September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. If you're in business and take care of at least 15 employees, ask how we can provide your team with access to portable, employee-owned affordable simplified-issue life insurance paid through payroll deduction.
How does group life insurance measure up? - The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog
Here's a definite "do" for your weekend honey do list: Clear lint build-up from your clothes dryer's vent hose and pipe regularly- not just the lint filter. If you don't, not only will your towels start to smell funny and your energy expense increase with longer drying times but your house might also burn down. I won't say who among us here just found out about the need to do this (her house thankfully didn't burn down but her towels were pretty rank)... but you can bet she is probably googling ideas on re-purposing a toddler-sized ball of lint right now. Share yours in the comments below. Or just take pics of your lint pile once you check this off your list. Or do both!
In a world full of online shopping, this is a great article outlining why agents are necessary for smart insurance purchases.
"The price consumers pay online is often the same or higher than what they can get through an agent."
"Consumers often think they are getting the right coverage online but find themselves without coverage when making a claim."
[2018 Update] Are Insurance Agents Really Necessary?
Your home is one of your biggest investments. Learn how to protect it intelligently!
How to Select the Best Homeowners Insurance Coverage - Auto-Owners Insurance
Rental Car Insurance: Necessary Expense or Sales Tactic?
Do You Need Rental Car Insurance? - The Simple Dollar
Interesting analogy comparing insurance and buying shoes for your kids...
You'd want quality, selection, and knowledge in both scenarios!
The benefits of working with an independent agent - The Cincinnati Insurance Companies blog