GracePoint Church

We are affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America, a church network of 1498 churches with headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We want to be, as Jesus put it, a prevailing church, meaning that we want to make a difference in the world. Our business is to make disciples of Jesus, so we envision more disciples and better disciples. Our mega values consist of God, His word, and people. There' s nothing more important than those entities. Call us today for more information.

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GracePoint Church locations in US

GracePoint Church

US Postal Code:58503

Address: 205 43rd Ave. NE, Bismarck
Store Hours:

GracePoint Church

US Postal Code:95242

Address: 801 South Lower Sacramento Road, Lodi
Store Hours:
Mon-Thu: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: 9:00AM - 12:00PM

GracePoint Church

US Postal Code:47710

Address: 11 West Iowa Street, Evansville
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 9:00AM - 9:00PM

GracePoint Church

US Postal Code:98311

Address: 8278 State Highway 303 NE, Bremerton
Store Hours:

Latest GracePoint Church news

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Hey GP Family! Check this post out! Also, be sure to check back each week for more of our "Did You Know" series on social media to see how God has been moving during this season! GP Students 1 October at 21:56 · Did you catch it in the last post!? Thanks to a generous donation, GP Students now has an outdoor basketball hoop, and soon to be outdoor Volleyball Court!! Looking forward to seeing how God will use this simple ministry tools for our community. We also have some big plans that we are praying for God to provide and lead with how to turn this outdoor space into an even bigger ministry opportunity!!
Join Us at 10:30 A.M.! Who Do You Say I Am?
Join Us at 9:00 A.M.! Who Do You Say I Am?
SUN, APR 4 AT 9:00 AM CDT Easter at GracePoint
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Join Us ONLINE @ 9:00 AM!
Join Us ONLINE @ 10:30 AM! Culture Shock
Join Us ONLINE @ 9:00 AM! Culture Shock
Do you have a kiddo ages 2 yrs-5th grade!? If so, this is for you! We know that experiential learning is so valuable to kids! Each year to celebrate Palm Sunday, our kids get to participate in waving palm branches through the sanctuary while we worship (for one song at least). Following this, Duncan will be connecting their experience in the Elementary large group time, and what that means for them! You won't want to miss it! See you Sunday!