Hello and Welcome to Hippy Chick Massage Therapy. I am so excited that you have taken the time to view my website and offers of my massages! My name is Sharon Wattam-Nelson, owner. I have lived in Clearwater for 30+ years and love all the beaches this area has to offer. I have worked in the hospitality industry and in accounting for most of my adult life. I believe in living with a FUN, upbeat, and positive energy. I became a massage therapist so that my career would help me to share that zest for life in a positive healing manner. As a graduate with honors from Cortiva School of Massage, my goal is to provide a 100% professional and therapeutic massage. In a world covered in anxiety, stress and over stimulation, we all need to find time for healing... and to replenish our spirit. Giving to others helps all involved, including the giver. Part of my mission is to help charitable causes to grow in awareness. What better way to do so than through the art of massage. Please view my Charity Massage Parties page. Together we can heal a lot more than just ourselves. I am proud to be a Massage Therapist, and to be a part of taking care of your Mind, Spirit and Body. Give yourself the freedom to tune out the world, and welcome yourself to a massage from Hippy Chick!