn Valley, Live Oak, Olivehurst, Beale AFB, Wheatland, Sutter, Biggs, Penryn, Rough and Ready, Oregon House, Browns Valley, Palermo, Brownsville, Sheridan, Smartsville, Rio Oso, Nicolaus, Bangor, Dobbins, North San Juan, Forbestown, Robbins, Clipper Mills, Challenge, Rackerby, Arboga, Big Oak Valley, Butte Valley, Cedar Ridge, East Nicolaus, Feather Falls, Linda, Loma Rica, Plumas Lake, Pulga, West Linda and Yankee Hill.