Handinhand Counseling Services

(on duff road)
Counseling & Mental Health in Penn Hills, PA
Counseling & Mental Health
Health and Medical


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 1:00PM


10 Duff Road
Penn Hills, PA


HandinHand Counseling is a group practice dedicated to helping you manage depression, anxiety, trauma and relational issues. All of our clinicians are licensed professionals with the experience necessary to meet your unique needs.


Handinhand Counseling Services Photo


Life balance refers to a peaceful, happy, and harmonious relationship between your physical and mental being. Counseling helps you achieve that balance by defining actionable steps you can take to improve your life.
“Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement.” — Golda Meir
Expert counseling provides effective tools for people to help them resolve conflicts with their family and improve their quality of life. These tools include anger management, relationship skills, and techniques for controlling thoughts and actions.
Counseling is helpful for all those who want to succeed and find happiness in all areas of their life. Be it relationships, work, or health, we will help you find balance in all of them.
Constantly interrupting your spouse or speaking too much and not giving him or her a chance to respond can put a negative impact on your relationship. Always remember that effective communication is key to a stronger relationship.
We are often too biased to our own opinions and experiences that sometimes they put our life in trouble. Counseling provides you a different and helpful perspective on things that can help you remove negativities from your life.
While our expert counseling guides you through every step of the way to help you enhance your quality of life, factors such as motivation, willpower, hope, social support, and resources also play a very crucial role in determining outcomes.
“Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.” – Germany Kent
Keeping a gratitude journal will help you focus on positive things in your life. Emiliana Simon-Thomas from the University of California says that remembering what you are grateful for will boost cheerful emotions in you.
Counseling makes it easier to cope in everyday life. Knowing you can rely on someone to listen to your problems frees you from worrying about them all the time, meaning you can focus on living your life again.
Newly married couples often find it difficult to communicate openly with each other. This creates disconnection and relationship problems. Counseling allows couples to understand each other and talk openly about various matters.
A true saying by Mark Caine: “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”
Tell yourself in the morning that it is going to be a wonderful day, and stay hopeful. It may not always end up as expected, but it is an excellent mindset to have if you want to stay positive throughout the day.
Students can also seek our expert counseling service to improve their communication and interpersonal skills. Strategic counseling sessions provide them wth the ability to manage stress effectively.
Counseling is not only good for your mental health, but it improves your physical well-being as well. Expert counseling is known to bring more energy, sounder sleep, and a better appetite.
Through counseling, a wide range of issues in marriage can be treated, such as lack of communication, emotional infidelity, declining occurrences of sexual intimacy, wandering focuses, and more. Our counseling can help you restore that lost connection.
Betrayal and infidelity are the biggest fears in most romantic relationships and even friendships. Expert counseling can help you resolve the issues that caused differences in the first place.
Today HandinHand celebrates 7 years!!! We are thankful to God and to all of you for your love and support throughout this time. We have been truly blessed to grow in tremendous way over the last 7 years and to continue our mission of providing Hope, Health and Healing throughout our community.
Counseling is also helpful for those who are feeling lost and confused in their lives and need extra support to boost their self-confidence. We also help you change self-defeating behaviors and habits.
Discussing your feelings and emotions with another person allows you to see yourself from the outside, resulting in a greater degree of self-awareness. This is further followed by boosted self-esteem and confidence.
How you manage your professional and personal life can make quite a difference in your relationships. Having a work-life balance is important if you want to avoid conflicts with your family.
“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” - Gail Devers
Helen Keller has truly said, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.”
"Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing." - August Wilson
There is a gene called ADRA2b (Adrenoceptor Alpha 2B) that can cause you to feel negative most of the time. Studies have found that it also plays a role in real-time perception.
Stress isn’t a condition anymore; rather it’s a serious illness that gives rise to several other health issues such as heart disease, sleep disorders, diabetes, obesity and more. Strategic counseling puts your mind at ease and reduces your stress.
Expert counseling gives you the freedom to talk about things you wouldn’t normally admit to your friends and family. If there’s something bothering you and you are too embarrassed to share it with your close relationships, then counseling can help.
Counseling can be a tremendous help in resolving marital difficulties, and in assisting couples in exploring, examining, and understanding the problems they are having. A counselor can guide you and your partner through the issues you may be having.
Depression often has a co-occurring disorder, or disorders, and for treatment to be effective, all interrelated conditions need to be explored and addressed through counseling. Otherwise, depression will continue, and the underlying problems will continue to escalate.
If you have a friend who has experienced a significant loss, your comfort and support are greatly needed and appreciated. However, if more is asked of you than you can give, or if your friend is on a downward spiral, talk with him or her about seeing a counselor.
Emotional abuse can be subtle or overt, but there are signs to a problem, including frequency, abusive and demeaning language, cruelty, and a lack of remorse from the abuser. If you think you're in an abusive relationship, please seek help from a counselor.
If you have pre-teen or teenagers who have suffered in some way because of a bullying incident, they may direct their emotions inward, but there are also many outward signs that signal a cry for help. A counselor can help your child, and you, with this issue.
One of the most difficult tasks parents can face is confronting their child about suspected substance abuse. However, it is not impossible, and a counselor can offer a number of effective approaches you can use to broach the subject and initiate recovery.
Over the years, the passion for your spouse may have faded and the two of you may seem to be drifting apart. Counselors understand that emotions change and can help bring your shared goals and purpose back into focus.
Everyone is moody, and most of us get the blues at one time or another. However, if your child seems sad all the time, especially for no apparent reason, it may be in his or her best interest to speak with a counselor.
One of the consequences of abuse is a devaluing of the individual, which creates a loss of self-confidence and a sense and feeling of worthlessness. Abuse counseling works to restore personal dignity and bring a proper understanding of one’s value as a person.
During counseling for substance abuse, detoxification is required. Depending on the severity of the addiction and the substance involved, detox may involve simply stopping (aka cold turkey), or may require medically supervised treatment.
Having to give up a beloved pet due to circumstances is a difficult act, and the transition to a pet-less household can cause problems for you or for your family members. If you are not handling this change well, counseling may be able to help.
Besides posing a health risk, anorexia, bulimia, and other eating disorders are often a symptom of an underlying psychological problem. If you suspect you, or a family member, might have an eating disorder seek counseling.
Layoffs and firings pose more problems than a loss of income and they may require a complete lifestyle change. If the transition has become more difficult than you can handle, let a counselor help with understanding the adjustments.
No one thinks twice about asking for help when they're stuck in the mud, have a package that is too heavy to lift, or need something from a tall shelf. The same should be true for personal problems that are interfering with living a happy and productive life. If you are struggling emotionally, we are here to help.
Divorce and other emotional breakups can trigger depression in either (or both) party. While being sad for a short time is normal, if the feelings last longer than a week or ten days with no improvement, help may be needed.
Just wanted to share something that may resonate with some and answer questions for others. Remember healing is a unique process that can sometimes feel messy. Hang in there.♥️
Although anxiety disorders affect over 40 million people nationwide, certain groups are more likely to struggle with them than others. For example, women have a 60 percent greater likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder than men do.
Families are complicated social units, and how you feel about family members can be even more problematic. If you are struggling with someone in your family, counseling can help and sessions are available for one or all of the family members.
While anxiety is a normal reaction to stressful situations, when it interferes with daily activities it needs to be addressed. Counseling can help diagnose the problem, identify its causes, and help the individual create an effective prevention or treatment plan.
Sometimes we hit points in our lives or have issues that, for some reason, we cannot discuss with our spouse or partner, yet we need to talk with someone. Counseling sessions are not judgmental but focused on listening to problems and helping to find answers.
For those diagnosed with a serious disease, the traumatic impact can be as devastating as the illness itself. Visits with a counselor can help you understand your reactions and emotions and help you find the strength to face what lies ahead.
While some may think that seeking help and advice is a weakness, actually the opposite is true: It takes strength and courage to admit there may be problems that require the expertise and understanding of a counselor.
Sometimes changes to our normal routines can cause tremendous problems. Job loss, illnesses, or death can place great strain on each of us and manifest itself in other areas of life. If you are facing situations with which you are not familiar, a counselor can help you find ways to understand and cope with them.
Handinhand Counseling Services is thrilled to introduce 2 new therapists to our growing team! Shatona Hollingsworth, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker James-Brian Byers, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker Shatona and James are now accepting new patients with Highmark and UPMC Health Plan health insurance. We also have some slots available for our L.I.F.E Skills group facilitated by Dana Warren, LCSW to assist you with managing intense emotions, relational conflict, interpersonal skills, tolerating stress and mindfulness. Learn more about our team and contact us by visiting https://www.hihcounseling.com/meet-our-team Info@hihcounseling.com 412.871.5391 HIHCOUNSELING.COM Mental Health Counseling | Pittsburgh, PA | Handinhand Counseling Services
Death is not the only event that can trigger grief. Learning that a close family member has an addiction to drugs or alcohol will also bring the same emotions to the surface. A qualified counselor can be of tremendous help if you are in this position.
Human lives are built on a hierarchy of experiences, which can make it difficult to tell what issues are at the root of a problems. Professional counseling can help with understanding what is contributing to your emotional struggles so they can be addressed and overcome.
Because each of us is a unique individual, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to counseling after a tragedy. This is why it is important to seek help from a counseling service you trust, feel comfortable with, and that will help you restore a sense of normalcy.
Handinhand Counseling Services is thrilled to introduce 2 new therapists to our growing team! Shatona Hollingsworth, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker James-Brian Byers, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker Shatona and James are now accepting new patients with Highmark and UPMC Health Plan health insurance. We also have some slots available for our L.I.F.E Skills group facilitated by Dana Warren, LCSW to assist you with managing intense emotions, relational conflict, interpersonal skills, tolerating stress and mindfulness. Learn more about our team and contact us by visiting https://www.hihcounseling.com/meet-our-team Info@hihcounseling.com 412.871.5391 HIHCOUNSELING.COM Mental Health Counseling | Pittsburgh, PA | Handinhand Counseling Services
Death is not the only event that can trigger grief. Learning that a close family member has an addiction to drugs or alcohol will also bring the same emotions to the surface. A qualified counselor can be of tremendous help if you are in this position.
It can be difficult to separate a “phase” from situations that require professional help. Signs that your child should see a counselor include a sudden and sustained drop in grades, lack of socializing, being withdrawn or sullen, or unexplained changes in appetite.
Human lives are built on a hierarchy of experiences, which can make it difficult to tell what issues are at the root of a problems. Professional counseling can help with understanding what is contributing to your emotional struggles so they can be addressed and overcome.
Because each of us is a unique individual, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to counseling after a tragedy. This is why it is important to seek help from a counseling service you trust, feel comfortable with, and that will help you restore a sense of normalcy.
Handinhand Counseling Services is thrilled to introduce 2 new therapists to our growing team! Shatona Hollingsworth, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker James-Brian Byers, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker Shatona and James are now accepting new patients with Highmark and UPMC Health Plan health insurance. We also have some slots available for our L.I.F.E Skills group facilitated by Dana Warren, LCSW to assist you with managing intense emotions, relational conflict, interpersonal skills, tolerating stress and mindfulness. Learn more about our team and contact us by visiting https://www.hihcounseling.com/meet-our-team Info@hihcounseling.com 412.871.5391 HIHCOUNSELING.COM Mental Health Counseling | Pittsburgh, PA | Handinhand Counseling Services
Death is not the only event that can trigger grief. Learning that a close family member has an addiction to drugs or alcohol will also bring the same emotions to the surface. A qualified counselor can be of tremendous help if you are in this position.
A study has shown that people who always look at the brighter side of things tend to have higher-quality and longer-lasting romantic relationships. Another research says the more we idealize our partners, the happier we are in our relationships.
What is Autophobia? Also known as monophobia, it is the fear of being alone or lonely. For those who suffer from this phobia, anxiety can arise no matter their location or current circumstances.
It can be difficult to separate a “phase” from situations that require professional help. Signs that your child should see a counselor include a sudden and sustained drop in grades, lack of socializing, being withdrawn or sullen, or unexplained changes in appetite.
Human lives are built on a hierarchy of experiences, which can make it difficult to tell what issues are at the root of a problems. Professional counseling can help with understanding what is contributing to your emotional struggles so they can be addressed and overcome.
Because each of us is a unique individual, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to counseling after a tragedy. This is why it is important to seek help from a counseling service you trust, feel comfortable with, and that will help you restore a sense of normalcy.
Handinhand Counseling Services is thrilled to introduce 2 new therapists to our growing team! Shatona Hollingsworth, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker James-Brian Byers, Therapist, Licensed Social Worker Shatona and James are now accepting new patients with Highmark and UPMC Health Plan health insurance. We also have some slots available for our L.I.F.E Skills group facilitated by Dana Warren, LCSW to assist you with managing intense emotions, relational conflict, interpersonal skills, tolerating stress and mindfulness. Learn more about our team and contact us by visiting https://www.hihcounseling.com/meet-our-team Info@hihcounseling.com 412.871.5391 HIHCOUNSELING.COM Mental Health Counseling | Pittsburgh, PA | Handinhand Counseling Services
We all face rejection and criticism at some point in life, but instead of taking them personally, use them as a learning experience to make your life better.
“I found that with depression, one of the most important things you can realize is that you’re not alone. You’re not the first to go through it, you’re not gonna be the last to go through it,” - Dwayne Johnson
A study has shown that people who always look at the brighter side of things tend to have higher-quality and longer-lasting romantic relationships. Another research says the more we idealize our partners, the happier we are in our relationships.
What is Autophobia? Also known as monophobia, it is the fear of being alone or lonely. For those who suffer from this phobia, anxiety can arise no matter their location or current circumstances.
It can be difficult to separate a “phase” from situations that require professional help. Signs that your child should see a counselor include a sudden and sustained drop in grades, lack of socializing, being withdrawn or sullen, or unexplained changes in appetite.
Human lives are built on a hierarchy of experiences, which can make it difficult to tell what issues are at the root of a problems. Professional counseling can help with understanding what is contributing to your emotional struggles so they can be addressed and overcome.


Company name
Handinhand Counseling Services
Counseling & Mental Health


  • What is the phone number for Handinhand Counseling Services in Penn Hills PA?
    You can reach them at: 412-871-5391. It’s best to call Handinhand Counseling Services during business hours.
  • What is the address for Handinhand Counseling Services on duff road in Penn Hills?
    Handinhand Counseling Services is located at this address: 10 Duff Road Penn Hills, PA 15235.
  • What are Handinhand Counseling Services(Penn Hills, PA) store hours?
    Handinhand Counseling Services store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat: 9:00AM - 1:00PM, Sun: Closed.