I am a Massage Therapist from Seattle, now living in San Antonio. Currently specializing in Barefoot Bodywork, such as Ashiastu Oriental Bar Therapy, and a combination of Fijian Barefoot Massage, Thai Massage and resisted stretching along meridian and fascial lines. As an instructor for the Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy (AOBT) modality, I offer workshops in locations across Texas. Massage Therapists who learn AOBT apply "the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet" while lengthening their massage career, avoiding repetitive use injury to their upper body, and provide a unique and effective form of deep tissue bodywork.In my own Continuing Education, I'm looking forward to training in the Alexander Technique, Feldenkrais, the Franklin Method, as well as Chavutti Thai, the Rossiter Method, Kinesiotaping and Yamuna Body Rolling. I am looking forward to my yoga instructor certification, and eventually Movement Therapy.