As a holistic physician with extensive training in physical medicine, Dennis W. Fera, MD, attended Medical School at SUNY Syracuse, and interned at St. Luke's Hospital in Cleveland. He completed his residency in Rehabilitation Medicine at New York University. to further enhance his range of treatment options and support the body's natural healing processes, Dr. Fera has studied various complementary therapies. These included, but are not limited to, Nutritional Medicine, Chelation and other Intravenous Therapies, Osteopathic Manipulation, Prolotherapy, Neural Therapy and others. He continues to study new and advanced uses of these therapies and updates on the current research regarding the use of supplements, intravenous treatments and other therapies. Dr. Fera believes that healing is best accomplished when spiritual, emotional, mental and physical issues are all addressed, and offers therapies to address all of these issues.