We’d like to introduce to you, the newest addition to our Goldberg and Rosen family. An Oregon native, Attorney Mackenzie “Mac” Morey feels fortunate to be a part of Goldberg and Rosen because, as he puts it, it’s “The best Personal Injury firm in Miami”. Mac spent 3 years working as a prosecutor for the Miami Dade State Attorney’s office where he took great pride helping victims of Dade County. He is excited to continue helping people who have been hurt, as a personal injury attorney. Welcome to the family, Mac! We’re happy to have you.
#miamiattorney #personalinjury #lawfirm #miamilaw #autoaccident #medicalmalpractice #attorneyspotlight #brickell #goldbergandrosen #plaintiffattorney #plaintifflawyers #legal #law #lawsuit #legalmarketing #miami
Best Law Firms of America
December 5, 2019 at 4:55 PM ·
@goldberg_rosen Goldberg and Rosen
As we reflect on this past year, we are full of gratitude for our friends, colleagues and family. Thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support.
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and have a Happy New Year! 💫
#goldbergandrosen #happyholidays #happynewyear #trial #attorney #lawyer #gratitude #grateful
@ Goldberg and Rosen
The results are in- Partner Zachary Bodenheimer has been elected to serve on The Miami Dade Trial Lawyers Association Board of Directors⚖️
Congratulations @zbodenheimer !
#goldbergandrosen #trial #lawyer #attorney
Our client lost his ability to speak for 2 years. This week, we became his voice. We raised our voice against injustice and fought for what was deserved.
And today, justice was served.
This, is Goldberg & Rosen....Your #voiceinthecommunity
Our client had the courage to put his trust into our hands knowing justice would be served. In the end, after trial, the jury awarded over ten times the settlement offer.
#justiceserved #justice #trial #attorney #lawyer #goldbergandrosen #personalinjury #courage #trust
Super Bowl Sunday!!! Just like our Jury Trials. Put everything on the line, outwork your opponent, and winner takes all. #jurytrials #personalinjurylawyer
Helping to insure that all kids receive gifts during this holiday season. Our society will rise so long as we continue to lift others. #happyholidays #marrychristmas #happyhanukkah #happykwanzaa