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Over time, audio cassettes deteriorate in quality, get dry and break. Wouldn’t it be nice to hear your grandmother's voice again, hear your old recordings of relatives that are no longer with us? Fortunately, at GVS, we specialize in audio transfers and have made it possible for you to digitize your old audio formats into more playable formats. Fortunately, at GVS, we specialize in audio transfers and have made it possible for you to digitize your old audio formats into more playable formats.
Each day, we help 100s of Americans convert their tapes to CD or Mp3, giving them the freedom to blast their tunes from the 90s again and again, share with friends and relatives, fast forward and rewind as much as they want. Audio transfers are our specialty!
Benefits of Digitizing Your Audio
Enjoy Clarity– It is more enjoyable to listen to digital audios – they are smooth and free from unwanted noise. You can also slow down or speed up your audio as per your desire.
Preserve Originality– Digitizing your audio not only guarantees safe storage, easy retrieval and easier transportation, but also it ensures that your data remains intact and unaltered for a very long period of time.
At Glendale Video Solutions we combine tapes up to 80 minutes and still get a professional sounding CD’s because we take the time to enhance each segment or tape individually to the best possible sound. We specialize in all audio transfers!
It was a tragedy about to happen when a child fell out of his crib head first, but then his dad came to the rescue out of nowhere. The heart-stopping incident was all caught on a baby cam monitor. Two-year-old Noah Lynch was climbing out of his crib, but he fell and was about to land on his head. Then his dad slid in and saved Noah, who was an inch from disaster. A relieved hug followed the fall. That’s one super dad.