Healthy Pet

Healthy Pet provides high end, natural, and holistic pet food, supplement, and other pet supplies to the Lake Oswego, OR area.

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Healthy Pet locations in US

Healthy Pet

US Postal Code:97035

Address: 16140 Boones Ferry Rd, Lake Oswego
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Sat: 10:00AM - 7:00PM
Sun: 10:00AM - 6:00AM

Healthy Pet

US Postal Code:48381

Address: 750 General Motors Rd., Milford
Store Hours:
Mon-Sun: Closed

Healthy Pet

US Postal Code:93010

Address: 850 Arneill Rd., Camarillo
Store Hours:

Latest Healthy Pet news

Thanks to a special guest appearance from our owner Deb and her daughter, we are open for business! They’re giving us a needed break from the smoke and chaos of the last week 💙
Out of food or supplies and live within 5 miles of Healthy Pet? Order online today and we can bring what you need to you tomorrow (Monday). We’re not sure what tomorrow holds if the air quality does not improve, but we do feel that we can safely make local home deliveries even if we are unable to open. We apologize again. If you’re in a pinch there are dog and cat food samples outside the store, and we’re confident that things will be back to “normal” by Tuesday at the latest.
Thanks for your continued understanding! Trying to help as many customers as possible while still keeping employees safe.
During these crazy times we definitely understand why many people would rather shop from the comfort of their home with a cat in their lap or a dog at their feet! Now, Healthy Pet customers can, and we’re SO excited to see people already taking advantage of this new way of shopping with us. Enjoy 10% off your FURst (or second) order, on us! Available for in store pick-up, or local delivery (free within 5 miles, Monday & Thursday afternoons)
Need pet food or a phone charge? We are here for you! We feel fortunate to have power back when so many still don’t. We also apologize to anyone we missed who stopped by yesterday. We are back in action now 💛🤍🐱🐶
What a mess! As soon as power is restored (and possibly sooner) we will be back open for business. Check back for frequent updates