Gravity Junction, LLC

(on walnut grove way)
Advertising and Design Services in Gainesville, GA
Advertising and Design Services
Business Consulting and Services
Web Design


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


3858 Walnut Grove Way
Gainesville, GA


Marketing Agency


Gravity Junction, LLC Photo


  • Custom WordPress Web Design
  • Comprehensive Marketing Strategy Planning
  • Marketing Strategy Implementation
  • Digital Marketing Analysis
  • Digital Marketing Execution
  • Social Media Management
  • Lead Generation/Sales Funnel Creation
  • Graphic Design Services
  • Content Creation (Copyrighting Services)
  • Syndicated Press Release Distribution
  • Directory Listing Analysis
  • Directory Listing Management Services
  • Custom Software Engineering (mobile/desktop, google/apple)


Is the content you’re sharing with your audience grabbing the attention your brand deserves? Have you started a podcast or started going Live on Friday nights? Is your audience excited to see your posts, double-tapping, commenting, and participating in your conversation? Or is your social media presence a little one-sided? We know the world is full of movement, but are you running in place? Consider the 5 Digital Senses the next time you post a picture or video to your feed: 1. Desire (your digital smell and taste) 2. Reactiveness (movement) 3. Emotion (connection) 4. Sound 5. Sight Find more tips for creating engaging content, courtesy of content creator, Sydney Lucero, here!
“Hey _______, "Hope things are going great for you! I want to refer your business to my network! So excited to connect! Just click the link below. Thanks!" Link: Sincerely, Your Best Pal Who Would Never Steer You Wrong We’ve all been on the wrong side of a digital scam. The Nigerian Prince. The Yorkie puppy stranded in Afghanistan. The overdue student loans we most definitely paid off in 1999. Don’t fall for it! Marketing scams come in all shapes and sizes these days. Check out these 3 common marketing scams and some tips to determine whether that sketchy email is worth deleting. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Don't Fall For It: 3 Marketing Scams to Avoid | Gravity Junction Marketing Team
Have you ever wished it was possible to bring a technology guru in to “digitize” your business, but pay for it like a subscription service (sort of like Netflix)? Guess what? It is! And we are here to give you the full scoop on how it could benefit your bottom line. Learn why a CTO on demand could be the right choice for your business: GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM CTO vs. CIO: What the Hell is the Difference? | Gravity Junction - Software
“Do's" are helpful, but sometimes “Dont's" are just as effective. Especially on LinkedIn. Here’s what NOT to do on LinkedIn, and how to do marketing with a giver's heart! OFFER something with no strings attached instead of pushing your services or goods. Sometimes the more you push, the more you push your audience away! Learn, recorrect, OFFER VALUE, and see results. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM How Not to LinkedIn: Gravity Junction - Atlanta Marketing Agency
CONTROVERSIAL OPINION WARNING Tiger King wasn’t that good. But do you know what it was? Perfectly timed. Everyone was at home watching. Everyone was participating in the same conversation. All eyes were on THE Tiger King. Imagine that kind of attention on your business (minus the whole FBI investigation thing.) The new normal is about your online presence. It’s no longer just about what you offer but how you offer it. Is your business ready for what comes next? GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM The Next Normal for Retail Marketing: Gravity Junction - Atlanta Marketing
The question to ask yourself is not, “Will my business benefit from having a mobile app?” but rather, “Will it be practical to develop and maintain a mobile app for my business?” Not sure where your business falls on the app practicality spectrum? Grab a cup o’ joe, get comfortable, and let’s figure it out! GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Does Your Small Business Need A Mobile App? | Gravity Junction - Software Devs
3 key benefits of Influencer Marketing: -Increase of leads -Building Trust -Insight Into Your Consumers Want in on the action? Check out how to incorporate influencer marketing into your social media marketing strategy and reap the rewards! Article Name: Influencer Marketing: Benefits, Best Platforms, and Big Winnings GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Influencer Marketing: Benefits, Platforms and Big Winnings | Gravity Junction
What do you get when you combine SSE Airtricity + #solarpower + #smarttech? An amazing and sustainable renewable energy initiative that's already making waves across Ireland. If you're a #Construction, #Tech, or #RenewableEnergy energy buff, you'll want to learn more: GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Ireland Is Killing The Green Energy Smart Tech Game: Gravity Junction
"It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau Today, we challenge you to take a look at something and try viewing it from another perspective. You might be surprised how different something can look from even a slightly different vantage point.
Debate or discuss this topic: Introverts and Extroverts in the workplace. Is one superior to the other when it comes to leadership? Or is that the wrong way of looking at it? Is it possibly more productive to take into account that both personality types have their own strengths and weaknesses? Check out our original blog discussing the topic from our perspective, while considering the statistics and facts! No time to? No worries! Drop a comment below with your thoughts! Let’s nerd out.
Do you ever think about the links between technology and language? How, with the growth of new tech, we must create new ideas and words to properly describe that new tech? A new world of word and language comes with the new world of machines advancing. You don’t get one without the other. Read more about modern programs that explore how we talk, as well as a fantastic novel by an internet linguist, Gretchen McCulloch GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM How Is Modern Tech Affecting Our Communication? | Gravity Junction
The bad news is, 2020 isn’t over. The good news is, 2020 isn’t over. There's no denying business owners have had it extra rough this year, however, there are some businesses have that have thrived despite the obstacles. How can you add your business to the list of businesses that flipped the script on 2020 and made it out on top? Check out some of the ways industries are booming during the coronavirus pandemic: GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Hope for Businesses in 2020: Gravity Junction - Full Service Marketing
Welcome to #GravityJunctionStoryTime! Yeah, we're making this a thing. Years ago, Yahoo! released 30 different versions of their logo as a build-up to their re-branding only to make minimal changes to their logo and overall digital presence. The excitement of Yahoo!'s rebranding quickly died. Yahoo! failed to make their rebranding meaningful. Part of that is why Yahoo! failed, period. Designing the graphics for your business is NOT a time to be quick-thinking or lazy. Take a piece of advice from us with this quote, and be sure to check out our blog to read more about graphic design! #graphicdesign #logodesign #marketing #branding
New ways to look at a screen? Sign us up! Virtual + augmented realities are far from new concepts in the tech world. However, in the arena of marketing, brands who are utilizing either or both methods are truly standing out + winning. In our latest blog, we explore the topic, diving into what both realities are, what they can offer, and if they’re here to stay, + how to get started if you're interested in utilizing this tech. So, read. Message us. Call us. Fax us. (Okay, so you were reading!) We want to hear from you! GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM How will VR and AR Impact Our Lives in the Future? | Gravity Junction
When #progress feels slow - “Remember the mountains already behind you.” - Morgan Harper Nichols This year’s #WorldMentalHealthDay comes during a time when our daily lives have been changed significantly from the #pandemic. One in two people say that COVID has impacted their mental health. That’s why this year’s goal behind this campaign is all about increasing the investment in mental health. So, on behalf of Gravity Junction, we hope you’re being kind as hell to yourself. Healing isn’t linear, but we’re all in this together. Learn more about the campaign + resources as well as join the community + conversation around the world here: #mentalhealth #mentalhealthjourney #mentalhealthquote #gravityjunction #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #anxiety #selflove #love #depression #motivation #health #mentalhealthmatters #wellness #mindfulness #covid #healing #fitness #life #loveyourself #therapy #inspiration #mentalillness #happiness #positivity #positivevibes #meditation #quotes #psychology #mindset #recovery #wellbeing #bhfyp
The Code Assassin is our Sr. #SoftwareDeveloper. He has been given the patented nickname "The Code Assassin" for being a #coding ninja (plus, it adds an air of mysteriousness. What can we say? We like a good enigma.) However, it is no mystery that The Code Assassin is good at his job. He brings nearly 40 years of experience to the table and has a genuine love for what he does. Other things The Code Assassin loves: his kids, cars, guitars, Monster Energy, the great outdoors, and challenging ideas that didn't make sense in the first place. Visit our website to learn more about the personalities behind Gravity Junction. Or stay tuned to our socials to hear more about some familiar faces. #webmarketing #softwaredevelopment #behindthebusiness
How do we set up our institutions to produce leaders? Part II of our leadership series discusses three key places where leaders could and should be developed: at schools, internally, within companies, and through local community programs. Have you participated in any leadership programs that have contributed to your success as a leader today? We would love to hear about them in the comments! GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Lack of Leadership Part II: Gravity Junction - Full Service Marketing Atlanta
Don’t allow the confusing things to confuse you. Keep it moving. Or figure it out. But don’t let the confusing things confuse you. 😉
Every major social media platform thus far has been created by a man. Herd co-founders Mady Dewey and Ali Howard are on a mission to change that. Herd, the first social media platform created by women, for women, is throwing likes, filters, and societal standards out the window to create a space for people to thrive free from the everyday pressure of social media perfection. (Can we get an Amen!?) Herd aims to provide a space for women to express themselves freely and empower themselves and others, all while having one hell of a good time. “At Herd, we want to ensure that social media platforms are used as tools that brought the world together, rather than apart,” shares Dewey. Learn more about Herd and its masterminds here:
We are doing some new things on our social media lately! Ever gotten so focused on your clients, your own brand takes the backseat? We’re trying our best to change that -- #SelfCare + #SelfLove during this pandemic, can you relate?! So, to introduce ourselves to any fresh faces we’re starting a “Meet The Crew” series, and who better to start with than this rock star! Drop a like or comment if you appreciate this lady as much as we do! Stay tuned to meet the whole squad, we’ll be doing this here and there between other posts! #GravityJunction #SelfLove #SelfCare #BrandLove #COVID #MeetTheCrew #Introduction #SocialMedia #Holla #CEO #Founder #BadAssBabe #BadAssBoss #BossBabe #LadyBoss #Mom #Wife #MultifacetedWoman #StrongWoman
If you’re alive and breathing, you’ve heard of TikTok. There’s no “probably” we need to include in that statement because the social media platform has been the center of media attention for months. So, what’s the deal? Where did TikTok come from? What about it makes its consumers so incredibly ravenous for more content? What’s the controversy? Why does Trump hate it? Will it really be banned? We answer all of your questions here:
Earlier this month, we covered the coolest up-and-coming social media platform in the galaxy: Herd. Co-founders Mady Dewey and Ali Howardd challenge the status quo with an app made BY womxn FOR womxn. Today, Mady shared an update on the app's development, so we're bringing the deets straight to you! Ya HERD it here first! 🤪✨👏👯‍♀️📱🌎 -The gals are making hella moves -Herd's nearly fully funded -Lead developer has been officially selected + hired -Lots of great content planned We couldn't be more excited about this, how about y'all?! Stay tuned! **CHECK THEM OUT ON INSTAGRAM at - @madydewey @alihowardd** #herd #herdapp #herdsocialmedia #herdsocial #social #socialmedia #socialmediaplatform #platform #digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing #appdesign #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleempowerment #femaleentrepreneur #thefutureisfemale #femalepreneur #femalewriters #bodypositivity #bodypositivitymovement #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #womenentrepreneurs #womenintech #empoweringwomen #forwomen #womxn #womxnsupportingwomxn
#2020’s been a lot of things. There’s laughing, crying, laughing so hard you cry, crying so hard you laugh. And, you know, everything in between. But, it’s also been the year of toilet paper... Yep. You guys remember March of this year when everyone was fighting over it. (Impossible to forget, right?) In today’s post, we’re discussing the tp #biz and how some companies changed their business models. Freaking intriguing, to say the least. Wipe, and see for yourself. I mean SWIPE. 🙊🧻 #business2020
Have you watched The Social Dilemma on Netflix yet? Get ready to see social media as you’ve never seen it before. The curtains are pulled back and the good, the bad, and the ugly of social media are on full display. Straight from social media pioneers like Tristan Harris, Tim Kendall, and Sandy Parakilas, this is a must-watch. Is social media good, bad or somewhere in between? Check out our take:
HEY! Today’s our second favorite “f” word. (Don’t worry, our first is food. 🤪) Happy F-ing Friday!!! To those who know us: We’re incredibly thankful for you. To those who don’t know us yet: Howdy, we’re so happy to have you here. 🤠 From the best digital marketing agency in the entire galaxy: Have a rad weekend, do something great + take care of yourselves! 🌌 #happyfriday #weekend #atlanta #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingexperts #digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketingexperts #cheers #digitalmarketingagency
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is the best way for businesses to claim prime virtual real-estate. It’s like buying a billboard on the freeway, except you only have to pay for the billboard after someone calls your number. (Sign us up!) Not only is PPC advertising effective (with the help of a killer landing page), it’s also cost-efficient! The key to utilizing a PPC marketing strategy is to make sure your landing page is ready to convert visits into sales. Learn more about PPC advertising and if it is right for your business:
It's #ElectionDay, & if you haven't yet, we encourage you to hit the voting booth and exercise your constitutional rights today! Early voting this year exceeded 2016's early voting, more than a week before 2020's Election Day. America, we've got work to do. Let's start by making our votes count.
✨Small Biz Stats ✨ ▪️ Small businesses generate $68 back into the local economy for every $100 spent with them. ▪️ Small businesses donate 250% more than their large counterparts to community causes. ▪️ 48% of the overall growth of US business ownership is attributed to immigrant business owners. ▪️ Local business generates 70% more local economic activity per square foot than big-box retail. So what does all of this mean? To put in concisely, small business MATTERS. As we head into the holiday season, we encourage you to buy and support local whenever possible! Tag your favorite local businesses in the comments below to show them some extra love!
Punbelievable... 😋 HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Drop a comment detailing your favorite part of celebrating this holiday! 🎃 We'd love to hear!
It’s an interesting time to be running a business, isn’t it? Between societal, political, and COVID upheaval, business owners have their hands full! These 3 SCARY GOOD branding trends are SERIOUSLY helpful in not only navigating your way through, but crushing it: 1. Taking a stand 2. Abstract art (This solves whether or not to depict people in masks in your designs!) 3. Thought-provoking images (We love a good scroll-stopper!) Take a look! Where have you seen these trends?!
No one: The GJ Team: Sooo, here's our team as pieces of candy 🤪🎃🍫 Can you tell we love this time of year? Nah, you didn’t ask for this content, but we’re generous. We know you’ve got a sweet tooth! We're really raising the BAR with this post. What’s your favorite part about celebrating Halloween? #halloween #spookyseason #teamseries #gj #gravityjunction #digitalmarketing #digitalmarketingagency #fullscaledigitalmarketing #fullscaledigitalmarketingagency #atlanta #marketing #webdevelopment #graphicdesign #contentcreation #candy #fun
It may be #FridayThe13th, but it's also #WorldKindnessDay! Tell the people you love, that you love 'em, + be kind to EVERYone today. Here are 3 ways to be kinder to yourself + others!
#MeetTheCrew Round 2: #WorkPlaylist Edition. . Bust out your #Spotify, #AppleMusic, #AmazonMusic, #AlexaSpeaker, #AirPods, #BeatsHeadphones, or however you love to listen to music. . #ContentCreator Erika Nesto gives you a peek into what she bops to as she works. There's a little something for everyone in this playlist. . #TuneIn, learn a little about us + #GetProductive. . Drop your favorite song to work to in the comments! . #musicplaylist #music #funpost #teampost #gravityjunction #digitalmarketing #atlanta #fullscalesigitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingagency #graphicdesign #webdevelopment #webdesign #gettoknowus
Thank you to all of the brave men + women who have served our country. On this very important #VeteransDay, the GJ team salutes you. #gravityjunction #gj #veteransday #america #honor #thankyou #withgratefulhearts
🕹 FUN FACT: Nearly 26% of the world plays video games. With the arrival of COVID, the video game industry is seeing some big changes and immense growth. Analysts suggest that the industry will make $196 billion in revenue by 2022, encouraging tech giants like Google and Apple to jump onboard. As more people find ways to socialize virtually, the video game demographic is shifting. Video game marketers once had a very niche audience to cater to, however, with the current diversity of gamers, marketers must consider a much more broad, potential audience. 🕹 Kids? Gamers. 🕹 Women? Gamers. 🕹 Grandpas? Gamers. 🕹 Cats? Gamers. 🕹 Everyone else? Probably also a gamer. We're excited to see a more diverse gaming world and the creativity that will be presented to a new audience. Are you a gamer? Share in the comments! Sources: Forbes & Investopedia
“My best friend is a podcast, probably.” – Sydney Lucero, GJ content creator. Everyone and their brother has a podcast these days, and honestly, we’re here for it! Podcasts are here to stay and can be easily transformed into content with connection. Why do something 3 times when you can do it once? Video record your podcast. Transcribe your podcast. Release your podcast. Boom. Content. A podcast doesn’t make you an authority in your space, but it’s a really good start. Is your interest piqued? Learn more about podcasting, its future, and our own podcast channel, currently in the works: GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Podcast Marketing: A Convo with Your New Best Friend - Gravity Junction
What you don’t know about SEO will kill your pocket book. However, WE have the greatest solution. Our newest SEO blog: What NOT to do! We'll talk: -SEO Strategies -Technical SEO -Running Performance Tests -Managing Expectations Check it out!
#Remotework is nothing new for the team at #GravityJunction. In fact, it’s always been our norm, even before #COVID. With team members across the country and in different time zones, we’ve learned what technology, communication platforms, and bots (yes, we said bots) have helped us succeed in this professional “long-distance relationship” of sorts. Learn how to keep your team connected and motivated while screens and miles separate you in our new blog "Remote Work Best Practices!" You can still be a mighty and united team front. Here’s how! We hope you enjoy these adorable Google illustrations as well. Be sure to drop which # you are (1-9) below!
We've broken down all things social media, including one of the biggest mistakes we see small businesses make! Check it out, you'll learn a lot! #socialmediamarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #marketing #branding #business #marketingdigital #seo #onlinemarketing #contentmarketing #marketingstrategy #entrepreneur #like #advertising #marketingtips #graphicdesign #socialmediamanager #design #smallbusiness #digitalmarketingagency #webdesign #socialmediatips #digital #follow #marketingagency #socialmediamanagement #love #socialmediastrategy
At Gravity Junction, we believe in transparency. We love #marketing jargon (trust us; we throw so many abbreviations around in team meetings that it would make an outsider's head spin). However, we realize just how confusing marketing jargon can be. We've seen how many clicks it takes to find the information you're looking for and how many articles it takes to reach an understanding. It's intimidating. It's frustrating. It's unnecessary. We aim to make understanding easy. You deserve to know what things mean, and you shouldn't have to chase anyone around the moon for an answer. Today, we'll break down #DigitalMarketing, what it means, what it includes, and why these things matter for your #business. #ExplainItLikeIm5
#HappyPhilanthropyDay! What a special + important day. Giving back is ESSENTIAL. Here are 3 great ways to pay it forward + celebrate!
Just in time for Small Biz Saturday next week, GJ rolled out a COMPLETE guide to marketing your small biz online. Content Creator, Sydney Lucero, helps you bring your small biz online with a marketing plan WITHOUT barriers. This guide is easy to read, direct, and useful as hell. #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #entrepreneur #business #localbusiness #marketing #businessowner #covid #startup #instagood #womeninbusiness #entrepreneurship #beauty #design #branding #motivation #digitalmarketing #atlanta #gravityjunction #smallbusinesssaturday
7 Days to Small Business Saturday! Are you prepared for the days leading up to Small Business Saturday? There's still time to prepare! Keep some of our social media tips in mind as you head into this week, and stay tuned this week for more info about marketing your small business! #SmallBizSaturday
"New look, who dis?" No, #Instagram didn't go through a horrible breakup, but it did go through a homepage redesign for the first time in nearly 10 years! Instagram has added "Reels" & "Shop" to your homepage after seeing the ways people are currently interacting with social media. Do you love it or hate it? Check out this story & others at!
It's #GivingTuesday, and organizations like our dear friends, Work, Play, Love, need your support in reaching their fundraising goals! We know this year has been challenging for everyone, but today we encourage you to help worthy causes, like Work, Play, Love, an orphanage charity organization dedicated to helping the children of Guatemala, raise the funds necessary to support those they serve. You can donate to Work, Play Love here:
It's Cyber Monday, and we have to give a shout out to leadership extraordinaire, John Addison and his new book, Addisonisms: Words to Live By. This book is a collection of quotes from Addison that have helped individuals across the globe become great leaders ready to take their team to new heights. The first 100 copies sold will be autographed by Addison himself, so click on over to the Addison Leadership Group website, and get your copy today! JOHNADDISONLEADERSHIP.COM Addisonisms: Quotes to Live By – SPU
What is... -The World Record Price for a sealed copy of Super Mario Bros? -The new group grocery-shopping delivery app "JoyRun"? -Snapchat's new in-app TikTok competitor? We've got the scoop in our most recent updates to our Pulse section. Check it, yo! #news #pulse #gravityjunction #technews #googleassistant #google #knowledge #blackfriday #technology #apple #digitalmarketing #atlanta #graphicdesign #logodesign #marketing #branding #supermariobros #walmart #joyrun #snapchat #spotlight #snapchatspotlight
Happy #SmallBusinessSaturday! This is one of the most important days of the year for #GJ. As a small biz ourselves, we serve small businesses every day, as well as support them. Money spent at a small biz stimulates the local economy and keeps your favorite businesses in action. Our founder & CEO, Sharla Crawford, treasures countless small businesses, but here are a few of her #ATL favorites: #Bacchanalia Duluth Farmer's Market Ponce City Market The 1818 Club
What would it take to put your #business on everyone’s metaphorical Main Street? To help your business thrive online, you must take advantage of one of the strongest online #marketing tools: social media. Check out Part 2 of our Small Business Guide to Marketing where we talk about all things #socialmedia!
To all of the shopping addicts out there: It's the best day of the year, BLACK FRIDAY! May your arms stay strong, and bags be plenty. We encourage you to shop local this year and check out some of our favorite businesses! Atlanta small bizzes to support: Luma Banner Butter Black-Owned small bizzes to support: For Keeps Books A Single Suggestion By supporting a small business, you're supporting your local community!
A social media audit asks "who?" "what?" "where?' and "when?" A GOOD social media audit asks "why?" -Why am I posting this content? -Why do people care about this content? -Why am I showing my business in this light? Social media audits are necessary for making sure your marketing efforts are always working for your business. Take a look at your numbers today: your whos, whats, whens, and wheres. Then, take some time to dig a little deeper and ask yourself: why? What are you waiting for? Put your audit on the calendar. In the meantime, take a look at our blog about getting the most out of your social media audit:
One new feature of the Google Home will allow users to schedule commands for their device. Need to turn the TV off in an hour? Tell Google! Want the lights to turn off in about 5 minutes? Tell Google! Find out more about this new Google feature along with other tech & marketing news on The Pulse: "Okay Google, like this post for me." ❤
What is the BIGGEST SEO mistake we see brands making? Check out this eye-grabbing video for a clue and read more here:
The pandemic has impacted nearly every industry in the U.S. and across the world, however one group of workers continues to thrive: multi-level marketers (MLMs). What does it take to succeed in this direct sales position? Gravity Junction CEO talks all things MLM and micro-branding. YOUTUBE.COM The Catastrophe of COVID Catapults MLM to Great Heights
Women in tech. We love them. We are them. But COVID-19 may be leaving a lack of mentors for the girls who aspire to be the future's tech gurus. "You cannot be what you cannot see," said Girls Who Code CEO Reshma Saujani. "And that problem has been exacerbated post-COVID." But we're still here for the girls in tech (and so are many). Girls who Code has partnered with American Girl to create an 80s Pac-Man Whiz because representation matters. They have also gone above and beyond to make sure that, with distance learning, their students have access to lessons and internet connection because implementation matters. Read more about the effect COVID-19 is having on the female tech world on our Pulse page, a hub for all things in the world of tech & marketing.
Spoiler: VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) are already here. With tech like Oculus, we can put on a pair of goggles and be transported anywhere in the world. With AR, we can test out a new paint color or hair color without ever picking up a paint brush or heading to the salon. Gravity Junction CEO, Sharla Crawford shares how she uses AR/VR. Find more information on how you could implement AR and VR into your business strategy. #ar #vr #augmentedreality #virtualreality #oculus #CEO #gravityjunction YOUTUBE.COM How will VR and AR Impact Our Lives in the Future?
Each social media platform differs from one to the other, right? While that is what makes them so awesome, it can be tricky to know what the most efficient way to promote towards each audience is. Our Content Creator Sydney Lucero dives into these 5 ways to promote your website via social media - 1. Get a Blog 2. Keep Your Audience in Mind 3. Advertise Your Products or Services 4. Social-Only Offers 5. Make Sure Your Website is Linked Get all the details on the blog!
Gravity Junction stands out because we are committed to you. Everything we do at Gravity Junction, from investing in the future of tech to predicting the future of marketing & branding, we do for the success of our clients. After working with clients in a number of industries, we recognize the diversity of our clients' needs. We know there isn't one way to communicate. We pride ourselves on allowing our customers to be seen and heard every time they interact with the Gravity Junction team. A big thank you to for recognizing our care for connection & endless efforts toward stellar customer service. #WhereBrandsGoSupaNova
Google Maps new feature for Android, one video conferencing company that acquired a polling company, and circulating photos of a Macintosh Classic prototype -- If any of this tech hot topics pique your interest, head over to our Pulse page to read more!
Imagine living in a world where nearly 50% of everything you encounter is simply not real. Nonexistent. Absolutely fabricated. Fake grandmas. A bird or a government drone? It’s hard to think about, but that’s what venturing through the #internet is like. The more information we have access to, the more misinformation we run into. But more importantly, how does having so much information in the palm of our hands affect us? Find out more about how to handle this social media infodemic on our blog: #socialmedia #socialmediamarketing #socialmediahabits #socialmediainfodemic
A social media audit asks "who?" "what?" "where?' and "when?" A GOOD social media audit asks "why?" -Why am I posting this content? -Why do people care about this content? -Why am I showing my business in this light? Social media audits are necessary for making sure your marketing efforts are always working for your business. Take a look at your numbers today: your whos, whats, whens, and wheres. Then, take some time to dig a little deeper and ask yourself: why? What are you waiting for? Put your audit on the calendar. In the meantime, take a look at our blog about getting the most out of your social media audit:
One new feature of the Google Home will allow users to schedule commands for their device. Need to turn the TV off in an hour? Tell Google! Want the lights to turn off in about 5 minutes? Tell Google! Find out more about this new Google feature along with other tech & marketing news on The Pulse: "Okay Google, like this post for me." ❤
While social distancing has affected us all, we are in this fight together! Keep remaining loyal to your favorite shops and restaurants to help your community thrive.
What's #multimediamarketing? How can you play to the #5senses of your #audience? We'll teach you with an acronym that makes all the difference and how to use your platforms in more #engaging ways. Check out our quick read now! #blog #marketingblog
Check out our Pulse page for the latest tech news and gossip! 😱📰📢👩‍💻
Is TikTok just for Gen Z? Nope! It's actually a powerful tool for marketing, and it's aging up! There are numerous amazing strategies brands are using on TikTok and, TBH, you need to know about them and get on board. But don't worry, our founder and CEO, Sharla, has everything you need to know and talks stats, strategies, and solutions. #tiktok #tiktokmarketing #blog #tiktokblog #digitalmarketing #hashtagchallenges #usergeneratedcontent #nonprofitmarketing
Could your website benefit from a "Stories" feature? Google Web Stories is a new feature offered through a WordPress plugin that makes it seriously easy to customize the type of content you're sharing on your website. Stories add an interactive experience that boosts the value of your website while giving you a new outlet to share information, advertise, and enhance the mobile experience of your website. Get all the info you need to make the most out of Google Web Stories here:
The holiday season feels like: Being cuddled up next to a fire🔥 Sitting in a clean house watching the lights twinkle on the tree🎄 Getting to hug your grandma👵 An extra helping of cranberry mousse🍨 Capturing the magic of Christmas and using it in your marketing campaign this holiday season is the perfect way to give your business the extra sparkle it needs to succeed. See how you can upgrade your holiday marketing plan:
Happy holidays from the GJ family. We are so thankful for each of our clients and look forward to another amazing year of crushing goals together. We hope you eat your favorite holiday foods and maybe even get some awesome tech gifts beneath the tree!
Merry Christmas Eve! Our gift to you: Some motivational words from our CEO and founder. We're sending you abounding love and success this season.
Story time! This holiday season, we are extra grateful for not only our team, but these three dynamo women who are at the very heart of it. Here's how they met and all it has meant to GJ. Cheers to you, Sharla, Tess, and Mandy! Your team is sending you the warmest of wishes this holiday.
3 more days until Christmas! Here's what we checked off our to-do list, and we're gearing up for our team's Virtual Ugly Christmas Sweater party this evening! How are you and your coworkers getting creative in celebrating this Christmas?
Social media marketing is far more than posting the occasional Instagram Story. Reaping the benefits of social media marketing requires dedication, strategy, and knowledge of the technical side of marketing your small biz online. Learn how to measure metrics, analytics, and more:
Here’s the latest: Amazon wants to scan your body so that your shirts can fit better. Zoom is lifting its 40-minute limit just in time for the holidays. FB and Apple are at odds about a privacy issue. Keep your finger on the pulse with our tech news page! We update it with fresh topics each week.
2021 is your freaking year. We know it. We talked to the task manager. But, really, HAPPY NEW YEAR from Gravity Junction!
A quick read that has concise, applicable marketing "golden nuggets?" Don't mind if we do. Check out how Ben Pasternak, founder of NUGGS, saw a major practical need in the vegan community and rose to the top to meet it.
We. Are. So. Close. To. Saying. Sayonara. To. 2020. Say it again. Thank you to our CEO and founder for this awesome reminder.
Planning TikTok's for 2021 begins in 3, 2, 1... Blast off! We rounded up the top 3 biggest TikTok trends of 2021: 1. More and more brands and influencers will embrace TikTok 2. Focus on social commerce 3. Branded hashtag challenges Keep sharing your awesome content!
We have all had it tough this year, and needless to say, we could all use a metaphorical hug. Whether that hug is translated as your brand offering helpful advice to your consumers or personally taking five extra minutes to get ready in the morning before a Zoom call with your team, now is the time to hug it out. Check out some more of our helpful tips for exhibiting brand and self-love in this blog. To watch the rest of Sharla's video on the subject, head over to YouTube and search our company name, Gravity Junction.
Happy holidays from the GJ family. We are so thankful for each of our clients and look forward to another amazing year of crushing goals together. We hope you eat your favorite holiday foods and maybe even get some awesome tech gifts beneath the tree!
From our wonderful CEO and Founder, Sharla Crawford: I wanted to take a moment from your day to say, it's break time! Stop the scroll and take a short 15 to do what you need. Meditate, move, stretch, eat, or do nothing at all. Go love and take care of yourself!
Today is the day. As an Atlanta-based company, we, at Gravity Junction, believe in our right to use our voices & our vote, for the choice is ours. 🌎🖊⭐ #GASen #GeorgiaVotes
It's #TriviaDay and we're celebrating with a trivia question! (Obvi). Drop your best guess to the question on Slide 2. We'll respond tomorrow with the correct answer! No cheating, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
One of the most common digital marketing missteps we’re seeing from SEO companies these days is the nearly complete separation of social media and organic SEO marketing strategies. This is tragic. In this blog we cover the remedies to this issue: -Social Media Marketing Partnerships -Backlinks -Optimized content Check it out. Have any questions? Let us set you up with an SEO expert.
A favorite quote from the brain behind one of our favorite sales, marketing, CRM, and customer service platforms, HubSpot. What quote keeps you going?
Happy New Year, gang. To kick it off, we have the 3 BEST small biz ideas for 2021. 1. Start a blog (and work to monetize said blog)! 2. Offer online courses and coaching 3. Start an eCommerce biz Tips and tricks can be found in the vid.
2020 was a year full of "whys." Not because we were searching for the truth, but because we were searching for answers much bigger than ourselves. "Why is it called covid-19?" "Why are people protesting?" "Why do people dream?" There is so much we continue to question, but let's throw one more "why" into the equation. "Why did 2020 offer us so many lessons?" Let's make 2021 the year of the "how." "How can we better understand one another?" "How can we put more love and understanding into the world?" "How can we help?" "How can we use what we've learned in 2020 to be better in 2021?" Take a look at Google Search's Year In Review: 2020 at the link below.
Podcasting is not the hero we wanted, but it is the hero we needed. Podcasting is expected to grow by 72 million listeners in the next two years alone, meaning you need to consider adding a podcast to your digital marketing strategy. Like, now. Sound intimidating? Don’t worry. We can help! Check out these 10 podcasting secrets from one of our content creators who has been in the podcast game since before it was cool.
From our wonderful CEO and Founder, Sharla Crawford: I wanted to take a moment from your day to say, it's break time! Stop the scroll and take a short 15 to do what you need. Meditate, move, stretch, eat, or do nothing at all. Go love and take care of yourself!
Today is the day. As an Atlanta-based company, we, at Gravity Junction, believe in our right to use our voices & our vote, for the choice is ours. 🌎🖊⭐ #GASen #GeorgiaVotes
It's #TriviaDay and we're celebrating with a trivia question! (Obvi). Drop your best guess to the question on Slide 2. We'll respond tomorrow with the correct answer! No cheating, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
One of the most common digital marketing missteps we’re seeing from SEO companies these days is the nearly complete separation of social media and organic SEO marketing strategies. This is tragic. In this blog we cover the remedies to this issue: -Social Media Marketing Partnerships -Backlinks -Optimized content Check it out. Have any questions? Let us set you up with an SEO expert.
Stop pulling your hair out trying to keep every little part of your business together and invest in an ERP system. You might be asking yourself, ‘WTH is ERP?’ Simply put, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a specially designed system that helps you keep all of the logistics of your business in order and up-to-date and your employees well-informed. Got more questions? That’s okay! We broke it down for you in our latest blog post: WTH is ERP?: ERP Solutions for Small Business Owners.
As digital spaces grow, the desire for video content grows as well. Why? 1. It alludes to a human connection. 2. It allows for an abundance of information to be shared in a short amount of time. 3. It’s so damn consumable. Learn more about the importance of honesty in video marketing:
Baby Yoda's advice, you must listen to. Ever wondered what self-driving Tesla's are REALLY like? Well, you can watch one navigate from San Francisco to Los Angeles on our Pulse Page. What's our Pulse Page all about? It's where we give you the scoop on the latest worldwide events covering tech, marketing, and social media. Check it out and bookmark it while you're there!
2020 was a year full of "whys." Not because we were searching for the truth, but because we were searching for answers much bigger than ourselves. "Why is it called covid-19?" "Why are people protesting?" "Why do people dream?" There is so much we continue to question, but let's throw one more "why" into the equation. "Why did 2020 offer us so many lessons?" Let's make 2021 the year of the "how." "How can we better understand one another?" "How can we put more love and understanding into the world?" "How can we help?" "How can we use what we've learned in 2020 to be better in 2021?" Take a look at Google Search's Year In Review: 2020 at the link below.
Podcasting is not the hero we wanted, but it is the hero we needed. Podcasting is expected to grow by 72 million listeners in the next two years alone, meaning you need to consider adding a podcast to your digital marketing strategy. Like, now. Sound intimidating? Don’t worry. We can help! Check out these 10 podcasting secrets from one of our content creators who has been in the podcast game since before it was cool.
From our wonderful CEO and Founder, Sharla Crawford: I wanted to take a moment from your day to say, it's break time! Stop the scroll and take a short 15 to do what you need. Meditate, move, stretch, eat, or do nothing at all. Go love and take care of yourself!
Meet our favorite author, Tess Helmandollar. We are abundantly blessed to have her on our team. Here’s a brief video of some of this smart cookie’s major accomplishments and all that she brings to Gravity Junction. Cheers to you, Tess!
"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell Did you know Elon Musk almost lost all of his business ventures when he first started out with PayPal, SpaceX, and Tesla? It's how you REACT TO and PIVOT AFTER failure that matters.
Think tech and mental health can't go hand in hand? We’ve got five apps that prove that simply isn't true. 1. Muse 2. Calm 3. Focus At Will Labs 4. Breathe2Relax app 5. Zen Zone app on Oculus If you're feeling overwhelmed, try out one or all of these apps, and learn what works best for you.
Over 30 million people have found themselves unemployed during this pandemic, causing many to look for alternative work solutions, including opportunities in multilevel marketing (MLM) and direct sales. If you're curious about this space but still need a little push, we've got you covered! Read more on crushing multilevel marketing during COVID here: .
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -Martin Luther King Jr. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! May we all act boldly in love and inspire others to do the same. Artist: Derek Russel,
Stop pulling your hair out trying to keep every little part of your business together and invest in an ERP system. You might be asking yourself, ‘WTH is ERP?’ Simply put, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a specially designed system that helps you keep all of the logistics of your business in order and up-to-date and your employees well-informed. Got more questions? That’s okay! We broke it down for you in our latest blog post: WTH is ERP?: ERP Solutions for Small Business Owners.
It's all about the hustle, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship and small business ownership. What's your business, and what motivates you to give it your all day in and day out? We wanna hear about it! Drop a comment below so we can learn more about you!
No better way to celebrate Data Privacy Day than with a little education courtesy of Gravity Junction. Here's what you'll learn: -What is SSL? -What are the differences between Http and Https? -How will SSL help your business? -Ins & outs of SEO and SSL Certificates -How to implement SSL on your business page -How we can help Have a read and hit us with any questions you may have!
“Always deliver more than expected.” — Larry Page, Google co-founder Here's some midweek motivation for you from the brain behind a tool we use everyday: Google.
DID YOU KNOW: Podcasts stimulate mental imagery by forcing listeners to use their imagination to conjure images in their mind. 🎙 Books literally CHANGE your brain for the better. Reading involves a complex network of circuits and signals in your brain. The more you read, the stronger those networks get. 📚 🧠 Here's a list of business and development podcast and book recommendations straight from our CEO, Sharla Crawford. 👩‍💼 ✍️ 👨‍💼 PODCASTS: I Love Marketing The GaryVee Audio Experience by Gary Vaynerchuk TWiRT - This Week in Radio Tech This Week in Google - 10x Multipliers To Grow Your Business BOOKS: Clean Code Trust Me I’m Lying, Confessions of a Media Manipulator Vivid Vision How to Win Friends & Influence People Think & Grow Rich One Minute Millionaire The Millionaire Next Door Rich Dad, Poor Dad The Power of Habit 48 Laws of Power Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion Keep that brain FIT, y'all! 💪 Stay sharp 📌
Education is a human right. Today is the third celebration of the #InternationalDayofEducation. This year's theme is "Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation." COVID-19 has taught us that education is so much more than learning in a classroom. At Gravity Junction we think education includes learning from your favorite influencers, listening to industry focused podcasts, and reading industry focused blogs. What are your favorite non-traditional ways to learn?
Meet our favorite author, Tess Helmandollar. We are abundantly blessed to have her on our team. Here’s a brief video of some of this smart cookie’s major accomplishments and all that she brings to Gravity Junction. Cheers to you, Tess!
It’s no mystery that, as a business owner, having a website is crucial. However, how often are we seeing business owners launch a website and then ignore website management entirely? If your site isn’t maintained adequately, there is almost a 100% chance you’re losing valuable customers and clientele, and, regrettably, that’s affecting your business’s bottom line. Not comfortable with that type of reality for your business? We aren’t either. Learn how a web maintenance plan could help your business experience greater growth.
Meet Nickie! The newest addition to our Gravity Junction crew. 👩‍🚀 Nickie comes from an accounting and administration background, and her office management skills are out of this world. ✨ When she’s not crunching numbers or ensuring offices run smoothly, you can find Nickie shopping, thrifting, or hanging with her puppy-eyed fur babies, Junior and Daisy. 🐶 We're thrilled to have her join the squad, so please join us in giving her a warm welcome. 🤗
Take a break from work to learn more about the jaw-dropping, trending headlines regarding tech, marketing and social media. What GameStop’s surge says about how the internet is shifting society’s balance of power... Facebook's next product frontier is reportedly newsletters... Google begins rollout of tab groupings in Chrome for Android... You heard it here first: GJ's Pulse Page.
Every February, the nation honors the contributions the Black community has made to help shape America. This tradition began in 1926 as a week-long celebration created by Dr. Carter G. Woodson. While we recognize and celebrate Black History Month, we believe it should be recognized all year, not just during February. Drop your favorite Black-owned businesses below. We'd love to give them a follow. Artist: Derek Russel,
To make an omelet, ya gotta break some eggs. Don't forget to loosen up and have fun with whatever incredible ideas you're trying to manifest in your life. Open your mind and don't forget to let creativity in! Thank you to our inspiring CEO, Sharla, for the reminder!
It's all about the hustle, especially when it comes to entrepreneurship and small business ownership. What's your business, and what motivates you to give it your all day in and day out? We wanna hear about it! Drop a comment below so we can learn more about you!
By supporting Black-owned companies, you get to contribute to increasing opportunities for meaningful property ownership, credit building, savings, and generational wealth for Black communities. Here are Black-owned businesses we can't get enough of: Atlanta: Atlanta Breakfast Club The Village Market Nashville: Slim and Husky's The Cupcake Collection BEYOND - Morgan Harper Nichols Estelle Colored Glassware @SemicolonChi Remember the importance of recognizing Black history, not just during this month but all year long.
What is a "fractional CTO" and how might your small business benefit from one? The blog covers the most asked questions about a CTO including what their role entails, pros, cons, benefits, and more. If you still have questions after this quick read, we'd love to set you up with our in-house tech wizard Michael Crawford.
Woof. This quote stopped us dead in our tracks when we read it. This is so true. During times of economic upheaval, it's understandable to wonder what budget cuts we can make when balancing our business's check book. Advertising just ain't one of them.
Whether you’re pro-Valentine’s Day or anti-Valentine’s Day, we love you all the same. Every holiday has looked a little different during COVID, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. Take a look at our newest blog, The Heart of Valentine’s Day Marketing During a Pandemic, and let us help you navigate these weird times.
It’s no mystery that, as a business owner, having a website is crucial. However, how often are we seeing business owners launch a website and then ignore website management entirely? If your site isn’t maintained adequately, there is almost a 100% chance you’re losing valuable customers and clientele, and, regrettably, that’s affecting your business’s bottom line. Not comfortable with that type of reality for your business? We aren’t either. Learn how a web maintenance plan could help your business experience greater growth.
Meet Nickie! The newest addition to our Gravity Junction crew. 👩‍🚀 Nickie comes from an accounting and administration background, and her office management skills are out of this world. ✨ When she’s not crunching numbers or ensuring offices run smoothly, you can find Nickie shopping, thrifting, or hanging with her puppy-eyed fur babies, Junior and Daisy. 🐶 We're thrilled to have her join the squad, so please join us in giving her a warm welcome. 🤗
Is your logo identical across your website? Did you build your website with SEO in mind? (Do you know what SEO is?) If you’ve answered no to any of these questions, it might be time for your website to undergo a redesign. Not sure if you need a website overhaul? Learn more:
When it comes to digital marketing, you do not have the time to win people over with words alone. Your design must speak for you. Do you know what your web design is saying about your business? Learn more about utilizing web design to boost your content marketing strategy!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. ❤️❣️💐🌹🍫🧸 We haven’t seen many anti-love campaigns this year (makes sense as the world needs all the love it can get right now), so we wanted to highlight some of our favorite campaigns in this category from last year. We hope this gives you a good chuckle because we could all use all the laughter we can get as well!
Radio has introduced us to a multitude of musicians, a host of personalities, and helped influence the idea of one of the most prominent audio broadcasting platforms today: Podcasting! After radio dramas faced a decline, the world was nearly ready to give up on spoken audio entertainment. That is until audio bloggers reignited the love for verbal storytelling through podcasts. Storytelling is and always will be the key to successful marketing, making podcasts a top-tier choice for businesses everywhere. Happy World Radio Day! Check out this blog about how podcasting can rock your marketing plan:
By supporting Black-owned companies, you get to contribute to increasing opportunities for meaningful property ownership, credit building, savings, and generational wealth for Black communities. Here are Black-owned businesses we can't get enough of: Atlanta: Atlanta Breakfast Club The Village Market Nashville: Slim and Husky's The Cupcake Collection BEYOND - Morgan Harper Nichols Estelle Colored Glassware @SemicolonChi Remember the importance of recognizing Black history, not just during this month but all year long.
What is a "fractional CTO" and how might your small business benefit from one? The blog covers the most asked questions about a CTO including what their role entails, pros, cons, benefits, and more. If you still have questions after this quick read, we'd love to set you up with our in-house tech wizard Michael Crawford.
Get A Complimentary Website Audit On Us! You'll Find Out: Are all of your links in working order? Is your website secure? Does the content on your site appeal to search engines? Can your website be easily found? Are users having the most optimal experience with your website once they get there? This information is vital to ensuring your website makes the best impression on potential customers (and a search engine or two). Interested? Let's get you in touch with one of our top-notch SEO pros!
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa Happy World Day of Social Justice from the Gravity Junction team! How are you recognizing this important day? Artist: Derek Russell,
Is your logo identical across your website? Did you build your website with SEO in mind? (Do you know what SEO is?) If you’ve answered no to any of these questions, it might be time for your website to undergo a redesign. Not sure if you need a website overhaul? Learn more:
When it comes to digital marketing, you do not have the time to win people over with words alone. Your design must speak for you. Do you know what your web design is saying about your business? Learn more about utilizing web design to boost your content marketing strategy!
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY. ❤️❣️💐🌹🍫🧸 We haven’t seen many anti-love campaigns this year (makes sense as the world needs all the love it can get right now), so we wanted to highlight some of our favorite campaigns in this category from last year. We hope this gives you a good chuckle because we could all use all the laughter we can get as well!
Radio has introduced us to a multitude of musicians, a host of personalities, and helped influence the idea of one of the most prominent audio broadcasting platforms today: Podcasting! After radio dramas faced a decline, the world was nearly ready to give up on spoken audio entertainment. That is until audio bloggers reignited the love for verbal storytelling through podcasts. Storytelling is and always will be the key to successful marketing, making podcasts a top-tier choice for businesses everywhere. Happy World Radio Day! Check out this blog about how podcasting can rock your marketing plan:
We’re getting closer and closer to the official launch of Herd! Here’s what we know now: - Beta testing is scheduled to start within the next few weeks! - Herd is going above and beyond to create a safe space for all social media users. - The projected official launch date is April 2021! We are so excited to see how Herd shapes the future social media landscape! Check out more up-to-date info here: GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Herd: The First Female-Fueled Social Media Platform | Gravity Junction Marketing
Want your target audience flocking to your website? Create a website they will love. If you’re not sure how to do this, or uncertain as to why it’s necessary, we can help! Head over to the blog now to find out how you can match your web design to your target audience!
Get A Complimentary Website Audit On Us! You'll Find Out: Are all of your links in working order? Is your website secure? Does the content on your site appeal to search engines? Can your website be easily found? Are users having the most optimal experience with your website once they get there? This information is vital to ensuring your website makes the best impression on potential customers (and a search engine or two). Interested? Let's get you in touch with one of our top-notch SEO pros!
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa Happy World Day of Social Justice from the Gravity Junction team! How are you recognizing this important day? Artist: Derek Russell,
Is your logo identical across your website? Did you build your website with SEO in mind? (Do you know what SEO is?) If you’ve answered no to any of these questions, it might be time for your website to undergo a redesign. Not sure if you need a website overhaul? Learn more:
When it comes to digital marketing, you do not have the time to win people over with words alone. Your design must speak for you. Do you know what your web design is saying about your business? Learn more about utilizing web design to boost your content marketing strategy!
Let's talk #PaintPointSEO. High volume queries are typically the terms that target the top of the funnel for your product or service. They have more people searching for them, but fewer of the searches have purchase intent. We can help you find the lower-volume, high intent keywords with the most conversion potential. This is called Paint-Point SEO. And it works. BIG time. Learn more about our SEO services below.
From Blah to Ta-Da! Check out some of the work we've done for Asa Carlton Services, Inc., a premier commercial construction firm we have had the pleasure of working with. Memorable logos, consistent color schemes, and smooth cross-platform U/I & U/X are just a few ways we can radically transform your online presence. Level up. Learn more now.
Your business and brand are growing. Communicating your brand message to your audience will look different on social media, your website, and traditional marketing materials. We can make the content your share across all of these avenues cohesive and engaging. Check out our branding services below.
“Huge hits by musicians both follow the rules and break them all at the same time. I got to thinking and realized excellent marketing does the same thing.” Gravity Junction CEO Sharla Crawford dives into the parallels between music and marketing and their profound impact. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM The Symphonic Semblance of Music & Marketing: Gravity Junction Marketing
Want to improve your business? You’ll need to improve your technology and automations first. Gravity Junction CEO Sharla Crawford shares how improving her business’s technology, processes, and automations has led to increased business, and increased income. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Freedom Finally. Technology for the Win: Gravity Junction - Software
"As copywriters, our job is to prompt action. We craft stories that compel people to do something. That is powerful. That is influence. That is life-altering." Learn the impact words can have on your brand from a team of professional wordsmiths. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM The Power of Copy: Gravity Junction - Atlanta Digital Marketing Agency
You're an HR director who’s seeing the highest turnover rates in years due to COVID. Employee morale is in the tank. Your teams are working off-site and have no plans for digital culture building. You're seeing issues in uniting successful marketing, website, SEO, video production, and PR teams, and your juggling a dozen different outside vendors in those same fields. At Gravity Junction, we do it all. Contact us today so we can help you transform your digital marketing strategy with our one-stop-shop.
New ways to look at a screen? Sign us up! Virtual and augmented realities are far from new concepts in the tech world. However, in the arena of marketing, brands that are utilizing either or both methods are truly standing out and winning. Learn more in our latest blog. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM How will VR and AR Impact Our Lives in the Future? | Gravity Junction
If your website is difficult to navigate, has low traffic, and isn't showing up on the Google search results page, our expert team can help change that. Making your website visually appealing, mobile-friendly, and Google-approved is why clients like the Blairsville Handyman continue utilizing our services. What are your thoughts on this website before and after?
Happy #InternationalWomensDay! Here at GJ, the following positions are filled by talented and hardworking females: •CEO •CMO •Director of Digital Strategy •Content Manager •Content Creators •Office Manager We are a female-driven company and are so proud of the massive strides women are making in the tech industry today. Cheers to every one of the fierce, female go-getters out there🍾
At Gravity Junction, we are firm believers in growth. Over the past year, we have • Expanded the GJ team from 4 to 12 • Doubled our client base • Shared our content with 150% more people than within prior years We're always looking for a reason to celebrate, so here's to another year of taking things up a notch or five and to meeting and exceeding YOUR goals. 🥂
Deep Nostalgia: 'creepy' new service uses AI to animate old family photos... Google Chat web redesign rolls out for free accounts, now part of Gmail... Stay up-to-date with these headlines and more over on our pulse page! Where we keep you updated on all of the tech, social media, and marketing buzz. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Keep Your Finger on The Pulse | Gravity Junction - SupaNova Agency
If only St. Patrick could banish COVID like he banished the snakes in fifth century A.D. Ireland. We hope this holiday brings you lots of joy, luck, and green beer!
Which internet speed test should you use to test your connection at home? New iPhone feature will alert you if you're being stalked. We've got these headlines plus more over on our Pulse page! Check it out for all things social media, tech, & marketing. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Keep Your Finger on The Pulse | Gravity Junction - SupaNova Agency
@BurgerKing's ad campaign broke the internet in 2020 with advertising at its best. Here at GJ, we are all about delivering intentional, scroll-stopping marketing strategies for our clients. Need help uncovering your business's "moldy Whopper"? We got you. CNBC.COM Burger King's moldy Whopper ad is dividing marketing experts
Check out the pain points, solutions, and facts that explain how hiring multiple marketing vendors is a drain on your time, effort and money. Say goodbye to juggling relationships and approving different types of work, and hello to the solution. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Why Too Many Marketing Vendors Could Be Your Biggest Marketing Issue - Gravity Junction
Podcasts do one of the best things for any company: foster connection. The hard truth is there is often little time to put into keeping every client close. Through podcasting, you can have a conversation with thousands of people at once, growing relationships while creating sincere trust in your brand. It's a win-win! If you're considering launching a podcast, check out these additional benefits of podcasting. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM 10 Podcast Marketing Secrets You Need to Know - Gravity Junction
You're an HR director who’s seeing the highest turnover rates in years due to COVID. Employee morale is in the tank. Your teams are working off-site and have no plans for digital culture building. You're seeing issues in uniting successful marketing, website, SEO, video production, and PR teams, and your juggling a dozen different outside vendors in those same fields. At Gravity Junction, we do it all. Contact us today so we can help you transform your digital marketing strategy with our one-stop-shop.
8 Seconds. You have 8 seconds to capture the attention of any person that visits your website. Can your website keep pace? You may be surprised by the things that are negatively impacting your website's user experience, turning customers away. Find out below if your site is keeping up or if it may be time to switch things up. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM 11 Signs that Your Website Needs a Redesign: Gravity Junction Web Design
Today we are in full celebration of our hard-working, giggly, and oh so talented Office Manager Nickie Aldrich. HAPPY ADMIN PROFESSIONAL'S DAY! Sharla Crawford is with Nickie Aldrich. Yesterday at 7:07 AM · There truly aren't enough words to articulate how thankful I am for this woman who's running this office like a BOSS. Relieving so much from my shoulders, making life easier and better. She's simply the BESTEST! HAPPY ADMIN PROFESSIONAL'S DAY NICKIE! #WeLoveYou
🚨 Social Media Sin #1🚨 Be honest. Have you used Facebook to sign up for apps, programs, or other social media platforms? (No judgment, we have all been there!) The good news is, for this and other social media sins, we have solutions. Find out if your social media practices are jeopardizing your business’s online presence today.
Google, the internet search giant, said last week that it’s done tracking us as we skate around the web... New Report States Apple Will Release Mixed Reality Headset in 2022 and AR Glasses by 2025... We've got these headlines plus more over on our Pulse page! Check it out for all things social media, tech, & marketing. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Keep Your Finger on The Pulse | Gravity Junction - SupaNova Agency
Happy #WorldStorytellingDay! Here at GJ, we are all about stories. Our clients have a story, their consumers have a story, and we get to help tell and find resolutions to these stories. Through crafting compelling content to creating visual stories with our web design and development, we will help share the stories you want to tell, and the stories your customers want to hear.
First impressions of a website are 94% design related. Is your web design helping or hindering your success? Learn more in our blog. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM How to Hire a Web Design Agency: Gravity Junction Web Design
Making a small investment in a network marketing business allows you to work from home and get promoted quickly. Check out this video from GJ CEO Sharla Crawford to learn more about how MLM is dominating the scene in response to COVID. For more info:
Our Pulse page: Delivering the latest, most vital, changes in social media, marketing, and tech. This week's highlights include: - The Super Nintendo World theme park opening in Japan - Apple is fined $2 million in Brazil for selling iPhone 12 without a charger BUSINESSINSIDER.COM The Super Nintendo World theme park has finally opened in Japan. Here are 5 things you can do at the park, from Mario Kart racing to riding Yoshi.
Trying to wrap SEO (search engine optimization) into a neat package and tuck it away, not to be thought about for months, is a disservice to your business and your bottom line. Set your company up for success and learn the ins and outs of SEO for pre-launch, post-launch, and maintenance.
Our goal while working with The 1818 Club was to capture the same luxurious atmosphere of the club in the design of their website. For over 20 years, The 1818 Club has provided elegant experiences to its members that have fostered connection and created lifelong relationships. Today, their website will provide the same atmosphere to everyone that visits. Visit the full site at
Growth is at the forefront of every business owner’s mind. Customers, both new and old, are the key ingredient to growth and seeing sales skyrocket. But how do you find new customers and keep the customers you already have excited about your business and what you have to offer? Click the link below to find out! GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM Connect with Customers to Increase Revenue: Gravity Junction - Marketing
8 Seconds. You have 8 seconds to capture the attention of any person that visits your website. Can your website keep pace? You may be surprised by the things that are negatively impacting your website's user experience, turning customers away. Find out below if your site is keeping up or if it may be time to switch things up. GRAVITYJUNCTION.COM 11 Signs that Your Website Needs a Redesign: Gravity Junction Web Design


Company name
Gravity Junction, LLC
Advertising and Design Services


  • What is the phone number for Gravity Junction, LLC in Gainesville GA?
    You can reach them at: 843-478-4578. It’s best to call Gravity Junction, LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Gravity Junction, LLC on walnut grove way in Gainesville?
    Gravity Junction, LLC is located at this address: 3858 Walnut Grove Way Gainesville, GA 30506.
  • What are Gravity Junction, LLC(Gainesville, GA) store hours?
    Gravity Junction, LLC store hours are as follows: Mon-Thu: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Fri-Sun: Closed.