While the degree of your hearing impairment helps to determine which hearing aid is best to use, there is some discretion for the patient to choose a model that may seem the least noticeable.
Did you know that today’s modern hearing aid can tell if you are alone or in a crowded room? Algorithms, programmed into the hearing aid’s chip, can adjust sound volume and frequency response based on aberrant sounds, making it almost work like a real ear.
It’s a little thing. While the term “hearing aid” is quite common, many hearing aid and auditory specialists use the term “listening aid.” Why? It more accurately describes how modern digital hearing aids can help you listen to the words, music, and sounds you prefer.
There are three specific kinds of hearing loss. One of them is conductive hearing loss, and this usually results from diseases or disorders that interrupt the sound transmission from the outer and/or middle ear into the inner ear.
Ear wax does become impacted in a few individuals but rarely causes significant hearing loss although many people want to believe that their hearing will be greatly enhanced if only the ear wax, real or imagined, could be removed. Comprehensive hearing testing can differentiate between a loss caused by ear wax and one caused by some other factor.
Many of today's hearing aids use digital technology, which has been proven to increase sound amplification selectively. This means that people with anything from mild to serious hearing loss can find benefit in some form of hearing aid device.
Your first hearing aid appointment may take somewhere between 1 and 2 hours. It is important for you and your hearing aid provider to ensure that your hearing aids will fit comfortably and that you know exactly how to use, maintain, and care for them.
Prevent further hearing damage by having a hearing assessment performed every two years after age 50 or after being diagnosed with hearing loss. This allows doctors to make any adjustments to hearing aids.
Otoacoustic Emissions is a relatively new test that's currently being used to assess hearing in newborns and whether the cochlea is functioning. Here, a probe is inserted into the ear canal with a speaker and microphone, which is able to pick up whether the hairs in the cochlea are being stimulated.
Did you realize trying to dig earwax out of your ears may actually compact the wax, producing a plug that can create a blockage. Earwax is produced in the ear and designed to transit out without assistance.
These aren’t the hearing aids of old that looked like a transistor radio with wires running everywhere. Microelectronic technology has facilitated the manufacture of increasingly smaller devices that are not visible unless you actively look for them.
When it comes to hearing aid care, it is important to clean your hearing aids regularly, as doing so can prolong their lifespan and ensure they stay in good working order.