The pandemic's upset to our routines has made it harder to divide working life and home life. For people who are seeing their spouses in contexts they're not used to, this can be uncomfortable, but it's also an opportunity to strengthen their bonds.
Coping in Captivity: Improving Couple Dynamics During COVID-19
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #81 Connectedness
The pandemic has upset many of our old priorities. But the key to avoid being overwhelmed is still to figure out what you value, and how you can act to fulfill your needs.
5 Tips to Help You Deal When Life Suddenly Changes
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #80 Rooted, Lifted and Present
Just because you recognize when you're feeling anxious, it doesn't mean you're taking the time to address these feelings. Check-in with how you're feeling regularly and let yourself experience it, even the bad emotions.
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #79 Simple Mindfulness Meditation
Thanks to CRW for inviting me to be a part of this issue. Lighten Up! is the perfect theme for the present times! Thanks to everyone on the CRW staff, as well as Frontier Photography. It was a delight working with your all.
Coulee Region Women magazine
October 1 at 7:41 AM ·
Now more than ever, we need to "Lighten Up"—and our October/November issue is here to help you do just that! Find our new issue at local businesses and online at
Heart Journey wants to wish you a happy World Mental Health Day!
During the pandemic, everyone's feeling vulnerable. Consequently, we have an unusual opportunity to build deeper relationships with our friends. This article contains some advice on how to get those conversations started.
Sharing Vulnerability: A Secret to Closer Friendships
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #83 Finding Stillness
There are a lot of tough choices we have to make during the pandemic, and most of us are feeling the strain from that. But there may be ways you can streamline your decision making and reduce fatigue.
Six Tips to Reduce COVID Decision Fatigue
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #82 The Fire Within
Teenagers feel especially helpless during the pandemic. But they do still have opportunities for self-development, even if they have to focus on different interests.
Teens' Experiences in the Age of COVID-19
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #85 Facing Challenges
If you and your partner have different levels of risk-aversion, it may be hard to feel that you're on the same team. But one skill you might work on is capitalizing on each other's strengths.
Simple Strategies for Handling COVID Togetherness Issues with Your Spouse
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #84 Finding Strength
Lots of people are fatigued from living with the pandemic. But we can still care for our mental health by reframing things positively and paying attention to which thoughts we're emphasizing.
COVID-19 Has Left Many Of Us Tired And Irritable. What Can We Do About It?
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #87 Open Awareness
Exercise can help regulate mood and stimulate creativity. Do you often make time to go on a walk?
How Walking Enhances Cognitive Performance
Welcome to Meditation for Uncertain Times #86 Joy in Small Things
Anger is an immediate reaction to the perception of a threat. If you're struggling with anger that is having a negative effect on your life, it helps to learn more about why you feel threatened, and to give proper mourning to the hurts that caused that sense of threat.
'It’s Happening Again!' A Potent Trigger for Intense Anger
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #89 Sharing Care and Tenderness
Depression often masks deeper feelings. Therapy allows us to access them in a safe environment and to find healthier ways to engage with them.
Coping with Depression
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #88 Deep Ocean Calm
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times #91 Peace with Uncertainty
Although a lot has changed during the pandemic, there are still some things we can use as sources of stability. These might be new things we create as part of a new normal, or they might be parts of yourself you hadn't been focused on recently.
Resilience During Tough Times
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #90 Building Resiliency
In order to understand your needs, you have to be able to observe your own emotional and bodily reactions without judgment. This is called self-empathy and is a skill that improves with practice.
Self-Empathy With Ethical Responsibility and Centredness
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #93 Building Resilience
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or currently serve our country!
Better communication will allow you to break out of dysfunctional patterns. But first, you have to be able to identify your needs.
4 Steps to Solving Your Core Relationship Problem
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #92
Feeling Connection
Anxiety buffers us against being surprised by negative emotions, but a lot of the things it causes us to focus on are unhelpful. One of the ways we can manage anxiety is to think more logically about the worst-case scenarios it keeps pointing us to.
3 Ways to Stop Worrying
We often remain afraid to acknowledge our feelings for reasons that don't stand up upon scrutiny. If you're feeling disconnected from yourself, this article suggests some possibilities why.
4 Reasons Why We Refuse to Feel a Feeling
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #95 Uncertainty Practice
The pandemic has changed the ways we grieve, disrupting traditions and creating fatigue in the people most frequently affected. But allowing yourself to acknowledge your feelings is essential for processing them.
The Reckoning
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #94 Kindness and Patience for All
Every relationship is different, but healthy ones share a lot of common factors. If you're trying to keep yours strong, these are the areas you'll want to focus on.
Create and Maintain Healthy Relationships
Heart Journey would like to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
If you're considering starting therapy, you may have a lot of questions, including what it's for and how you'll know when it's working. This guide provides some answers, along with advice on getting the most out of your sessions.
Understanding How Therapy Works
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #96 Gratitude Practice
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #98 Renewal and Reflection
Anxiety can be a useful emotion, but it stops being useful when it intrudes and causes us to focus on things we can't control or are highly unlikely. Keeping in mind how often our fears don't materialize can help us to keep anxiety in perspective.
Feeling Anxious? Try This Reality Check
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #97 Centering Meditation
What would you run towards, if you could choose love over fear? Leave your responses below!
A lot of women don't get the information they need about perimenopause. As a result, many go too long without learning that therapy can improve their mood regulation and energy level.
As Menopause Nears, Be Aware It Can Trigger Depression And Anxiety, Too
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #99 Winter Reflection
Who are you when you are your full, true, beautiful self?
"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." – Coco Chanel
Every relationship changes us, and there are a number of ways a past relationship may be influencing our current one. It's important to be aware of those influences in situations where they're no longer helping.
When Old Loves Haunt
Often when we place blame on others, we feel ashamed of our actions, deepening the hurt that led us to blame in the first place. This article describes the difference between blame and more loving responses that strengthen a relationship.
Outgrow the Impulse to Blame
What do we need to do to hold in our hearts what’s possible, while we strive to make it our reality?
The term "anxiety" encompasses a lot of different things, but one of their commonalities is self-doubt. Part of managing it is figuring out what, exactly, makes the possibility of failure so worrisome.
What’s the Opposite of Anxiety, and How Do You Get There?
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #100 Patience & Joy
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #101 Solstice Meditation
Not everybody's self-care looks the same. Although there are some things that work for most people, your self-care is ultimately unique to you.
Does Self-Care Stress You Out?
What do we need to do to hold in our hearts what’s possible, while we strive to make it our reality?
The term "anxiety" encompasses a lot of different things, but one of their commonalities is self-doubt. Part of managing it is figuring out what, exactly, makes the possibility of failure so worrisome.
What’s the Opposite of Anxiety, and How Do You Get There?
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #100 Patience & Joy
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register here:
It's not always bad to take cues from others or rely on them to do things for you. But are you aware of when you're doing it?
25 Ways You're Borrowing Self from Others
2021 is just around the corner. What dreams are you hoping to accomplish? Stay tuned for details!
You are the most important aspect of self-care. Take a moment to decide how you want to relax and treat yourself. Here are some great questions to get you started:
Error Page
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times - #101 Solstice Meditation
Not everybody's self-care looks the same. Although there are some things that work for most people, your self-care is ultimately unique to you.
Does Self-Care Stress You Out?
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register here:
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times #102 - 2021 Letting Go....Setting Intentions
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for a 90-minute mini-retreat - Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
More information & registration can be found here:
Heart Journey wishes you safe and happy New Years!
It's good for partners to lean on each other during times of stress. But in order to build strength to lend, you have to have a firm sense of your own identity and other sources of support.
9 Tips for Navigating Relationship Stress During COVID
Although lots of people are having a tough time during the pandemic, researchers found that loneliness was less of a problem than they'd feared. Our ways of remaining in contact while physically distancing seem to work.
Anxiety, Depression Increased During Pandemic. Why Not Loneliness?
It's not always bad to take cues from others or rely on them to do things for you. But are you aware of when you're doing it?
25 Ways You're Borrowing Self from Others
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register here:
Uncertainty is a major source of anxiety. But there are still sure things we can focus on, including our values and what we're currently feeling.
4 Crucial Tools for Dealing With Uncertainty
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021, a 90-minute mini-retreat with Cindy Ericksen, Family Therapist & Life Coach. Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register by Sunday, January 10th:
TUE, JAN 12 AT 7:00 PM CST
Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021
Telecounseling has removed a lot of barriers to mental health treatment. It's a safe and effective means of continuing to get vital social contact during the pandemic.
In Defense of Telehealth
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times #102 - 2021 Letting Go....Setting Intentions
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for a 90-minute mini-retreat - Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
More information & registration can be found here:
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021, a 90-minute mini-retreat with Cindy Ericksen, Family Therapist & Life Coach. Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register by Sunday, January 10th:
Resentment causes us to focus on a goal. But it may not be a goal we consciously chose, and resentment also enhances our memory of negative events. The way to healthily integrate resentment is not to deny it or the thing that prompted it, but to pay attention to where it's directing you.
To Justify or Not to Justify
Uncertainty is a major source of anxiety. But there are still sure things we can focus on, including our values and what we're currently feeling.
4 Crucial Tools for Dealing With Uncertainty
Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021
Telecounseling has removed a lot of barriers to mental health treatment. It's a safe and effective means of continuing to get vital social contact during the pandemic.
In Defense of Telehealth
Welcome to Meditations for Uncertain Times #102 - 2021 Letting Go....Setting Intentions
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for a 90-minute mini-retreat - Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021
Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
More information & registration can be found here:
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021, a 90-minute mini-retreat with Cindy Ericksen, Family Therapist & Life Coach. Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register by Sunday, January 10th:
Could guilt be the feeling that's causing you anxiety? If so, examining it more closely may help to release its hold on you.
5 Ways to Release Toxic Guilt
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
The challenges facing us are often more manageable when we break them into their component parts and separate which things we can and can't control. That's true even for things like stress from the ongoing pandemic.
Building Resilience During the Pandemic
Resentment causes us to focus on a goal. But it may not be a goal we consciously chose, and resentment also enhances our memory of negative events. The way to healthily integrate resentment is not to deny it or the thing that prompted it, but to pay attention to where it's directing you.
To Justify or Not to Justify
Uncertainty is a major source of anxiety. But there are still sure things we can focus on, including our values and what we're currently feeling.
4 Crucial Tools for Dealing With Uncertainty
Join us on Tuesday, January 12th from 7:00-8:30pm CST for Finding Joy in Uncertainty: Creating a Vision for 2021, a 90-minute mini-retreat with Cindy Ericksen, Family Therapist & Life Coach. Come prepared with a journal or tablet and be ready to map out your joyful vision for 2021!
Register by Sunday, January 10th:
If you have a competitive spirit, you don't have to stifle it to get along with your partner. Instead, you might find something that allows you to work as a team.
4 Ways to Mend a Wounded Relationship
Could guilt be the feeling that's causing you anxiety? If so, examining it more closely may help to release its hold on you.
5 Ways to Release Toxic Guilt
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
The challenges facing us are often more manageable when we break them into their component parts and separate which things we can and can't control. That's true even for things like stress from the ongoing pandemic.
Building Resilience During the Pandemic
Resentment causes us to focus on a goal. But it may not be a goal we consciously chose, and resentment also enhances our memory of negative events. The way to healthily integrate resentment is not to deny it or the thing that prompted it, but to pay attention to where it's directing you.
To Justify or Not to Justify
Perimenopause can be a scary and isolating experience if you don't recognize it. This article describes its symptoms, as well as several professionally-assisted coping strategies that worked for different women.
Menopause Can Start Younger Than You Think: Here's What You Need To Know
If you're feeling worn down by the pandemic, you're not alone. But there are some simple things you can do to keep maintaining your self-care.
Pay Yourself First
If you have a competitive spirit, you don't have to stifle it to get along with your partner. Instead, you might find something that allows you to work as a team.
4 Ways to Mend a Wounded Relationship
Could guilt be the feeling that's causing you anxiety? If so, examining it more closely may help to release its hold on you.
5 Ways to Release Toxic Guilt
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
The challenges facing us are often more manageable when we break them into their component parts and separate which things we can and can't control. That's true even for things like stress from the ongoing pandemic.
Building Resilience During the Pandemic
A genuine apology will take responsibility and try to repair the hurt. If you're unsatisfied with an apology but want the relationship to be repaired, it's important for you to understand what you need from the other person.
How to Recognize—and Respond to—a Fake Apology
Anxiety has a physical effect on us. When we recognize it's what causing our symptoms, not only is it less scary, but we also find new body-focused ways of managing it.
How to Cope With Anxiety Related to the Corona Pandemic
Perimenopause can be a scary and isolating experience if you don't recognize it. This article describes its symptoms, as well as several professionally-assisted coping strategies that worked for different women.
Menopause Can Start Younger Than You Think: Here's What You Need To Know
If you're feeling worn down by the pandemic, you're not alone. But there are some simple things you can do to keep maintaining your self-care.
Pay Yourself First
If you have a competitive spirit, you don't have to stifle it to get along with your partner. Instead, you might find something that allows you to work as a team.
4 Ways to Mend a Wounded Relationship
Condemning ourselves for having anxious thoughts will only make us more upset. To break their hold over us, we must learn to acknowledge them without judgment.
Mastering Self-Control in a Chaotic World
Don't feel embarrassed if you're still struggling with pandemic stress. It's hard to conserve out strength when we don't know how long this will last, but there are things we can do to replenish it.
Dealing With Burnout: COVID-19’s Psychological Marathon
A genuine apology will take responsibility and try to repair the hurt. If you're unsatisfied with an apology but want the relationship to be repaired, it's important for you to understand what you need from the other person.
How to Recognize—and Respond to—a Fake Apology
Anxiety has a physical effect on us. When we recognize it's what causing our symptoms, not only is it less scary, but we also find new body-focused ways of managing it.
How to Cope With Anxiety Related to the Corona Pandemic
Perimenopause can be a scary and isolating experience if you don't recognize it. This article describes its symptoms, as well as several professionally-assisted coping strategies that worked for different women.
Menopause Can Start Younger Than You Think: Here's What You Need To Know
When you have a serious problem that needs addressing, it's easy to feel frustrated. But that frustration will only be helpful if you figure out how to direct it toward the problem and enlist your partner's aid.
Battling? Make the Problem the Enemy, Not Each Other
Happy Valentine's Day!
Condemning ourselves for having anxious thoughts will only make us more upset. To break their hold over us, we must learn to acknowledge them without judgment.
Mastering Self-Control in a Chaotic World
Don't feel embarrassed if you're still struggling with pandemic stress. It's hard to conserve out strength when we don't know how long this will last, but there are things we can do to replenish it.
Dealing With Burnout: COVID-19’s Psychological Marathon
A genuine apology will take responsibility and try to repair the hurt. If you're unsatisfied with an apology but want the relationship to be repaired, it's important for you to understand what you need from the other person.
How to Recognize—and Respond to—a Fake Apology
Anxiety has a physical effect on us. When we recognize it's what causing our symptoms, not only is it less scary, but we also find new body-focused ways of managing it.
How to Cope With Anxiety Related to the Corona Pandemic
Positive self-talk is a habit that can help us to look for solutions. Your therapist might want to try practicing it with you so that you'll be able to handle future challenges as well as your current ones.
Creating Positive Self-Talk to Abate Anxiety and Depression
There are always opportunities to practice mindfulness. When you do it regularly, it soon becomes a self-care habit.
21 Ways to Help Yourself Get Unstuck Today
When you have a serious problem that needs addressing, it's easy to feel frustrated. But that frustration will only be helpful if you figure out how to direct it toward the problem and enlist your partner's aid.
Battling? Make the Problem the Enemy, Not Each Other
Happy Valentine's Day!
Condemning ourselves for having anxious thoughts will only make us more upset. To break their hold over us, we must learn to acknowledge them without judgment.
Mastering Self-Control in a Chaotic World
Don't feel embarrassed if you're still struggling with pandemic stress. It's hard to conserve out strength when we don't know how long this will last, but there are things we can do to replenish it.
Dealing With Burnout: COVID-19’s Psychological Marathon
Some set-backs are easier to bounce back from than others, and some will result in you significantly changing your life. But moving forward always begins with self-love and figuring out what you value.
Surviving Setbacks
Positive self-talk is a habit that can help us to look for solutions. Your therapist might want to try practicing it with you so that you'll be able to handle future challenges as well as your current ones.
Creating Positive Self-Talk to Abate Anxiety and Depression
There are always opportunities to practice mindfulness. When you do it regularly, it soon becomes a self-care habit.
21 Ways to Help Yourself Get Unstuck Today
When you have a serious problem that needs addressing, it's easy to feel frustrated. But that frustration will only be helpful if you figure out how to direct it toward the problem and enlist your partner's aid.
Battling? Make the Problem the Enemy, Not Each Other
Happy Valentine's Day!
Condemning ourselves for having anxious thoughts will only make us more upset. To break their hold over us, we must learn to acknowledge them without judgment.
Mastering Self-Control in a Chaotic World
We have a tendency to focus on negatives. But when we train ourselves to also see the positives and to weigh what's realistic, we can reduce our anxiety.
6 Negative Mindsets That Increase Your Anxiety
It's a lot easier for couples to make time to be with each other when they share interests. If you've been feeling distant from your partner, perhaps you might want to try something new together.
The Importance of Shared Interests in Relationships
Some set-backs are easier to bounce back from than others, and some will result in you significantly changing your life. But moving forward always begins with self-love and figuring out what you value.
Surviving Setbacks
Positive self-talk is a habit that can help us to look for solutions. Your therapist might want to try practicing it with you so that you'll be able to handle future challenges as well as your current ones.
Creating Positive Self-Talk to Abate Anxiety and Depression
There are always opportunities to practice mindfulness. When you do it regularly, it soon becomes a self-care habit.
21 Ways to Help Yourself Get Unstuck Today
When you have a serious problem that needs addressing, it's easy to feel frustrated. But that frustration will only be helpful if you figure out how to direct it toward the problem and enlist your partner's aid.
Battling? Make the Problem the Enemy, Not Each Other
We sometimes feel threatened when someone else cries. But to support them, we can't urge them to paper over whatever prompted this reaction.
What Should You Do When Someone Cries?
In order to help yourself, you have to remember that you're worth helping. Studies have found that compassionate self-talk leads to much greater success than self-castigation.
Ditch This One Mental Habit That Sabotages Your Happiness
We have a tendency to focus on negatives. But when we train ourselves to also see the positives and to weigh what's realistic, we can reduce our anxiety.
6 Negative Mindsets That Increase Your Anxiety
It's a lot easier for couples to make time to be with each other when they share interests. If you've been feeling distant from your partner, perhaps you might want to try something new together.
The Importance of Shared Interests in Relationships
Some set-backs are easier to bounce back from than others, and some will result in you significantly changing your life. But moving forward always begins with self-love and figuring out what you value.
Surviving Setbacks
Positive self-talk is a habit that can help us to look for solutions. Your therapist might want to try practicing it with you so that you'll be able to handle future challenges as well as your current ones.
Creating Positive Self-Talk to Abate Anxiety and Depression
Although depression is common during menopause, that doesn't mean that it isn't a disease or that it isn't a big enough deal to deserve treatment. If you've been struggling with menopause, therapy can help.
The Relationship Between Menopause and Depression
The solution to rumination isn't to avoid thinking about a problem. Instead, it's to understand why we feel a certain way and to identify the things we're able to fix.
Does Thinking About Problems Make Them Better?
The past 12 months had profoundly changed each of us. Some of these changes we have already noticed. Others we will discover over time, as we move into the "new normal". We have all learned things about our strengths, how we meet challenges, what we value, and what experiences or rituals we value the most. As we mark the one year mark take time to reflect on and journal about what you have learned about yourself. Processing our experiences of the pandemic is essential to healing and moving forward. May you find healing in this practice.
#pandemicchanges #selfcare #healing #positivegrowth
We sometimes feel threatened when someone else cries. But to support them, we can't urge them to paper over whatever prompted this reaction.
What Should You Do When Someone Cries?
In order to help yourself, you have to remember that you're worth helping. Studies have found that compassionate self-talk leads to much greater success than self-castigation.
Ditch This One Mental Habit That Sabotages Your Happiness
We have a tendency to focus on negatives. But when we train ourselves to also see the positives and to weigh what's realistic, we can reduce our anxiety.
6 Negative Mindsets That Increase Your Anxiety
Boundaries are an important part of any healthy relationship. If you're not used to identifying and communicating yours, getting professional relationship counseling can help you feel happier with your partner.
How to Set (and Respect) Boundaries With Your Spouse
The pandemic has required so much from us on a daily basis. Some days it has felt absolutely exhausting. Other days it has felt good to handle hard things with grace. Either way we learn and grow. Focusing on how we have grown helps create meaning and build resilience.
#doinghardthings #growthinadversity #resilience #pandemicvibes #growthmindset #counseling #therapist #therapy #journaling #journalprompts #journalinspiration #findmeaning
Although depression is common during menopause, that doesn't mean that it isn't a disease or that it isn't a big enough deal to deserve treatment. If you've been struggling with menopause, therapy can help.
The Relationship Between Menopause and Depression
The solution to rumination isn't to avoid thinking about a problem. Instead, it's to understand why we feel a certain way and to identify the things we're able to fix.
Does Thinking About Problems Make Them Better?
The past 12 months had profoundly changed each of us. Some of these changes we have already noticed. Others we will discover over time, as we move into the "new normal". We have all learned things about our strengths, how we meet challenges, what we value, and what experiences or rituals we value the most. As we mark the one year mark take time to reflect on and journal about what you have learned about yourself. Processing our experiences of the pandemic is essential to healing and moving forward. May you find healing in this practice.
#pandemicchanges #selfcare #healing #positivegrowth
We sometimes feel threatened when someone else cries. But to support them, we can't urge them to paper over whatever prompted this reaction.
What Should You Do When Someone Cries?