Looking for more control and privacy in your legal matter? Mediation may be right for you! Here's everything you need to know about mediating through divorces, custody battles, and more compared to hiring an Attorney.
Mediator vs. Attorney: What’s the Difference? | Gjesdahl Law | Gjesdahl Law, P.C.
Pride Month may be over, but Gjesdahl Law is committed to helping LGBTQ+ folks year round. To come out as transgender often involves telling people about your preferred pronouns (she/her, he/him or they/them). You may also want to adopt a new name. Learn more about how we can help make your chosen identity a reality!
How Transgender People can Legally Change Their Name in North Dakota | Gjesdahl Law, P.C.
We remember the day same-sex marriage was legalized in Minnesota. The team celebrated with cupcakes for the community, and we continue to celebrate Pride Month in 2020. As an advocate for LGBTQ couples looking to become parents, we've put together information related to starting the process. Learn how Gjesdahl Law can help today!
Paths to Parenthood for LGBTQ Couples | Gjesdahl Law, P.C.
Navigating parenting time during a pandemic comes with uncertainty. If you're wondering what you should do, here's everything you need to know.
Separated Parents and CoVID | Gjesdahl Law, P.C.
Though required, social distancing poses unprecedented challenges to our mental and emotional well being. How do we as individuals and parents cope without driving ourselves and each other crazy? Here's an article written by Dr. Giuseppe (Bepi) Raviola, director of mental health at Partners In Health, that includes a list of key practices to maintain good mental and emotional health for those asked to stay at home.
10 Mental Health Tips for Coronavirus Social Distancing
Pandemics can make people of all ages feel uncertain. Specifically for young children, it's not uncommon for them to have trouble understanding what it all means. Here is a children's workbook that parents can print off and use to help their kids learn more about COVID-19.
In celebration of National Coming Out Day and LGBT History Month, Gjesdahl Law is proud and honored to offer adoptions for same-sex couples at half-price.
At Gjesdahl Law, we don’t feel it is right or fair for loving, same-sex families to have to jump through additional legal hoops compared to heterosexual couples to finalize their recognition as a family. That’s why we’re offering our services at a discounted rate to make the final step towards equality a little easier.
Please call us today to set up an initial consultation with our lead adoption attorney, Kari Losee.
This year, Gjesdahl Law partnered with the YWCA to brighten the holiday season for a few families in need. The Adopt-A-Family program allows FMWF individuals and businesses to "adopt" a family in the YWCA Supportive Housing Program and donate holiday gifts for the whole family. We're so proud to support an organization with the same goal as us: serving families in times of need.