Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts

(on little canada)
Acupuncture in Little Canada, MN
Alternative and Non-traditional Medicine
Yoga & Pilates Classes


10:00AM - 5:00PM
10:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 4:00PM
12:00PM - 4:00PM
10:00AM - 2:00PM


11 Little Canada Rd E
Little Canada, MN


Holistic Gateway was founded with a clear mission to serve, support and educate our clients and the broader community in the pursuit of holistic health care and wellness. By creating a safe environment, a Sanctuary connected to a network of holistic health care practitioners working in the community at large, to find the best-individualized solutions for you. We are developing a broad range of educational resources. You will have access to inspiring and informative group education opportunities, as well as an extensive selection of articles on our holistic health blog. You are welcome to browse and borrow from our expanding library of books and DVDs which can be found in the community area at the center. Our healing arts sanctuary is a safe and caring space where we will nurture dialogue and open-minded communication, and where you are invited to draw on the knowledge, expertise, intuition and creative intelligence of our network of practitioners and educators.


Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts Photo


FRI, OCT 23 AT 6:30 PM CDT Introduction Online and in Person to Systemic Constellations
Tue, Sept 22, 7:30pm CDT The Fall equinox is a day out of time when day and night are equal length. It is a sacred moment when all stand equal in the balance of opposites. While the Equinox Gateway is open we’ll focus on balancing opposing forces within our being and in our world reality. We’ll call upon Divine guidance and let it lead us to what we most need to balance light and dark within ourselves and the collective consciousness of the planet. TUE, SEP 22 Equinox Energy Immersion
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-3p504Okp6ldZNhLZn00hw Holistic Gateway has a YouTube channel. New videos will be uploaded soon, Stress reduction, how to boost your immune system, Dream Interpretation, Astrology, Meaning of Colored Lights for Healing and..... If you are interested in a particular topic, please let us know. Please subscribe if you can, :) With Gratitude, Your HG Team YOUTUBE.COM Holistic Gateway LLC, Center for the Healing Arts
Sun, Sept 20, 6pm, Cambridge, MN Honor the Solstice with sacred ceremony out in nature on the grounds of ARC Retreat Center surrounded by majestic pines. Walking a labyrinth is an ancient sacred ritual focused on resolving intentions. Arrive early (5-6pm) for a silent vigil or join the bonfire starting at 6pm following COVID guidelines, social distancing. Dress for the weather and bring your own songs, drums or musical instrument. Don’t forget your camp chair. Suggested $20 donation Options to book a room and stay overnight. RSVP MDHEaling@icloud.com https://m.facebook.com/events/305041577269387? SUN, SEP 20 Sacred Labyrinth Walk for the Equinox
TUE, SEP 22 “One in the Same” art exhibition with Josie
Multi Dimensional Healing October 12 at 2:12 PM · This past week has been a rough and tough one for many... Yes, we’re surrounded by a lot of external turmoil: the pandemic and a whole host of systemic cultural, societal and behavioral issues are haunting the human race. Like a bell’s resonant ring, the internal struggle of our karmic and genetic vibrations are being triggered by the current crisis like dissonant signatures of the past reverberating Into the present. As multi dimensional beings our current life is a reflection of our history. The unmet ancestral struggles within us amplify tension and emotion. Consider all the dark history In the world that’s never been addressed — is coming up now. We are living examples of the paradox through our experiences of it: the fight/flight/freeze or face it, justice vs entitlement, powerlessness vs empowerment and giving into fear vs thriving with love. Our perceptions are being influenced by the vibrational signatures of unresolved karmic and epigenetic imprints in our DNA — the unhealed wounds/traumas of ancestral lineages and past life histories — all arising to be seen, met, honored and expunged. But as traumatized humans, we also carry the hardness, resistance and self protections we’ve adapted over centuries of repression. This mixture of compounded emotion can translate into anxiety, insecurity, irritability, depression, insomnia, shut down, isolation, mood swings, conflict and drama as a deep sense of helplessness as survival fears arise. Be cognizant of yourself and others over the next few days, weeks and months as this new material is pushing up. The more conscious you become of dimensional influences on your daily life and decisions — the more these patterns weaken. Our awareness is the gap that breaks the cycle of habit. At this present time in history, we have the opportunity to meet our internal power struggles with peace and clarity OR struggle and division. The healthy approach of finding our way to relationship with the darkness will bring balance. Step by step, moment to moment, it is our present life that’s showing up as *experience* to demonstrate the programs of the past. Each experience is an invitation to reframe action, examine untruth, let go of limiting beliefs and explore its mystery. We live in an unprecedented time where the veils are such that we can reach and access layers of dimensional conditioning to shift, alchemize and transmute it. WE HAVE HELP! Untold assistance from a multitude of unseen guides support our transformation. This is the true work of an awakening planet on both a group and individual levels. Multi Dimensional Healing’s Energy Immersions meet weekly, Thursday evenings @7:30pm Central as energetic maintenance to help support and evolve your personal journey. BetteHanson.com
Multi Dimensional Healing October 8 at 11:38 AM · Share Your Magic Stories I had an interesting experience the other day. During a particular deep energetic session, the clock I use to keep track of time stopped for two hours, the exact time the energies were running. I was thinking it may be time for a new battery. Nope. Here it is days later and it’s tick, tick, ticking away reliably as it did before. Magic happens✨♾✨in the mysterious space between no time and space. Please share YOUR stories of magical, mystical events and moments to remind us we are living in a multi dimensional universe. #bethemagic #multidimensionalbeing #asabovesobelow #magicalmoments 🔮
Multi Dimensional Healing October 6 at 2:49 PM · Consider that unresolved, or stuffed emotions are behind disease and suffering. “Grief, anger, hurt? I’ve already cleared that pattern.” As a multi dimensional holistic practitioner, I get that response from clients all too often. My answer? When we take into consideration that we are multi dimensional beings living on several planes of existence, we recognize that the stories of our past impact our current reality so much more than we realize. Our repressed emotional issues are anchored in place in karmic past life histories and the epigenetics of our ancestors. So what our parents, parents, parents experienced as struggle, can hold that same frequency in place for us today. And likewise for the past lives we’ve experienced. Our energy system is fascinatingly complex. Divine blueprints orchestrate the ‘play’ of how we experience the karmic mixtures in our current life. Our lifefield holds the vibrational resonance of every life experience and karma knots are the dense emotional charge of lifetimes of incarnating with one issue over and over again. Clearing the conditioned patterns on all these levels awakens awareness and deepens transformation. Transformation creates freedom for your authentic nature to arise. With freedom, higher Truth and clarity is more accessible and oneness solidifies. IMHO we came to this planet to transform. And all this chaos is the earth’s vibrational signatures breaking down, for new fundamental ways of being to unfold. 2020 and beyond is a time for magic. #bethechange #multidimensionalhealing #bethemagic BetteHanson.com
Multi Dimensional Healing October 4 at 1:18 PM · We’re all waking up to a new world everyday. Who knew a year ago that 2020 would look like a mask wearing, social distancing and lockdowny time? We’ve lost thousands and thousands of lives to a tiny, unseen virus that hides in asymptomatic breath droplets. How can we NOT be emotional about it all? We’ve all had to become more resilient and adaptable in handling whatever arises. Shutting down our emotions is one way to meet a crisis. But we can also find ways to work through them in a healthy, productive manner. You’ve heard the saying “Love heals all?’ But what if love is blocked and can’t flow because of all the other entangled emotions we push down and bottle up? Jeff Brown describes it better. “The more we empty the vessel, the more space we have to flourish.” As an energy therapist, I help people ‘empty out’ through mining the depths of their shadows — the heaviest feelings we often resist, deny or avoid. I sense into them intuitively with Divine guidance to transmute heavy emotions like hurt, grief and insecurity, creating the space for LOVE to arise. The group field strengthens our connections as we work through difficult emotional baggage together, surrounded and nurtured by Grace. New blueprints like equanimity are anchored in to reorient us to a changing environment in a multi dimensional, alchemical transformation process. How it all works seems miraculous, yet energy medicine is an ancient method that our ancestors used prolifically to heal and clear out layers of emotional stress and struggle. We meet Thursday evenings and join together to tackle the toughest of repressed stuff, with a lot of help from our guides and Spirit. It’s a time to harness and woohoo the woo woo and remanifest the love!!🌋 BetteHanson.com #bethechange #energymedicine #letloveflow #bethelove #energytherapy #energyiseverything #vibrationalmedicine #vibrationalenergy #energywork #jeffbrown #jeffbrownquote #loveisfreedom #spiritualawakening #grouphealing #multidimensionalbeing #multidimensionalhealing #multidimensionalhealingcatalyst
For those who haven’t been able to see the art up at Holistic Gateway, here’s a newsletter to check out by the artist, Josie Stromseth. There’s a workshop on Wednesday you can sign up via the link included in this post. Check it out! 😊 https://mailchi.mp/3e3e17bf033f/a-note-from-josie-3562930?fbclid=IwAR2mDSASGS9XC6UGMmlxT5lcUuZ5U-URRpIyoNUQyoik52x-cJaDXUnISis MAILCHI.MP A Note from Josie. (EDIT-still working out the kinks:)
A newsletter from Josie Stromseth about the current art exhibit at Holistic Gateway. If you weren’t able to make the opening, now you can take a look! 🙂 She is hosting a grief embodiment group on Wednesday evening if you would like to get a walk through about how you can create a simple daily art reflection practice.
Multi Dimensional Healing is at ARC Retreat Center. October 27 at 12:20 PM · Stanchfield, MN · It’s Transformational Tuesday and this picture is energetically charged with HUG-LOVE for anyone who needs it.... Pass it along.🤗 #bethechange #bethelove #bethepeace #energywork #energyshift #energeticallycharged #energyboost #vibrationalmedicine #vibrationaltherapy #energymedicine #freehugsday #freehugs #energytherapy #hugsomeonetoday #hugsmakeeverythingbetter #multidimensionalbeing #transformationaltuesday BetteHanson.com
Our latest Newsletter, enjoy. MAILCHI.MP Holistic Gateway's shining Lights
Tonights complimentary online group honors the Divine Mother, the source of all creation on this auspicious night of lunar energies. Please join as my gift, to reconnect with Source for strength, clarity and illuminating the Divine Feminine qualities in all of us. MON, NOV 30 AT 7:30 PM CST MDH Full Moon Eclipse Honoring the Divine Mother
Come in on Small Business Saturday to get your remedies, Local Artist paintings and creations, handmade soap, candles and other gifts. Buy a gift Certificate for Esogetic Colorpuncture, Reiki, Energy Healing, Past Life Regression, Acupuncture, Astrology, Art and Trauma Therapy, Yin Yoga and more. See you Saturday between 11am and 3pm. Email me if you cannot stop by but would like to get gift certificates or remedies. Happy Leftovers Day 💞
Everything around us is primed for change. But change is uncomfortable and even scary to a mindset full of unresolved trauma and fear based ideas and beliefs. MDH weekly energetic sessions dive deep into the ancestral and karmic stories of lifetimes of trauma and darkness that weigh us down to reset the old patterns. When you commit to your spiritual transformation, the energy aligns to serve you with a newfound lightness of being contributing to health and wellness. If you're ready lets join together — recognizing and deepening our awareness — of how our process also heals the collective and the planet through our Divine, dimensional interconnection -- ‪Tuesday's 7:30-9:30pm CST‬ Individual Group Session $15 Monthly Series Subscription $56 includes recordings Monthly Premium Package $111 includes 1-1 personal session Visit www.bettehanson.com/group-events or email MDHealing @ earthlink.net TUE, DEC 1 - DEC 14 MDH Transformational Tuesday’s
Multi Dimensional Healing November 18 at 5:15 PM · Adyashanti on the discovery of awakening: “...Truth begins to disclose itself in those quiet moments when the ordinary routine of life suddenly becomes transparent to a sublime sense of meaning and significance unknown in common hours. Such vital and unexpected encounters with being indicate a Truth that lies just beneath the fabric of our ordinary lives, reminding us that the life we cling to may be more folly than we ever imagined, and that there is a Reality that has the power to unlock the mystery of our lives if we will just submit to its exacting command to leave behind our fearful commitment to security and life as we have known it. We are all born with being veiled in obscurity. We may recognize the transparency of being shining in the eyes of an infant, but such being is not conscious of itself. It is veiled in an absence of self-awareness. Infants live in a magical world of unconscious being, while adults live in a world of egocentric separation and denial of being. Rectifying and restoring being to its true domin- ion and sovereignty is what spiritual awakening makes possible. The question of being is everything. Nothing could be more important or consequential—nothing where the stakes run so high. To remain unconscious of being is to remain asleep to our own reality and therefore asleep to Reality at large. The choice is simple: awaken to being or sleep an endless sleep.” Multi Dimensional Healing — BetteHanson.com #bethechange #bethetruth #adyashanti #truthbetold #awskening #spiritualawakening #beingness #universaltruth #selfdevelopment #spiritualtransformation
Rhonda Battisto November 18 at 10:04 AM · Today's FB Live Qigong Practice ~ Love, Kindness, and Forgiveness with Compassion! https://www.facebook.com/rhonda.battisto/videos/10221951279989142/
Today's FB Live Qigong Practice ~ Love, Kindness, and Forgiveness with Compassion! https://www.facebook.com/rhonda.battisto/videos/10221951279989142/
Wonder Horse: Qigong Healer November 17 at 8:35 PM · My first Facebook Live Video from this morning: 30 minutes of healing qigong practice leadership with 'love radiators' from all around the globe. What fun! Today's theme: Good, Better, Best! https://youtu.be/4B82QEnSafQ Your Likes & Comments are most welcome! I will lead again Wed. & Thurs. 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. CST this week. Check back for those video links later in the week, too!
My first Facebook Live Video from this morning: 30 minutes of healing qigong practice leadership with 'love radiators' from all around the globe. What fun! Today's theme: Good, Better, Best! https://youtu.be/4B82QEnSafQ Your Likes & Comments are most welcome! I will lead again Wed. & Thurs. 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. CST this week. Check back for those video links later in the week, too!
Reva Rasmussen is pleased to offer pay what you can Reiki Sessions. MEETUP.COM Pay what you can Reiki Healing Sessions
New online Workshop - https://mailchi.mp/1fb5bab0c936/new-online-workshop
Hyperlinks now fixed, sorry. MAILCHI.MP Tools for your Healing Journey (Hyperlinks now are working, sorry) Cornelia Elsaesser January 27 at 9:13 AM · Newsletter with Hyperlinks fixed, sorry, Mailchimp messed it up.
This is a fabulous collaboration between several amazing teachers and Master healers. We will talk about where you are in your journey to an authentic you, there is Constellations with Katherine Curran Numerology with Master Numerologist Wes Hamilton , Astrology with Christopher Largent and yours truly, and Walking in your shoes with Patricia Beck , I will show you in your Kirlian picture what might be holding you back and am a resource for you to check in with. You can also just book single units. It is though really designed to guide you through an awakening journey. Please take a look and sign up if you are called to it. Namaste. MEETUP.COM Tools for your Journey to Authenticity


Company name
Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts


  • What is the phone number for Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts in Little Canada MN?
    You can reach them at: 651-683-2942. It’s best to call Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts during business hours.
  • What is the address for Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts on little canada in Little Canada?
    Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts is located at this address: 11 Little Canada Rd E Little Canada, MN 55117.
  • What are Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts(Little Canada, MN) store hours?
    Holistic Gateway, Center for the Healing Arts store hours are as follows: Mon: Closed, Tue-Wed: 10:00AM - 5:00PM, Thu: 9:00AM - 4:00PM, Fri: 12:00PM - 4:00PM, Sat: 10:00AM - 2:00PM, Sun: Closed.