Even in this time of uncertainty, Mayo Clinic is a place for hope and healing — and we're delivering the care you need. Mayo Clinic follows carefully designed, rigorously enforced safety precautions for anyone who needs face-to-face care. We're safely treating all patients, both in person and through virtual visits, in adherence with federal and state executive orders and guidance. Harini Chakkera, M.D., is a transplant nephrologist with the Pancreas Transplant Program within the Transplant Center at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, AZ. Her primary clinical interests include determination of eligibility for kidney and pancreas transplant, living-donor evaluation to determine suitability, providing complex coordination and care for patients after kidney and pancreas transplant, promoting patients' understanding of their disease and empowering them to become partners in managing their health. In addition to her clinical activities, she is the fellowship program director for both the General Nephrology Fellowship and Transplant Nephrology Fellowship programs. She is the chair of the Student Promotion and Assessment Committee at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine, Arizona.