Please note: High Roller Fun Rentals on the Fox River in Waukesha at Frame Park (Great for kayaks and Bikes) OPEN Noon-6pm weekends only after Labor Day *Weather Permitting.
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park are closed for the Season. Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October.
Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
BONUS TIME! High Roller Fun Rentals at Frame Park will be OPEN this week only Wed/Thur/Fri 2pm - 5pm for some EXTRA Pedaling and Paddling Fun! Thanks Dylan!
Please note: High Roller Fun Rentals on the Fox River in Waukesha at Frame Park (Great for kayaks and Bikes) OPEN Noon-6pm weekends only after Labor Day *Weather Permitting.
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park are closed for the Season. Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October.
Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
High Roller Fun Rentals updated their business hours.
UPDATE: We're OPEN at Frame Park!
Rain, Rain Go Away!
It's too wet and we can't Play!
Looks like the Kayaks and Bikes will have to wait to Sunday ... Too squishy today!
High Roller Fun Rentals
on the Fox River
in Waukesha
at Frame Park
(Great for kayaks and Bikes) OPEN Noon-6pm weekends only after Labor Day *Weather Permitting.
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park are closed for the Season. Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October.
Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
* Final to chance paddle the Pirate Ships - Fox Brook Park (Boats only) - Menomonee Park (Bikes and Boats) - Both OPEN Labor day Noon-6pm
High Roller Fun Rentals in Waukesha at Frame Park (Still great for kayaks and Bikes) 10am -7pm Labor day Noon-6pm weekends only after Labor Day.
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park will be closed after Labor day and Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October. Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
The City of Waukesha has indefinitely postponed this years weed cutting on the Fox River at Frame Park and we have unfortunately had to park the paddle boats to prevent any river rescues! Our most popular boats, The Dragon, Swan, Duck and New Pirate Ships can be rented at the Fox Brook and Menomonee Park Locations!
414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008
High Roller Fun Rentals is at High Roller Fun Rentals.
September 4 at 7:28 PM · Waukesha, WI ·
* Final days to paddle the Pirate Ships - Fox Brook Park (Boats only) - Menomonee Park (Bikes and Boats) - Both OPEN through Labor day Noon-6pm
High Roller Fun Rentals in Waukesha at Frame Park (Still great for kayaks and Bikes) 10am -7pm through Labor day Noon-6pm weekends only after Labor Day.
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park will be closed after Labor day and Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October. Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
The City of Waukesha has indefinitely postponed this years weed cutting on the Fox River at Frame Park and we have unfortunately had to park the paddle boats to prevent any river rescues! Our most popular boats, The Dragon, Swan, Duck and New Pirate Ships can be rented at the Fox Brook and Menomonee Park Locations!
414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008
High Roller Fun Rentals will not be opening today because of the current forecast for scattered Thunderstorms and high winds with gusts above 30mph. High Roller Fun Rentals is planning to be open Noon-6pm on Labor Day for our season finale at Fox Brook Park and Menomonee Park.
High Roller Fun Rentals at Frame Park will be open on Labor Day from 10am - 7pm and plans to open weekends through mid October *weather permitting.
Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.
The City of Waukesha has indefinitely postponed this years weed cutting on the Fox River at Frame Park and we have unfortunately had to park the paddle boats to prevent any river rescues!
FINAL WEEKEND - High Roller Fun Rentals on the Fox River in Waukesha at Frame Park (Great for kayaks and Bikes) OPEN Sat/Sun Noon-5pm
Fox Brook Park and Menomonee park are closed for the Season. Frame park will be open weekends only through Mid October.
Paddle boats will not be operating at Frame Park due to the weeds on the Fox River. Call ahead if any questions. 414-688-0138 or 262-524-4008.