Glacial Multimedia Inc

(on brighton avenue)
Advertising and Design Services in Portland, ME
Advertising and Design Services
Business Consulting and Services
Web Design


8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM
8:00AM - 5:00PM


619 Brighton Avenue
Portland, ME


Since the year 2000, Glacial Multimedia, Inc. has been employing cutting-edge technology to bridge the gaps between medical companies and their customers. By integrating a mix of medical website design, search engine optimization, internet marketing, web video/audio production, website analytics, social media optimization and software development, we simply create ideas that succeed. In an ever-changing marketing field such as Internet marketing, it is easy to make a wrong turn or poor decision.


Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo Glacial Multimedia Inc Photo


#FurryFriendFriday is brought to you today, by Diane's cat, Bell. Diane supplied us with this description because Bell is a very... unique cat... Meet Bell… or as we call her “The Cat”. She hates dogs, cats, bugs, her owners, anything on a counter, table, or chair, closed doors, open doors, and any particular kind of food she has had to endure for more than 2 days in a row. There is precisely one spot on the top of her head you can pet her using 1 finger if you are wearing one of those padded attack dog suits the police train with. We like to think of her as “special”.
We'd like to extend a very happy birthday to each of our employees who celebrated in September!
It’s no secret that online reviews are a huge factor when making a decision, especially finding a new doctor. Most people form an opinion about your practice in less than 6 reviews. That means you need stellar reviews and you need them in front of your audience! MDidentity is successful at doing just that. We have always installed a Review Showcase to websites, but now we can do the same on the doctor’s bio page on your website! Take a peek at this page to see how the functionality works: COOL, right? Take advantage of this new feature by contacting your Glacial Client Manager (
Check out this commercial by our friends over at Stephenson Eye Associates, directed by Glacial's CEO Michael J. Dobkowski!
#MarketingMonday 🗣 Apple Maps Update! Apple Maps is adding its own in-app rating system for businesses! Using a simple thumbs up or down, maps are now giving individuals the ability to give public feedback straight through their own app. How does this affect your business? 🧐 Well, it’s another player in the online reviews landscape! It adds an extra way for your customers to share their experiences with your business! How is it any different then what’s already out there? 🤷‍ Maps can use your location to determine if you’ve been to the business you’re trying to rate and will only allow you to give a thumbs up or down IF you’ve actually visited! To learn how we can help you leverage this new reputation management tool, contact your client manager today, or email
Happy #FurryFriendFriday everyone! Today's office pet is Hollie's cat, Pennie! Pennie is 2(ish) year old who enjoys requiring attention at 5am, prefers Truly to White Claw, and is in contention for the best-dressed cat of 2020 (see picture #3 for proof).
Here's Patrice's dog Java doing his best pirate impression for #FurryFriendFriday. Personally, we think he nailed it.
“The entire Glacial Multimedia Team is absolutely fantastic! I cannot imagine a better experience with web-design and business concept creation. They are outstanding at attention to detail, attentiveness, creativity, and professionalism. Nothing short of a First Class experience. I felt like a VIP.” - Courtney Crawford, Star Retina Extremely grateful for the kind words, Courtney! Congrats on the new site! If your business could use a digital makeover, contact us today! One of our CM’s (pictured here) would be more than happy to get you set up with exactly what you’re looking for! Send us an email at, or visit our website to browse our full scope of services to see what we can do for you!
#MarketingMonday It’s easy to get lost in the seemingly endless amount of metrics that exist in the digital landscape. We’ve broken down each area we cover to determine the most impactful metrics across the board, to aid you in learning which #MetricsMatter. Let’s start with Organic Social Media Posts and dive into engagement! Simply put, engagement shows if the content is resonating with your audience. Are they interacting with what you’re posting, and if they are, how are they doing so? Likes, comments, retweets, reactions, and shares are all common forms of engagement across platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. As always, we have a custom solution to fit your practice. Contact your Client Manager ( to learn more.
Happy National Boss’s day! Firstly, we wanted to give a big shoutout to our founders, Michael J. Dobkowski and Onur Birsen! Mike and Onur are constantly working to move Glacial forward, we’re extremely lucky to have these two at the helm of this company! A special thank you also goes out to all of our managers who keep the machine running smoothly every single day!
Congratulations to our friends over at Morganton Eye Physicians & Surgery Center on the launch of their new website! Take a look at the before and after below, and check out their new site here: Does your website need a makeover? Contact us at, we'd love to help!
#MarketingMonday #MetricsMatter We’re back this week with another key metric, this one for your business’ SEO strategy! One of the most important pieces of information to monitor in regards to SEO is your page rank. Where is your site ranking on Google? Is it the first result? Fourth? Fifteenth? Knowing where your website ranks for your keywords gives a strong understanding of your websites' performance, and if your content is helping to make you an authority for each individual keyword. If you’re in need of SEO for your website, contact your Client Manager, or send an email to to learn more about our SEO services!
Jordan's cat Greg would like to wish you all a happy #FurryFriendFriday! Greg is a 10-year-old tabby cat. He is best described as a sour patch kid. He will snuggle right up to you one second and if pet the wrong way will bite you the next. He has the best, loudest purr which reassures his humans just how happy he is. He loves his scratching post haunted house, and drinking water from the faucet. He is also very good at keeping watch over the house and bossing around his brothers (Clyde the dog and Ivan the cat)
Our friends over at The Sumaira Foundation for NMO are constantly working to spread awareness, find a cure, and support those who are afflicted by Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO). NMO is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in different locations in the central nervous system. These (very cute) plush unicorns 🦄 are available on their website for $15 in 5 different colors, and all of the proceeds from the sales of them will go towards Joannie’s Unicorn Grant which specifically funds research for pediatric treatment of NMO. Get yours and support this great cause from the link below! ❤️
#MarketingMonday #MetricsMatter Another Monday, another metric. This week we’re talking Return on Investment(ROI), specifically for your paid search campaigns! ROI as a whole is how much you made, considering the initial amount spent on a campaign! 💸 If you're unsure how to calculate this for yourself, our friends over at MDprospects can track your leads and ROI by marketing source. Interested in utilizing paid search or connecting with MDprospects for your practice? Contact your Client Manager today or send an email to for more information! 🖥
#MarketingMonday GMB Update Alert 🚨 Google My Business is rolling out a new feature, call history! 📲 If someone visits your GMB profile and hits the “call” button you will soon have the ability to track these numbers, and call back potential leads you may have missed! This feature is still in beta, so be on the lookout for its full release in the coming months! If you’re interested in seeing if your business can utilize this feature, contact your client manager today or send an email to!
#MarketingMonday #MetricsMatter Another Monday, another Metric. This week we’re talking CPA or Cost Per Acquisition. Cost Per Acquisition is the cost of an individual taking an action that leads to a conversion. In other words, how much did it actually cost to get that LASIK patient to book their consultation? Tracking your CPA is key to ensuring you aren’t overspending on getting patients through the door, and shows you which of your campaigns are best spending your marketing dollars. Tracking your CPA is key to ensuring you aren’t overspending on getting patients through the door and shows you which of your campaigns are best spending your marketing dollars. g plan!
Happy Halloween, everybody! 👻🎃🧛‍♂️🧟‍♂️
In a year full of curveballs, we’re #thankful for the best team players. The Glacial family is full of hard working, driven individuals and lots of sports analogies. ⚾️ Cheers from our last virtual happy hour! 🍻
To all who have served, we thank you. From everyone at Glacial, Happy Veteran’s Day. 🇺🇸
#MarketingMonday Election season has officially come to a close, so now is a perfect time to spend on social media ads! We’ve begun to see CPC prices on social ads drastically drop as the big-spending political campaigns have ceased! Add in the fact that holiday ads are yet to really start, this is the ideal time to start a social ads campaign before the holiday season kicks off! To take advantage of this lull in social advertisement, contact your Client Manager today or send an email to to start a social media ads campaign!
Every Friday in the month of November, we’ll be sharing something that all of us here at Glacial are thankful for! First, we have the essential workers in the country. In these unbelievably uncertain and turbulent times, they’ve gotten up, put their masks on, and gone to work, for us. They’ve kept the shelves of grocery stores stocked, our families safe, cleaned our public spaces, and done their part to combat this virus. For everything they have done, everyone at Glacial Multimedia is thankful for them and their service to our communities!
Being back in the office certainly has its perks, but the one we're the most #thankful for has to be... "Free Lunch Fridays!" Today's Portland restaurant of choice? Pizza from Pizzaiolo Portland Maine!
Today we’re touching on a specific website feature everyone needs - Calls-To-Action! The purpose of your website is to provide information for existing patients and also generate new patients. Strong CTA’s and engagement objects such as our Interactive LASIK Self Test guides the user into your marketing funnel. Calls-To-Action are just one facet of a healthy website in 2020. Learn the other four from a recent blog:
#MarketingMonday Did you know that you should be writing website content at a sixth-grade reading level? Continue reading this post written at a sixth-grade reading level to learn why. It keeps someone’s attention on your website because they understand what they are reading! The longer a user spends on your website, the more valuable it is to Google. Additionally, content written at this level is easier for Google to crawl. This makes your site more likely to be seen as an authority by Google! Do you need SEO-friendly content for your website? Do you want an audit of your website content? Contact your Client Manager or email to learn more about our content marketing services!
Glacial's offices will be closed for Thanksgiving, November 26th and 27th. We will reopen Monday, November 30th. For urgent requests, please contact Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to MDidentity, MDprospects, Rosemont Wellness Center, and Patient Spectrum, for participating in our building-wide Thanksgiving Food Drive to help those in need in our community!
#MarketingMonday Today we’re talking about lead generators! Last week, we highlighted the importance of call-to-action on your websites, and this is no exception to that rule. Your call-to-action should have a common goal: generating leads for your practice to follow up with. Powerful, quality lead generators that should be on every ophthalmology website are interactive self-tests for cataracts and LASIK! Does your website need tools to help generate more leads? Contact your Client Manager or email to learn more about our LASIK and cataract self-tests!
We only had one birthday last month, so everyone give it up for Matt! Hope your birthday was a good one!
#MarketingMonday Does your website have the necessary elements to secure high rankings in a Google search? There are countless ways to boost your website's SEO scores, but the unsung heroes are your doctor bio's and location pages! Learn how those two pages specifically help improve your SEO, and how to make yours stand out from the crowd in our latest blog!
Did you know you should be using featured images on your WordPress website? Check out how to add them on our latest blog, featuring step-by-step visuals!
#MarketingMonday Act Fast! If your practice begins offering a new service or procedure, get content for it on your website quickly! The sooner it’s on your website, the sooner you can start ranking on Google searches for it! Fast action means you could rank on page one of Google well before the competition! If you need to update the content for your services! Contact your Client Manager or email!
It's everyone's favorite day of the week, #FurryFriendFriday! This is Mike and Karen's very fluffy boy, Baxter! Just look at those eyes! 😍
“We had two big takeaways from 2020! The first is “quality over quantity” which rang true this year more than ever before. Our data suggests that four or five pages of well written, SEO-optimized website content was far more impactful than 15 weak pages of content! The second is the timeliness of your well-written content. Practice’s that took take quick action found themselves much further ahead of the pack in regards to Google ranking. Think about the new services, doctors or locations your practice added this year. Are those well represented on your website and Google search results? The sooner Google has it, the sooner the world knows about it!" We expect these two key factors to continue to be pertinent in the 2021 landscape!
Congratulations to our friends over at IQ Laser Vision on the launch of their new website! It was a pleasure to be able to create such an innovative website for them and we're honored they entrusted it to us! We’d also like to recognize Paul, Hollie Newsom, Onur, Michael J. Dobkowski, Karen Dobkowski, Angie Grosso, Dominic White, and the rest of the Glacial team for turning this project into a reality! Learn more about the features we've rolled out for them in our latest blog, and be sure to visit their site after for the complete experience!
"Local SEO has been incredibly active this past year! Google My Business rolled out more updates than ever before, including adding temporary closures to business along with COVID-19 and telehealth info, just to name a few... We were able to grow our Local SEO clientele during this trying year, however, increasing our profiles managed by 71%! We can safely say it was another busy year in Local SEO for Glacial!"
Social media is a powerful medium. To get the most out of your social, you’ll want to create engaging content. Engaging content comes in a few different forms, read our latest blog to learn some examples of the top social posts to boost your practice's engagement!
From all of us here at Glacial, Merry Christmas! 🎅🏻🎄
Christmas is right around the corner! 🤩 Just a heads up, we'll be closed tomorrow (Christmas Eve) and for Christmas Day! We'll reopen on Monday, December 28th! We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday! 🎅
Happy New Year everyone! Sound off with some resolutions you have for 2021 in the comments!
Can you believe we're 3 days away from 2021? A quick update: Our offices will be closed tomorrow, December 31st and on Friday, January 1st in observance of the New Year! We hope you all have a great New Year with friends and family!
2020 was a year full of ups and downs, and it's one that nobody will be forgetting anytime soon. Read our latest blog to get the reflections of our specialists on what was a truly tumultuous year: Here's a look at our 2020 by the numbers!
“My summary of 2020? Surprising. If you had told me back in April, after everything that has happened during this extremely up and down year, that our client leads would be UP 149% year over year, I never would have believed you… This gives me hope that we - both Glacial and our clients - can come out swinging in 2021, putting all we’ve learned to good use, and have another ‘best year ever’.” - Spenser, Paid Search Director
#TBT to last March at Dry Eye University, featuring Mike and Paul! We wish we could be at this weekend’s conference, fingers crossed that we’ll be back to attending awesome events like this again soon! If you’re in Florida, and/or able to safely travel, Dry Eye University starts tomorrow January 8th, and registration is available here:
#MarketingMonday It’s officially 2021! Does your practice have a marketing plan for the year ahead? Having one will set you out on the right path for the year ahead! These are our top 3 reasons you need a marketing plan this year! Your practice can be more proactive, rather than reactive! 💪 It sets your practice measurable goals to strive for throughout the year! Like a roadmap to success! 📝 It motivates everyone at the practice! It’s a tangible example of exactly how you’re going to conquer this year! 👊 Does your practice need a marketing plan for 2021? Contact your client manager, or send an email to and we’ll get you ready to make 2021 your year!
Looking for some best practices to get the most out of your social media in 2021? Click the link in our bio to read our latest blog and get a list of do's and don'ts for your social media this year!
#MarketingMonday Instagram has rolled out a new feature to ALL users, called Guides! This handy new type of post allows you to create lists of scrollable, focused, content. You have 3 options with guides, you can feature products, places, or posts! Your practice can use each of the 3 in different ways. If you've got an optical shop? Feature some frames! Looking to have a bigger local impact in your community? Make a guide for your city! Or highlight posts you love from your own feed so your followers can find all your best content in one place! Looking to get the best out of your practices social media? Contact your Client Manager, or email to learn more about our social media management services!
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from Maggie! We hope you all have as much fun this weekend as she did in the snow while there was still some on the ground! 😂
#MarketingMonday Do you know the benefits of actually owning your website? There are a bunch, but we've got two main reasons you should buy your website, not rent it! 📊 Easier SEO optimization! If you rent your website it may not have everything necessary at your disposal to optimize for good SEO. Features like a customizable sitemap, title tags, and meta descriptions may not be available renting a website! 👌 You actually own it! All the content is yours, you can move it from host to host with no worries! In need of a site to call your own? Contact or visit our website to learn how we can create your practice a world-class website!
Clyde is all of us today. 😴 #FurryFriendFriday
#MarketingMonday GMB Update alert! Google posts no longer expire after 7 days! Google is now showing posts from weeks, months, and even years ago. This update makes it even more important to use Google Posts and make sure the content you're including in them is good! If you need an improved Google My Business profile, contact your Client Manager, or email to learn more about our local search services!
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from one of our new furry friends, Jesse's cat Dexter! Dexter is a 6-year old "quarantine cat" (Jesse got him in April because, why not?) who loves running around his apartment, bird watching, finding strange places to nap around the house, and being at the center of attention.
Clyde is all of us today. 😴 #FurryFriendFriday
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our team members who celebrated in January! 🥳🎉
Mike, Hannah, Matt, and Spenser jumped onto Zoom together to share their knowledge on creating a successful medical marketing campaign! 🤓📊
#MarketingMonday GMB Update alert! Google posts no longer expire after 7 days! Google is now showing posts from weeks, months, and even years ago. This update makes it even more important to use Google Posts and make sure the content you're including in them is good! If you need an improved Google My Business profile, contact your Client Manager, or email to learn more about our local search services!
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from one of our new furry friends, Jesse's cat Dexter! Dexter is a 6-year old "quarantine cat" (Jesse got him in April because, why not?) who loves running around his apartment, bird watching, finding strange places to nap around the house, and being at the center of attention.
Clyde is all of us today. 😴 #FurryFriendFriday
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from an honorary Glacial pet because TECHNICALLY she's just Pat's "roommate", Stevie. Her hobbies include yelling, asking for attention from a very select number of people (by yelling), and taking over any room in the apartment that has an open door.
2020 was quite the year for our Local SEO department! During an incredibly tumultuous time, many of our clients were able to use this service and improve their Google My Business rankings. Click below to read our 2020 Local SEO Case Study!
#MarketingMonday The newest Apple software update, iOS 14, is right around the corner. This update, in particular, will have implications on Facebook, and how apps in general collect information moving forward. Learn everything you need to know about iOS 14 from our latest blog!
Wishing the happiest of birthdays to our team members who celebrated in January! 🥳🎉
Mike, Hannah, Matt, and Spenser jumped onto Zoom together to share their knowledge on creating a successful medical marketing campaign! 🤓📊
#MarketingMonday GMB Update alert! Google posts no longer expire after 7 days! Google is now showing posts from weeks, months, and even years ago. This update makes it even more important to use Google Posts and make sure the content you're including in them is good! If you need an improved Google My Business profile, contact your Client Manager, or email to learn more about our local search services!
Show of hands, who's going to be like Edge this weekend..? ✋ #FurryFriendFriday
Congratulations to Spine Center Atlanta on the launch of their NEW website! A big shoutout to Mariah, Jondi, and the rest of the Glacial team for getting this project across the finish line. Thank you, Spine Center, for trusting us with the job - we hope you love the new site as much as we do! Check out the entire new site here:
#MarketingMonday Google has announced a new update to Paid Search Ads: “BMM” or Broad Match Modified keywords types will be phased out in the coming weeks. Instead, Google will be updating their Phrase Match keywords (historically a more strict keyword grouping) to include the “best of” both Phrase Match and BMM keywords. Does this have an immediate impact on your practice? No, not yet. BMM keywords will continue to function as they do now, but Google estimates with potentially less traffic than before. We’ll remain on top of this as it develops and continue to update you all, and shift our keyword strategies as we learn how it will shape PPC in 2021!
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from an honorary Glacial pet because TECHNICALLY she's just Pat's "roommate", Stevie. Her hobbies include yelling, asking for attention from a very select number of people (by yelling), and taking over any room in the apartment that has an open door.
2020 was quite the year for our Local SEO department! During an incredibly tumultuous time, many of our clients were able to use this service and improve their Google My Business rankings. Click below to read our 2020 Local SEO Case Study!
#MarketingMonday The newest Apple software update, iOS 14, is right around the corner. This update, in particular, will have implications on Facebook, and how apps in general collect information moving forward. Learn everything you need to know about iOS 14 from our latest blog!
What is a Facebook "gray account"? Unsure if you have one or not? Learn all you need to know about gray accounts, and why you should consider replacing yours this year from our latest blog!
#MarketingMonday, why is it important to have an ADA compliant website? In 2010 the DOJ amended the American Disabilities Act to include website accessibility. This means your practice is obligated to have an ADA compliant website, or risk legal troubles! The comprehensive list of items for ADA compliance is long, but a broad stroke for what is necessary includes: Contrast toggles 🔴 Audio elements 🔉 Text alternatives 🔠 Adaptable structures ⚙ Font re-sizers ⬆⬇ Make sure your site is ADA compliant, contact the medical website experts of Glacial Multimedia today!
Show of hands, who's going to be like Edge this weekend..? ✋ #FurryFriendFriday
Congratulations to Spine Center Atlanta on the launch of their NEW website! A big shoutout to Mariah, Jondi, and the rest of the Glacial team for getting this project across the finish line. Thank you, Spine Center, for trusting us with the job - we hope you love the new site as much as we do! Check out the entire new site here:
#MarketingMonday Google has announced a new update to Paid Search Ads: “BMM” or Broad Match Modified keywords types will be phased out in the coming weeks. Instead, Google will be updating their Phrase Match keywords (historically a more strict keyword grouping) to include the “best of” both Phrase Match and BMM keywords. Does this have an immediate impact on your practice? No, not yet. BMM keywords will continue to function as they do now, but Google estimates with potentially less traffic than before. We’ll remain on top of this as it develops and continue to update you all, and shift our keyword strategies as we learn how it will shape PPC in 2021!
Happy #FurryFriendFriday from an honorary Glacial pet because TECHNICALLY she's just Pat's "roommate", Stevie. Her hobbies include yelling, asking for attention from a very select number of people (by yelling), and taking over any room in the apartment that has an open door.
Have you cleaned your website for better SEO results? Are slow speed and crawl errors making your site miss out on valuable traffic? Listen to Onur, Jamieson, Ryan, and Mike, explain how you can be making sure your website's SEO is squeaky-clean in our latest YouTube video.
What is a Facebook "gray account"? Unsure if you have one or not? Learn all you need to know about gray accounts, and why you should consider replacing yours this year from our latest blog!
#MarketingMonday, why is it important to have an ADA compliant website? In 2010 the DOJ amended the American Disabilities Act to include website accessibility. This means your practice is obligated to have an ADA compliant website, or risk legal troubles! The comprehensive list of items for ADA compliance is long, but a broad stroke for what is necessary includes: Contrast toggles 🔴 Audio elements 🔉 Text alternatives 🔠 Adaptable structures ⚙ Font re-sizers ⬆⬇ Make sure your site is ADA compliant, contact the medical website experts of Glacial Multimedia today!
Show of hands, who's going to be like Edge this weekend..? ✋ #FurryFriendFriday
Congratulations to Spine Center Atlanta on the launch of their NEW website! A big shoutout to Mariah, Jondi, and the rest of the Glacial team for getting this project across the finish line. Thank you, Spine Center, for trusting us with the job - we hope you love the new site as much as we do! Check out the entire new site here:
#MarketingMonday Google has announced a new update to Paid Search Ads: “BMM” or Broad Match Modified keywords types will be phased out in the coming weeks. Instead, Google will be updating their Phrase Match keywords (historically a more strict keyword grouping) to include the “best of” both Phrase Match and BMM keywords. Does this have an immediate impact on your practice? No, not yet. BMM keywords will continue to function as they do now, but Google estimates with potentially less traffic than before. We’ll remain on top of this as it develops and continue to update you all, and shift our keyword strategies as we learn how it will shape PPC in 2021!
Have you cleaned your website for better SEO results? Are slow speed and crawl errors making your site miss out on valuable traffic? Listen to Onur, Jamieson, Ryan, and Mike, explain how you can be making sure your website's SEO is squeaky-clean in our latest YouTube video. YOUTUBE.COM Cleaning Your Website's SEO!
What is a Facebook "gray account"? Unsure if you have one or not? Learn all you need to know about gray accounts, and why you should consider replacing yours this year from our latest blog!
#MarketingMonday, why is it important to have an ADA compliant website? In 2010 the DOJ amended the American Disabilities Act to include website accessibility. This means your practice is obligated to have an ADA compliant website, or risk legal troubles! The comprehensive list of items for ADA compliance is long, but a broad stroke for what is necessary includes: Contrast toggles 🔴 Audio elements 🔉 Text alternatives 🔠 Adaptable structures ⚙ Font re-sizers ⬆⬇ Make sure your site is ADA compliant, contact the medical website experts of Glacial Multimedia today!
Show of hands, who's going to be like Edge this weekend..? ✋ #FurryFriendFriday
Happy #employeeappreciationday! We’ve got an incredible team here (both pictured and not) and we couldn’t be more thankful for each and every person here!! ❤️🤩
It's official: If you haven’t upgraded to a responsive website, Google will penalize you in the spring with the launch of Web Vitals. What does this mean? 😲 Google will use ONE index for mobile and desktop sites instead of looking at them separately. What is the penalty? 🙅‍♂️ You will lose website traffic. Right now Google looks at the mobile and desktop scores separately to rank your site. With this change, the only score that will matter is the mobile one. What do I do now? 🤔 Contact your Glacial Client Manager to ensure your site meets the new standards before they’re implemented!
Happy 60th birthday to our Executive Assistant to Marketing and the first smiling face you'll see walking into the office, Barbara Jagareski Baxley! We're super grateful for everything you do for us around the office, it never goes unnoticed how you go above and beyond each day to make our space we work in better! Hope you have an amazing day celebrating!!
Does your Instagram need a makeover? Are you utilizing all of its tools? We're offering Instagram revamps! This includes custom story highlights & covers, a profile picture and bio clean-up, and if you need it, training with our social media specialist on best practices for using your Instagram moving forward! Contact your client manager, or send an email to to learn more about this new service!
Have you cleaned your website for better SEO results? Are slow speed and crawl errors making your site miss out on valuable traffic? Listen to Onur, Jamieson, Ryan, and Mike, explain how you can be making sure your website's SEO is squeaky-clean in our latest YouTube video. YOUTUBE.COM Cleaning Your Website's SEO!
What is a Facebook "gray account"? Unsure if you have one or not? Learn all you need to know about gray accounts, and why you should consider replacing yours this year from our latest blog!
When working from home for a couple of days, that just means more time with your four-legged family members. Happy #FurryFriendFriday from all of our home office "co-workers." 🐶😺
Have you seen the new option for Local Ads? 🏢 Google recently released an update allowing ads within the map results. 📍 We’ve launched this for a few clients. Read our latest blog to learn more, and see if it's a good fit for your practice!
Today is #InternationalWomensDay! We've got a hardworking and extremely talented group of women here at Glacial that each play a huge part in our success each and every day! 💪 In celebration of International Women's Day, OWL: Advancing Diversity in Leadership is hosting a webinar tonight on what it takes to be a female leader in the eyecare industry, and registration for that is still open as well, visit their profile if you'd like to attend!
Happy #employeeappreciationday! We’ve got an incredible team here (both pictured and not) and we couldn’t be more thankful for each and every person here!! ❤️🤩
It's official: If you haven’t upgraded to a responsive website, Google will penalize you in the spring with the launch of Web Vitals. What does this mean? 😲 Google will use ONE index for mobile and desktop sites instead of looking at them separately. What is the penalty? 🙅‍♂️ You will lose website traffic. Right now Google looks at the mobile and desktop scores separately to rank your site. With this change, the only score that will matter is the mobile one. What do I do now? 🤔 Contact your Glacial Client Manager to ensure your site meets the new standards before they’re implemented!
Happy 60th birthday to our Executive Assistant to Marketing and the first smiling face you'll see walking into the office, Barbara Jagareski Baxley! We're super grateful for everything you do for us around the office, it never goes unnoticed how you go above and beyond each day to make our space we work in better! Hope you have an amazing day celebrating!!
Is your website too slow for Web Vitals? With the rollout of Google Web Vitals in May, site speed is going to become a KEY factor in how Google ranks your site, and your site could lose ranking if it isn't up to speed. Jamieson touches on that and more, like what you can look out for to make sure that your site's load speeds aren't bogged down, and your page rank doesn't suffer because of it. Get ready for Web Vitals. Contact your Client Manager or email for a website audit to ensure your site isn't left behind.
#MarketingMonday: Our friends over at MDprospects have a webinar coming up on March 24th at 4 PM! Join Paul Harris and Dylan Kenma of Opticall, Inc., as they help you learn how to manage your leads through the patient journey! Register for the webinar here:
When working from home for a couple of days, that just means more time with your four-legged family members. Happy #FurryFriendFriday from all of our home office "co-workers." 🐶😺
Have you seen the new option for Local Ads? 🏢 Google recently released an update allowing ads within the map results. 📍 We’ve launched this for a few clients. Read our latest blog to learn more, and see if it's a good fit for your practice!
Today is #InternationalWomensDay! We've got a hardworking and extremely talented group of women here at Glacial that each play a huge part in our success each and every day! 💪 In celebration of International Women's Day, OWL: Advancing Diversity in Leadership is hosting a webinar tonight on what it takes to be a female leader in the eyecare industry, and registration for that is still open as well, visit their profile if you'd like to attend!
Happy #employeeappreciationday! We’ve got an incredible team here (both pictured and not) and we couldn’t be more thankful for each and every person here!! ❤️🤩
Are you prepared for the launch of Google Web Vitals in May? This critical algorithm update will include mobile and site speed as organic search ranking factors so if your site is not responsive or loads slowly you could see a penalty. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about Google Web Vitals in our latest blog. Click below to read more.
#MarketingMonday: Learn Some Basic #SEO Standards for ALL Practices! How exactly can you improve your website's SEO? Some answers may be more complex than others but Ryan is here to lay out part of the foundation that we use to clean up our client's sites! Sometimes getting back to the basics is the best start! Contact Glacial Multimedia today for a free website audit to get your site started on its climb up Google's rankings!
Happy Birthday to one of our founders, our CTO, the equally brilliant and hilarious Onur! We hope you have an incredible day and we can't see you "IRL" soon enough! 🎉🍻
Is your website too slow for Web Vitals? With the rollout of Google Web Vitals in May, site speed is going to become a KEY factor in how Google ranks your site, and your site could lose ranking if it isn't up to speed. Jamieson touches on that and more, like what you can look out for to make sure that your site's load speeds aren't bogged down, and your page rank doesn't suffer because of it. Get ready for Web Vitals. Contact your Client Manager or email for a website audit to ensure your site isn't left behind.
#MarketingMonday: Our friends over at MDprospects have a webinar coming up on March 24th at 4 PM! Join Paul Harris and Dylan Kenma of Opticall, Inc., as they help you learn how to manage your leads through the patient journey! Register for the webinar here:
When working from home for a couple of days, that just means more time with your four-legged family members. Happy #FurryFriendFriday from all of our home office "co-workers." 🐶😺


Company name
Glacial Multimedia Inc
Advertising and Design Services


  • What is the phone number for Glacial Multimedia Inc in Portland ME?
    You can reach them at: 207-878-5900. It’s best to call Glacial Multimedia Inc during business hours.
  • What is the address for Glacial Multimedia Inc on brighton avenue in Portland?
    Glacial Multimedia Inc is located at this address: 619 Brighton Avenue Portland, ME 04102.
  • What are Glacial Multimedia Inc(Portland, ME) store hours?
    Glacial Multimedia Inc store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Fri: 8:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.