Western Iowa Utilities updated their phone number.
Western Iowa Utilities updated their business hours.
Western Iowa Utilities updated their website address.
We have some availability and would love to work with you. If you are in need a a new septic tank, give us a call today. We pride ourselves on always being punctual and making sure the job is done right.
Call Cody (712) 256-2222
When it comes to the installation of concrete septic tanks, it’s important that all fittings and connections be flexible. This will ensure absolute watertightness in the event that the tank moves due to settling.
If you’re considering a septic system for your building or home, here is what you should know about how it could affect your budget. https://www.thebalance.com/how-much-do-septic-systems-cost-4590224
Here are the signs of septic failure and what might happen. https://www.doh.wa.gov/communityandenvironment/wastewatermanagement/septicsystem/signsoffailure
Why is septic tank pumping required? Septic tank pumping removes all of the waste, sludge, and scum from your tank, thereby allowing it to work efficiently again.
Are you looking for a way to keep your bathroom clean? Keep it organized with some tips in this article. https://bit.ly/2UxsW5S