Hair Traffic

(on east road thornton fwy)
Cosmetics & Beauty Supply in Dallas, TX
Cosmetics & Beauty Supply


8344 East Road Thornton FWY
Dallas, TX


So you have used Ebay and Amazon - now there is Hair Traffic. We are building the opportunity to shop from a wide array of Virgin Hair Companies that meet Hair Traffic's unparalleled standards of quality hair. When you browse our website, you will see various origins, textures, brands and prices. This is how we put our customers in the drivers seat. Rather than limiting you to one hair store, we let you choose, not only from our exclusive collections but from our competitors as well.


Company name
Hair Traffic
Cosmetics & Beauty Supply


  • What is the phone number for Hair Traffic in Dallas TX?
    You can reach them at: 214-954-7770. It’s best to call Hair Traffic during business hours.
  • What is the address for Hair Traffic on east road thornton fwy in Dallas?
    Hair Traffic is located at this address: 8344 East Road Thornton FWY Dallas, TX 75228.