Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC


Disasters such as car accidents or birth injuries can negatively impact you for the rest of your life. It’s made worse when the situation is caused by another’s negligence or misconduct. If you were harmed because of another’s mistake, contact the Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers at Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC. They have been advocating on behalf of injury victims since 1922. Those who hire them benefit from over 100 years of collective experience. Because of their success, they have attorneys in the Super Lawyers® selection and The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Trial Lawyers. Call today to learn how they can help your case.

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Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC

US Postal Code:17110

Address: 4400 Deer Path Road, Harrisburg
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC

US Postal Code:17603

Address: 2148 Embassy Drive, Lancaster
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC

US Postal Code:17013

Address: 401 E Louther Street, Carlisle
Store Hours:

Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC

US Postal Code:17331

Address: 217 Frederick Street, Hanover
Store Hours:

Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC

US Postal Code:17402

Address: 2550 Kingston Road, York
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: 24 hours

Latest Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC news

Due to Paragard’s documented defects, the IUD device could cause damage to the uterus while inadvertently allowing the user to get pregnant—creating a potential medical disaster. If you’ve suffered damage and pain from a defective Paragard IUD, learn more about your options! HHRLAW.COM File a Claim for Your Defective IUD
Some researchers believe that Zantac becomes contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals when stored in high enough temperatures. Pharmaceutical manufacturers should have known about the risks of their product before selling it globally. If you were diagnosed with cancer after taking Zantac or other heartburn medications, our firm may be able to help. Learn more: HHRLAW.COM Zantac Cancer Claims
COVID has driven down the price of natural gas even more, which means the monthly fracking royalty checks some families relied on are shrinking more every month. CBS reported on how Pennsylvania families are being affected by COVID in unexpected ways: CBSNEWS.COM COVID compounds Pennsylvania's fracking industry problems
Everywhere we go, we’re faced with the risk of catching the coronavirus. But if we get coronavirus at work, from a coworker or supervisor, does that count as a work illness? Learn more on today’s blog: HHRLAW.COM If I Get COVID at Work, Do I Have a Right to Recovery?
While a lot more people are avoiding rideshare services these days, it’s important to know your rights as a passenger. Your most fundamental right is the right to a safe ride. If you were injured by a negligent Uber driver, talk to HHR to learn your options. If you would like to learn more about your rights, read here! AUTOBLOG.COM Your rights as an Uber or Lyft passenger
Workplaces nationwide are facing wrongful death lawsuits as a result of COVID-19. The precedents set by these cases could entitle grieving families to hold companies accountable for violating health and safety policies during the pandemic. JDSUPRA.COM Employers Face Increase In COVID-19 Wrongful Death Lawsuits | JD Supra
The testing of automated trucking in Pennsylvania is employing something called “truck platooning,” which involves multiple trucks all controlled by a lead truck with an actual driver. Could truck platooning work? Or is it more likely to create an unsafe environment on the highway? https://bit.ly/3vU2zHV
There are some injuries that simply cannot heal. Losing a limb is one of them. If you lost a limb in an accident, a lawyer might be able to get you the resources to pay for the wages you’ve lost, the medical costs you’ve incurred, and the accommodations you’ll need to return to normal life—especially a quality prosthetic, which cost tens of thousands of dollars. Read more here: HHRLAW.COM Pennsylvania Amputation Attorneys | Handler, Henning & Rosenberg LLC
HHR is proud to announce that Attorney Matthew Rosenberg is now a member of the National Trial Lawyers "Motor Vehicle Top 25." The Motor Vehicle Top 25 is an invite-only association of the top 25 attorneys from each state who offer representation for motor vehicle claims. It's one of the most prestigious associations in the legal industry. Well done, Matt! We're proud of what you've achieved and prouder to be serving our clients alongside you.
We’ve had a lot of clients come to us wondering why their Social Security disability claim was denied. The truth is, the SSD system is really difficult for most people to navigate, so people with completely valid claims get turned away on their first attempt. On our blog, we talk about what requirements you’ll need to fulfill to have a valid claim and how an attorney might be able to reverse a denial of benefits. Read more here: HHRLAW.COM The SSDI Blue Book & Requirements to Obtain Benefits from the Program
Product liability lawsuits aren’t just for the benefit of the injured person. By holding companies accountable for dangerous products, we can force companies to enforce safer testing and stricter standards. That makes life safer for all of us! Read more here: HHRLAW.COM Fighting for Injured Consumers Since 1922
Recovering from a work injury often requires people to travel to different doctors and physical therapists during the work day. Some workers worry that missing work due to seeking medical treatment may result in them getting fired. Could that happen? Read more on our blog: HHRLAW.COM What Happens If I Can Only Get Injury Treatment During Work Hours?